Super Tycoon

Chapter 299: This is disrupting market order

"Ziduoxing launched the Atari game collection? It's quite fast, how much does it cost?" asked Gao Shanyan, the person in charge of Sudney.

The subordinate said nothing, but handed the price list in his hand to Gao Shanyan.

"5,000 yen? How could it be so cheap? The handheld game card is only 5,000 yen?"

At this time, in the island market, a normal good game is priced at more than 5,000 yen. The fire sequel, even the price will exceed 10,000 yen, and the price of 3D games can be more than 20,000 yen. JPY.

Although Atari’s games are a bit old, Nintendo’s FC cassettes are still selling for thousands of yen. There are hundreds of games in this Atari collection. Why sell them so cheap?

With so many games added together at this price, how much can you sell to pay back? Do you need money to buy games? Do you need money to produce game discs and release CDs?

If so, what is their gross profit, 1,000 yen?

It is rumored that Zhiduoxing bought the copyright of the game for five million dollars and also owed millions of dollars in debt. Although some debts have been stripped off through a series of financial measures, at least five million dollars?

With a cost of 10 million US dollars, this one's gross profit is only 10 US dollars. Wouldn't it be necessary to sell one or two million copies to protect the capital?

Even if the debt stripping is not good, then you have to sell more to protect the capital, because many debts accumulate over time, but also increase interest.

Not to mention the cost of the game transfer platform, translation, etc., as well as the cost of advertising and promotion, etc. Is Zhiduoxing making money at a loss?

The price of Chiduoxing's games is generally very low, but in fact, Chen Ni and other colleagues are very dissatisfied, and this time it is even more excessive!

At the same time, Nintendo and others are dissatisfied with the low prices of games released by Zhiduoxing. The N64, which took a few years to develop, really didn't make any money, just waiting to make money from games.

As a result, this comparison affects the sales of the game.

The bulk of Nintendo's profits are games. If this piece is affected, their overall profits will decline. And games can drive the sales of the console. Although the console does not make money, can anyone who buys the console buy more games?

In this process of mutual promotion, if there is a problem in one link, there will be problems in the whole.

If the sales of the console are affected by the game, you are a big blow to Nintendo. Let's say that Nintendo's previous two generations of home game consoles each sold tens of millions of units, which also made Nintendo's games sell well and made full profits.

Before VB hit the street, GBP was pushed to the market, and the performance was not particularly good. It was crushed by Zhiduoxing Z2, and it was even thought that the function of the backlight was to imitate the trend.

This time when the N64 was introduced to the market, some people said that their gamepad was imitated, and God knows that this is a design they had long ago, and it has been completed long ago.

Regarding this, Nintendo is still in the lawsuit, but there have been no results in several court sessions.

This time it was Zhiduoxing, and Nintendo felt it was intolerable. They must talk to Zhiduoxing. Everyone should compete according to the rules, and don’t ruin the market that was hard to develop.


Zhang Yang was in class. Suddenly the phone rang. He quietly slipped out of the back door and answered the phone: "What's the matter?"

There is a special lesson this afternoon, Secretary Xiao Wang knows, how could he call at this time?

"Mr. Zhang, representatives of the island countries such as Nintendo, Schneider, Sega and other companies have come over and said they want to talk to you about the game release."

"They are all in the office, are you here?"

Zhang Yang looked at it and was about to end the get out of class. It seems that he could only go back to the book to study for himself. Without the vivid lecture notes in the professor's class, he doesn't know if he can really understand.

But the representatives of the top global game console manufacturers are here, and he has to come forward, lest the gangs unite to target Zhiduoxing.

Back at the company, the representatives were drinking tea in the reception room. When Zhang Yang pushed the door in, they all stood up.

"Welcome a few to come to Zhiduoxing Company. I heard that you want to talk to me, is it about cooperation?"

"Is it possible to cooperate? I will talk about it later. I will talk to you this time about the game's release." Matsushima Shinji, head of Nintendo's China Office, is very serious.

Zhang Yang glanced at Matsushima Zhenyi: "These two have the same attitude as Nintendo? Is this going to survive under Nintendo's wings in the future?"


Sega and Schneider's representatives replied at the same time that they would not surrender to Nintendo, everyone just came together to talk to Zhiduoxing this time.

Zhang Yang saw that the three people were so distracted that they knew they wanted too much, and they would not cooperate at all.

Suddenly, the Sega Bandai Company also has the confidence to challenge Nintendo. Nintendo guards them from being too late. How can they cooperate? Unless these two companies recognize Nintendo's dominance, then there are so few possibilities.

"Then what you are going to talk about is a question? President Songdo said?" Zhang Yang deliberately left out the two, to highlight Matsushima Shinji and Nintendo.

Matsushima Shinji is also not polite, and he has a decisive posture: "Chapter, the price of the game discs sold by your company is too low. Some ordinary games, you sell them cheaper, it is normal, but some popular games, you It’s still so cheap, isn’t it suitable?"

"Everyone is a peer, and we know that we don't make money making game consoles. We make money by selling games. Like Songxia, if we want to make money from game consoles, we can only fail."

"Your game price is too low, it will affect the order of the entire industry. In the future, players feel that the price of the game is high, and they are unwilling to buy it. It is all of us who lose."

"And the low price of the game will also reduce the enthusiasm of the game company to develop new games. Have you never thought about these issues?"

Zhang Yang leaned on the tilted Erlang's legs: "Is President Songdo accusing me? Are you sure you represent Nintendo? I advise you to speak with politeness."

"You said that if I let Zhiduoxing cooperate with any of your companies, would your boss agree? I said that some people must be fired and never hired. Will they agree?"

Working part by part, playing with his boss?

"You said that I disturbed the market order, so who set this order? It seems that the highest-priced game is only Nintendo. Are there any Sega and Senny? Are your royalties as high as Nintendo?"

"We change the order and let the game development company make the same profit as the game machine manufacturer. Isn't this bad? The enthusiasm of the game manufacturer should be higher?"

"At this point, it seems that Seni and Sega are also doing it. Hasn't your game price decreased this time? Nintendo has launched a new game console, 64-bit, but it is better than our 32-bit one. Want to see Nintendo continue to dominate?"

Saying this, Shinji Matsushima's complexion changed.

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