Super Tycoon

Chapter 307: Microsoft is also involved

The game console market is more popular than many people think. Before the 32-bit machine war, they thought it was the peak. But with the listing of Nintendo N64, the market has become more prosperous.

Although Atari and NEC have all withdrawn from the market, the overall sales of game consoles have increased a lot compared to the same period in previous years.

This is not only for home game consoles, but also for arcade machines and handhelds. This has also attracted more attention from enterprises. Can they share a slice of soup?

For example, Sanling, the previous Nintendo FC and SFC cooperated with them, but behind it, there was a problem in the direction of development. Nintendo was thrown away, and I found a long-term cooperation.

Then Nintendo felt that Schneider's ambition was too great, and found Philips to cooperate. To put it bluntly, Nintendo's hardware technology is actually not outstanding. They need to cooperate with top consumer electronics companies to develop a game console with excellent performance and low cost.

The production of game consoles is mainly divided into two aspects, one is hardware, and the other is software. The representatives of hardware companies entering the game console industry are Chang Ni and Song Xia. Among them, the 3DO camp of Song Xia is also going downhill now, but it is still vigorously advancing.

At this time, some software companies also want to join them.

Redmond, United States, Washington State.

Microsoft executives are sitting together for a meeting, and they discuss how they can continue to increase the company's revenue.

Since they launched WIN95, the company's revenue has skyrocketed. Facts have proved that WIN95 is a more concise operating system than the DOS system, and many operations can be achieved with only one mouse, which is very popular in the market.

Even Microsoft has been negotiating with some computer manufacturers to pre-install their Microsoft operating system directly on their computers, nominally to give users a better experience, in fact, to better promote their systems , Completely wipe out DOS and other operating systems.

In addition to the operating system, Microsoft also has other software products such as office software. They are not ranked first in the software industry at this time, but the upward trend is the most fierce.

Microsoft also firmly believes that their next-generation operating system will be more popular in the market, thereby establishing their market dominance until they become absolute overlords.

Apple had previously cooperated with the Bandai company of the island country to produce a game console, but because of the differences in the cooperation concepts between the two parties, the quality of the developed products was worrying, and the failure to seize third-party game manufacturers resulted in a serious shortage of games , So it failed.

Although Microsoft has not done it, but it is confident to develop a better operating system for game consoles, and even develop some games. How can their strength not be qualified to enter this market?

"Paul and Steve, we must increase the company's business scope and product variety. I think the game market is a market that can't be ignored."

Paul Allen looked at Bill Gates helplessly: "Bill, we have never made such a product at all, don't forget that Apple failed before long."

"Experience is very important in this respect. We rush into it, which may cause great losses to the company. We plan to launch the next generation operating system next year, and all the work focus should be placed on this."

"At this time, distraction will cause problems in the development of both products, and it will not pay off."

Steve Ballmer had a different opinion: "Bill, I think Bill's idea is good. How difficult is it to develop a game console system? We also have a good relationship with those hardware manufacturers. Find them to cooperate and develop. A game console should not be difficult."

"Now in our American market, it is full of foreign game console products. Once the hottest Atari on our side has disappeared. This is our good opportunity to enter the market."

Paul Allen knocked on the table with his hand: "So why did Atari disappear? Because they went bankrupt and were acquired. Old companies like Atari, once once the leader, have all failed. Where did you come from? Confident success?"

"Hardware manufacturers' relationship with us can only be said to be good, but it is not intimate. Working with them to make sure that we can become the leader? Think of Apple's cooperation with Bandai, this is a lesson."

Bill Gates asked at this time: "If we work with a company that has experience in making game consoles? They complete the hardware themselves, and we will provide a better operating system. Do you still object to this?"

Paul Allen froze for a moment: "Which company has experience?"

Under normal circumstances, experienced companies have their own partners. And for a game console manufacturer, they pay more attention to software than hardware, because they mainly profit from selling game software, and must participate in the development of their own platforms.

"Sega Bandai."

"Sega Bandai? Will they agree to work with us?" Paul Allen finds it incredible. This is currently the second-ranked company in the industry. After the merger, it has been highly anticipated by players.

And the strength of these two companies is also good, why do they cooperate with Microsoft?

"Nothing is impossible. On Sega Bandai's next-generation game consoles, they hope to be able to connect to the Internet, allowing some games to play against other players through the network, have rankings, and so on."

"A good software can also improve the performance of game consoles, can't you deny this? We are good software companies, and may even be the best in the future."

"How about this selling point for a game console with Internet access? After the merger between Sega and Bandai, UU Reading holds the copyright of the game that many players expect, which is the basis of success."

"If this cooperation is successful, then in the future, we can do the game console ourselves. A company called Zhiduoxing from Huaxia, which took only a few years from scratch, is now the top three in the industry. If we launch a game console, it will definitely sell better."

Paul Allen couldn't help pouring cold water: "Bill, what are our strengths? We are completely new in game consoles. Even in software, we are not the industry's first. Although our reputation has risen in the past two years, we can still return Not enough. Don’t forget our original goal. We want to be the number one in the software industry, and let everyone know our company and be willing to use our products."

"Cooperating with Sega Bandai, if it can be negotiated, I have no objection, but if Microsoft wants to make its own game console, I disagree. How many of you, what opinion?"

After several directors expressed their opinions, Bill Gates also knew that it is not realistic to directly make game consoles, but no one objected to the cooperation with Sega Bandai.

Three days later, Microsoft and Sega Bandai also announced that they will jointly develop Sega's new generation of 128-bit game consoles, which will bring players the ultimate gaming experience.

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