Super Tycoon

Chapter 348: Can this be done?

At this time, Jiu Duoliangjian, who has been promoted by the vice president of Suzy, looked at the shipment report of last month and felt that it was not right. The shipment of Zhiduoxing G series was too high. The dancing machine has such a strong appeal. ?

   "Take me over the weekly shipment statistics from last month."

   Assistant went out immediately and took over the weekly sales statistics.

  Kutaragi Kin looked carefully, there was no problem in the first week of last month, and no problem in the second week. Starting in the third week, the shipment of Zhiduoxing GMINI surged, and in the fourth week it jumped to a new level again.

   This is not correct. Although the peripherals of the dancing machine are good, it can be used for both Chisato G and Chisung GMINI. It is said that most of the peripherals for dancing machines should have Chisos G, but how can the sales of Chisos GMINI be so high?

   "Is this data obtained from the retailer?"

   "Yes, there is also a comparison with the statistics of several media, and the error is within 10,000 units."

  Because the statistical cut-off time is different, there will naturally be some errors. Ten thousand units compared to millions of sales, it is nothing.

   "Why did their sales increase again in the next two weeks? The peripherals of the dance mat did not increase that much, and there must be a problem here. Go and understand now, what is the reason for this and give you an hour."

  After his subordinates went out, Kutaragi Kin lit a cigarette.

   As the first person in charge of the Schneider PS project, in fact, when he launched the SFC in cooperation with Nintendo, he began to study the game console technology. First launch https://https://

  Chang Ni parted ways with Nintendo, he also quickly led the team, developed the PS1, and tried to win over many third-party game manufacturers, and strengthened the Chou Ni camp.

   When the PS1 was first introduced to the market, there were no other 3D-capable game consoles on the market. By virtue of this selling point, Chang Ni was unique.

   However, in terms of sales, Chang Ni did not do this, and even several times to rise, were suppressed by Zhiduoxing.

   Then the Nintendo N64 went on sale. The same 3D features, more fun games, and cheaper prices made PS sales plummet.

  Chang Ni thought to open up other markets, selling PS game consoles all over the world, but found that Zhiduoxing had already taken a step ahead. He never imagined that there are people with such long-term strategic vision in places like China.

  Chang Ni is not only PS, but also other products such as the Walkman, so to explore the market, the cost is not high for Chang Ni, but for Zhiduoxing company, it is inevitable to lose money in some markets.

   would rather lose money, but also to promote, this heart is so firm.

   Afterwards, Ni Ni developed a lot of game masterpieces, and then found MJ endorsement, I thought it could reverse the world. But who thought that Zhiduoxing not only re-developed ET, but also won the game rights of Star Wars. In North America alone, it has driven at least one million console sales.

   thought that the life of Zhiduoxing was almost the same, and the final sales should be fixed at less than 20 million units, but Zhiduoxing launched the dancing pad peripherals at this time.

  Don't think about it, when Zhiduoxing is a dancing arcade machine, I'm afraid it's already counted to this point. Zhiduoxing has a very powerful decision-maker who takes one step to see three steps.

  Just when they couldn't understand why Zhiduoxing spent a lot of money to develop MINI, suddenly MINI's sales began to skyrocket, and the increase was inexplicable, completely not in line with market laws.

   During this time, there is no new game masterpiece, no promotional activities, and no new peripherals, so why would players be willing to buy a higher-priced GMINI GMINI, instead of GDS?

   It seems unreasonable to look at it inside, he must figure out the doorway inside.

  At the same time, Nintendo, Sega Bandai, etc. are also looking at sales statistics, unbelievable. Why does the game machine of Zhiduoxing sell so well?

   Even if there is a good peripheral, it can be calculated according to the sales of the peripheral, and it should not be the case. It can't be said that everyone who bought the peripherals of the dance pad bought the Chitarus GMINI, right?

   An hour later, there were two more documents on Kutaragi's desk.

  A copy of the sales statistics for the arcade market, especially for new game motherboards. There is also a contract signed by Zhiduoxing Company with some arcade halls.

   "Chi multi-star GMINI to replace the arcade motherboard?" Kutaragi murmured to himself, can it still do so?

   Game consoles are mainly divided into arcade machines, home game consoles and portable handhelds. In the handheld market, the sales of Zhiduoxing Z2 are the best. Nintendo's GB series ranks second with a share of 64.

In the home game console market, Nintendo only occupies 30% at this time, Chang Ni also occupies 25%, and Zhiduoxing occupies 45%, and this gap is still widening rapidly.

   Two months ago, this year's home game console market, Nintendo still occupies 50%, and Chang Ni and Zhi Duoxing each accounted for about 25%.

  In just two months, Zhiduoxing turned over powerfully, and his status reversed instantly. Fortunately, they have been good at the development of the Eurasian market during this time, otherwise the market share may be less than 20%.

  Originally in the arcade market, Sami is the industry leader, accounting for more than 60% of the global market share, and several other companies have less than 10% market share.

   But now, Zhiduoxing has invaded the arcade market, and last month ~ ~ lowered Sami's market share to 35%, and other companies' share was more than half eaten up.

   Zhiduoxing has become the leader of the arcade market!

   He understands why the sales of Chisato GMINI has grown so rapidly. In just one week, sales have increased by more than one million units.

   The fundamental reason is that Zhiduoxing used MINI to occupy the arcade market, which is too crazy!

  Do you worry about Sami's counterattack? As strong as Nintendo, it has never competed with other companies in the arcade market, only sold some game licenses.

   However, Zhiduoxing Company wanted to start a third-line battle, but it was still in a leading position.

   Kutaragi Ken was afraid, if Zhiduoxing Company succeeds, an industry hegemon that is more terrible than Nintendo will emerge in the future, which is absolutely not enough!

  Isn't it just to replace arcade machines with home game consoles, Zhiduoxing can do it, and their smart technology is definitely better, and they can certainly do it. Moreover, PS has 3D function, is this an initiative on the arcade?ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   The original home game has been made smaller, and the heat dissipation function has been added. Several software packages have been added to allow the arcade screen and joystick to be connected.

   Maybe some changes can be made. We directly provide an LCD screen and an external battery block. Isn't that PS can be used as a portable game console?

   Attacking Zhiduoxing, let Nintendo, Sami and other companies take the lead, we also fancy the arcade market!

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