Super Tycoon

Chapter 308: Interface peripherals

Microsoft has cooperated with Sega Bandai, which did not surprise Zhang Yang. The partner of the previous generation of Sega’s seventh-generation game console was Microsoft, which eventually changed its name to DC, which is the dream casting. It did not follow Uranus they said before, nor was it the initial set of the demon sword. This life does not know what it will be.

However, the DCs of the previous Sega still failed because their games were too few and the storage cores used were also problematic. After being cracked, piracy was rampant.

Many people say that it is competitors who usually hack the other party's game platform. I can't produce your pirated version, but you can make your platform code public and let others produce it.

In this way, no one knows that I did it, and at the same time, you are also damaged and unable to compete with me.

It was just the failure of the previous life, but this life is not necessarily necessary, because Sega Bandai merged, Sega Guang is developing some Wandai animation copyrights, and will not sell badly in the island market.

The previous Sega has withdrawn from the game console market after the millennium and concentrated on making game software. It will also develop well in the future. After a merger, it has survived.

Only now, things have changed. Zhang Yang felt his prophetic effect on the market became weaker, but he found it more interesting.

At least he also knows the development direction of the game market, in this regard will definitely not fall behind, and even will be in the forefront and become a pioneer.

The competitors that Zhang Yang had in mind before were only Nintendo and Schneider, and Sega hadn’t put it in their eyes, but now they have to add it again.

In this year's ranking of game console manufacturers, Zhiduoxing has jumped to the second place in the industry, thanks to the hot sales of Zhiduoxing Z2.

In the sales of home game consoles, Zhiduoxing does not have much advantage over other 32-bit machines. Chang Ni and 3DO also sell well. Although Sega's Saturn has fallen behind, it also has a lot of sales.

With the injury of N64, these 32-bit machines are actually in a backward stage.

Nintendo and Schneider together promote the characteristics of 3D games and fight against other 2D game console manufacturers. But the current 3D game is too far away from what Zhang Yang had seen in his previous life.

In Zhang Yang's mind, this is at most 2.5D, which still does not meet the requirements of 3D, or the requirements of various manufacturers for 3D are too low.

Because of this, the concept of 3D is hot, but 3D games are not selling as well as they thought, and 2D games are still mainstream.

Zhang Yang looked at the current evaluation of the performance of various game consoles by some relevant media. In addition to the handle and storage format, the Zhiduoxing G has a good evaluation, and the other evaluations are not high.

Fortunately, even Nintendo's N64, the most advanced gaming console at this time, still has its shortcomings, that is, the cassette storage mode that Nintendo insists on.

Starting from FC, Nintendo's games are stored in cassettes. This logo is easy to recognize, but the shortcomings have long been said. The storage space is large and the cassette interface is easy to fall, resulting in contact failure.

And Nintendo also said that the reason why their game cassettes are expensive is because of the high cost of cassettes. Players are not happy, there are low-cost CD-ROM and VCD-ROM, you use it.

People have 700M of storage space for one disc, is this not enough?

Nintendo's cassettes also have a disadvantage, that is, it is inconvenient to store. Take a look at other people's CDs and VCDs, put them in a compact disc box, you can put them on the shelves, drawers, or even next to the game console. It looks fine.

Nintendo's cassettes can't be stacked at all. Putting them in a drawer is the best choice. And every time you want to play any game, you have to rummage first, which will make it very messy.

Every game console currently on the market has bad reviews and has obvious shortcomings. Zhang Yang also decided to make some minor repairs to Zhiduoxing G. Before the dance pad peripherals and the miniaturized Zhiduoxing G were launched, a new peripheral was first introduced, just like the original vibration handle.

This product's research and development ideas come from the expansion of peripherals on future USB ports on computers.

The phone on the table rang. After Zhang Yang connected, he hung up after listening to a few words and got up and walked out of the office.

Coming to a small reception room, someone is connecting the game console to the TV, but there are four gamepads on the table, and the Zhiduoxing G actually only has two gamepad interfaces.

Now many games can actually be played by two or more people. For example, the new Journey to the West is released on Zhiduoxing, and there are some previous game that can support up to four people to play at the same time.

In the average family, there are very few people playing the game console together, but in many game halls, multiple people can play together, and the boss can make an extra profit.

"Tested, is that thing okay?"

Sun Tengfei said with a happy face: "No problem. I have tested it many times. At present, I have not found any bugs. There were some errors before, and they have been patched. But to use this, you must first install a software patch package."

After the completion of the operation position, the screen of the Journey to the West was displayed on the TV. Zhang Yang picked up a handle and selected the character, and then used the other three handles to select the character separately.

After a simple trial, it will work, but it is not enough.

"Call them in again and try them together."

Two more people came in, all of them holding gamepads in their hands and playing games together. The screen works normally and there seems to be no problem.

"Everyone presses the A key at the same time."

"Okay, press B at the same time."

"You two press A, take off, you press B with me."

Zhang Yang is conducting tests in different ways to avoid key failures, which would affect the gaming experience too much. The grumpy, suddenly the keys are not easy to use, the character is killed, or the handle may be dropped, or even the machine.

"Stop for a while and try the old handle again."

The old handle was tested, and the new and old handles were mixed. After these were all ok, Zhang Yang nodded with satisfaction: " pause."

Take down the peripheral device, Zhang Yang looked at the product in his hand, one end connected to the game console, and the other end was divided into three, which can be connected to three game controllers at the same time, so that the game console that could only be used by two people became Four people can play at the same time.

In the past, Zhiduoxing donated an extra vibrating handle, and some people bought an extra vibrating handle, which caused a lot of game handles at home, which was completely wasted.

But with this peripheral, it can be reused.

"How much does this thing cost?"

"The cost of developing a patch package is about 300,000. The cost of producing this one is about 38 yuan. However, if you find a foundry, the production cost may rise to about fifty."

At present, the sales of Zhiduoxing G have exceeded 10 million units, even if only 10% of people buy it, then there are one million sales, and one earning 10 yuan is a profit of 10 million.

"This product is priced at RMB 100 in China, 1,200 yen in the island market, and 20 US dollars in Europe and the United States. Please notify the agent."

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