Super Tycoon

Chapter 292: Nintendo's rant

In two weeks, Nintendo's sales in North America reached 1.07 million units, and dealers in various states have begun to rush the goods because many stores have been out of stock.

If the supply is timely, they say this data can increase by 30%.

Nintendo's side is also unambiguous. It directly chartered a plane and transported N64 from the island country to the United States. At the same time, it urged the factory to work overtime and overtime. The first shot was fired, and the back could not be dumb.

The original logistics transportation from the island country to the United States was mainly freighters, which is slow, but the transportation volume is large and the price is cheap. But now there is no time.

Nintendo's miscalculation of the American market caused them to pay extra transportation costs. However, it is the phenomenon of shortage of products that has caused a shortage of products, but has allowed Nintendo to save a lot of advertising costs and has also improved its performance.

At this time, Nintendo's vice president, on behalf of Nintendo, announced: "Our sales volume this year will exceed 5 million units, and next year's sales will exceed 10 million units."

"The reason why we didn't make 32-bit game consoles is to bring players more fun 64-bit game consoles. We will follow the usual practice and provide game consoles to players at the cheapest price to fight for every family You can afford a game console and you can relax with games."

"In terms of video game consoles, no company is better than us, and the same is true for handhelds. Within two years, Nintendo will definitely upgrade the GB to meet the requirements of players."

"I advise all game console manufacturers not to sell game consoles with us at the same time, lest you can't sell them, you can only pile up in the warehouse and get ash."

After these remarks came out, many people felt that Nintendo was too crazy, but Nintendo had crazy capital. If it is not a restriction on production capacity and logistics, Nintendo's N64 should be able to sell two million units in a month.

Some people even say that if Nintendo makes more preparations and sells them globally, perhaps within a month, global sales can approach 10 million units.

Nintendo's limelight is unique.

Zhang Yang was undeniable after hearing Matsuda Shiji's retelling.

The previous life Nintendo was crazy, and did not even look at other competitors. Before the twenty-first century, Nintendo had no real opponents for twenty years, and the boss seated firmly.

But wait until the 21st century, Schneider's PS2 gave Nintendo a lesson, and then launched PSP, suppressing Nintendo's GB.

Finally, when Nintendo began to adjust its strategy and re-suppressed Niuni, Microsoft came again to blend in. Nintendo still lost many years in TV game consoles.

Later, after Nintendo paid more attention to the development of the game, it regained its status.

In this life, Nintendo will add some competitors, such as Zhiduoxing, which is an accident.

"Matsuda, you don't need to pay attention to this matter. Pay attention to Sega and Bandai. If these two companies have signs of merger, then they are a rival."

Sega ranked second among game console manufacturers before, but it is now similar to that of Schneider, 3DO and Zhiduoxing, which is slightly worse than Nintendo.

Bandai owns the top copyright of anime in the island market, and many of them have many fans all over the world. If the two merged, selling these fan games would make them profitable.

Bandai has no experience in game development and no experience in game console production, all of which are owned by Sega. And Sega also has sales channels, the two cooperation, absolutely 1+1>2.

"Mr. Zhang, I really heard a few days ago that Sega's deputy president, Ogawa, has been in contact with Bandai. The two sides have been in contact very frequently."

"While companies such as Nangong Meng and Sami have less and less contact with Bandai, I think the two companies really mean to merge."

Matsuda Shiji thinks Zhang Yang is simply a man of God. Last year, he considered this possibility. At that time, Bandai had not announced that he would find another company to merge.

After the merger, Zhang Yang made him pay the most attention to Sega. It now appears that it will come true.

"In this case, it seems that there is no way to stop it. Try to contact Nangong Meng, Sami and other companies to see if they can cooperate with them."

Those two companies also have a lot of copyrights for precious games. If they can be transplanted to Zhiduoxing G, they will definitely stimulate sales. If there is an exclusive starter, sales will inevitably skyrocket.

Using games to drive console sales, Nintendo is doing very well in this regard. In the future, Chang Ni will also rely on this and do exceptionally well.

However, Zhang Yang knows that Nintendo has a shortcoming, that is, Nintendo does not pay enough attention to many markets, and there are not enough game consoles and game language versions.

Their main markets are island countries and North America, so the main language versions are Japanese and English, and it is precisely because of this that some of their market development is not particularly good.

On the European side, they mainly develop only the French version, not even the Russian and Arabic versions. This is a large language with a large population.

Of course, in the future in the past, Nintendo still developed these two markets, even earlier than that developed by Chang Ni, but that is what happened in these two markets.

Zhiduoxing is another development strategy. Like Changi, it adds multiple language versions and cooperates with some European game manufacturers to allow them to develop games that run on their own game consoles.

Zhiduoxing has seven agents in Europe and can implement software in seven and there is also a foundry there that can produce game discs.

At this point, Zhang Yang feels that Zhiduoxing is at the forefront, but although he moves faster, he still does not make money, and even some language versions are developed to lose money.

Nintendo believes that the circulation of English is very wide, and many people can understand English. Even some games, in fact, do not have high language requirements, such as fighting games, which are two sides fighting, is it important to say?

But if it can be developed well, it will definitely make those players happier, but at an extra cost.

Now Nintendo is vigorously developing Spanish, but it is not enough. However, they gave up the development of more language versions, because the number of people used is too small, it is not worth it.

And Zhiduoxing has started to develop Arabic, Spanish and Italian. As for another big language, Hindi, it was abandoned by Zhiduoxing because English is also very popular in India. At least most of the rich people can speak English. Coupled with the Indian market at this time, it is not as good as China.

While Zhiduoxing was quietly preparing here, Nintendo broke the bad news again.

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