Super Tycoon

Chapter 300: Establish a new order

"Chapter, don't quibble! Without you disturbing the market order, we can all get a higher profit. What is the relationship between the lower revenue of the game company and us?"

"Large companies have the ability to develop more and more fun games. As long as our console sales are high, they will not worry about sales and profits. Small companies will be replaced by other companies if you can’t keep it up. You know every day to register How many game companies are there?"

Matsushima Shinji couldn't let the other two agree with Zhang Yang's point of view. Originally Nintendo finally set this kind of rule, and it is also more friendly to game machine manufacturers. Why should you change it?

"Nintendo basically doesn't develop any masterpieces of its own, but it seems that both Schneider and Sega Bandai are developing games? You can calculate for yourself whether it is cost-effective to increase the price of the game or reduce the cost-effectiveness. Your products are more like and more loyal?"

"People who are used to the boss do not like to give up their seats. Under their rules, they cannot be defeated. But if the new rules are changed, everything will change."

"We have to think about the issue from the consumer's perspective. What consumers like, we will do it. Of course, if you don't make money, it will definitely not work."

"Small profits but quick turnover, this is the truth that businessmen know, I think the three must be clear?"

Matsushima Zhenji immediately interrupted Zhang Yang’s words: “What is profitable and fast selling is simply a fallacy. The market is so big, you sell at a high price, and they will buy it at the same time. If you sell at a low price, how much sales can you increase? Here, you sell cheaper, how many game consoles and how many game discs do you sell?"

Song Dao really thinks Zhang Yang is wrong. For example, if the market is saturated with 10 million units, you will sell it for 1,000 yuan and it will be saturated soon. If you sell for 2,000 yuan, it may take two to three years to saturate, but Your profits have more than doubled. Of course, normal people choose the second method.

In any case, the goal of doing business is to make more money. How to make more money, of course.

Zhang Yang opened a jar of Jianlibao and said everything was dry.

"Matsushima, didn't you find that the market has been expanding? Ten years ago, how many annual sales of game consoles in the entire market were 10 million? Now? What about 20 million?"

"And who is occupying the expanded market? Most of it is occupied by the market leader, which is your Nintendo. Every time it seems that Sega and other companies are going to rise, they are repressed by Nintendo, effortlessly ."

Sega's representative looked a bit ugly when he heard this sentence. Although Sega is not as good as Nintendo, it was once the second in the industry, and once suppressed Nintendo in the American market. Did Zhang Yang say so unbearable?

"Now, some former game console manufacturers have withdrawn from the market, such as NEC, such as Atari, and many short-lived game console manufacturers."

"Including 3DO, which was very popular in the past two years, I heard that there are problems now, and the next generation of R&D plans have stopped. And we, Zhiduoxing and Chen Ni, are rising stars."

"If anyone's game console sales reached 10 million before, it would be considered a huge success, but now, our Zhiduoxing G and Chang Ni PS1 can exceed this data, are we considered a huge success? Is the limelight still Nintendo? of."

"Which of the markets that were vacated after exiting was ours or Nintendo? The limelight of the N64, as you all saw, do you really want to help Nintendo continue to hold its leading position?"

Matsushima Shinji was exploding quickly. The three of them came together and represented the top three companies in the industry. They thought that they could be overwhelmed by Zhiduoxing and accept their rules.

But Zhang Yangjukuu directed their spearheads to their Nintendo, and now when they look at the representatives of Sega and Chang Ni, it seems that their expressions have changed, and they even distanced themselves from him.

These two idiots, why did your company send you here? Although this rule is good for our Nintendo, is it not good for you, Ninja and Sega?

Is it not good for you to develop under our Nintendo? You have to challenge our status as Nintendo.

Until now, Matsushima Shinji still believes that Nintendo's position as the industry leader will not be shaken, but looking at the expressions of the two, it is estimated that they are waiting to pull Nintendo down!

"Don't be fooled by Zhang's words, they just launched two generations of handhelds, and now they can fight with our GB Chamber. What they rely on is the low price, which harms the interests of all our manufacturers."

"If Zhiduoxing continues to take this route, keep the price low in the next generation of game consoles, keep the game price very low, they can rise, but can you two?"

"The cost of game development is not high, but the cost of production and distribution is not low. Do you have cheap development costs over there at Huaxia? Are there sufficiently low production costs? Will those publishers agree to such low prices?"

"Once the game company is out of your camp, what will the end be like, you think about it. If you are willing to be trampled by Zhiduoxing, then when I did not say."

"According to what we have discussed before, if Zhiduoxing does not agree to increase the price of the game, it is our common enemy. Everyone should join forces to block them in the game and drive them out of the market!"

Matsushima really tried to persuade the two, but the two were considering another matter. Games are fundamental. If they can launch some fun and popular games at a low price, they will inevitably attract many players.

And relying on the sales of games ~ ~ can also drive the sales of game consoles. People who buy a new game console will not only play one game. This is a virtuous circle.

Therefore, the price reduction of some games is actually feasible. But the overall price reduction is open to question.

Their game development costs are high, so why can't they purchase games from Huaxia? Just like they used to buy cheap games from Treasure Island.

Among them, the representative of Chang Ni thinks the most. The company’s strategy, he is clear, is to hoard game copyrights, attract more game companies to join their camp, relying on the huge number of games, and later come up.

Zhang Yang looked at both of them silently and glanced at Matsushima Shinji: "I know, you want to unite with them and impose sanctions on Zhiduoxing. It seems that today it is impossible to talk, I will not Follow Nintendo’s commands."

"My point of view, the price of the game should be cheaper. I think it's a hundred dollars high. Since none of us can convince each other, it's up to the market to decide."

A few days later, a new game that was promoted for a while was launched, and Zhiduoxing G was exclusively launched.

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