Super Tycoon

Chapter 349: Who is the first in the industry?

   Tokyo Electronic Weekly, a top electronics industry weekly in the island country, the editor in chief at this time is a headache, because the annual special issue is coming out.

  Every year's annual special issue, they will rank some companies and brands in the electronics industry. This ranking has a high degree of authority internationally, because the island's electronics industry is indeed the world's top.

   But this year, there have been some problems.

  The annual ranking of the gaming machine industry, this list is difficult to do.

  The following editors-in-chief have different rankings, and each one has enough reasons for him to decide? Once you get it wrong, keeping readers from buying it has a great influence on their authority.

  How many publications are waiting to surpass or even replace them? There can be no mistakes.

"Chief editor, I think that Zhiduoxing should be ranked first. Whether it is in the field of home game consoles, arcades or handhelds, Zhiduoxing was the first last month. Besides the arcade, the other two are the first in the whole year. First, there is no doubt about the ranking."

"In three directions, Zhiduoxing occupies two firsts, why is it not the industry's first? Nintendo is second in the field of home game consoles and handhelds, and it is no problem to rank second. Cheng Ni ranks third and Sega Bandai fourth. Sami is in fifth place, and I think this ranking is the most reasonable." said a group of editors, Chunshan Shang.

"I disagree. Nintendo has always been the industry's first, although their N64 sales are not the highest, and handheld GB sales were not the highest last year, but their gaming cassettes have the highest profit margins and overall revenue is also above Zhiduoxing. Why is the most profitable company not the industry first?"

   "Again, there are a lot of chances for Zhiduoxing's sales this year. Next year, they will definitely decline. Consumers will definitely choose the more fun N64."

"If we put Zhiduoxing first, Nintendo will overtake next month. At that time, our magazine was just listed, wouldn't it be a joke?" The editor-in-chief of the second group, Ichiro Ueto, glared at Shanshan Chun, you are an islander, how? Can Huaxia's companies rank first in the world?

   If American companies are in front of the ranking, they can still accept, even some European companies, he can pinch his nose to recognize, but Huaxia companies, absolutely not.

   There is a big gap between China and China in terms of technology. They rely on low labor costs and low-cost sales to grab the market.

   The profit margin is not comparable to Nintendo. Can such a company last for a long time? Why should it be ranked above Nintendo? It is good enough to give a second place.

   The editor-in-chief looked at the three groups of editor-in-chief Hisahiro Ichiro: "What about you, what is your reason, and what ranking do you support?"

  Kyuzhao Ichiro looked at his nose, watched his nose, and watched his heart. He had no plans to blend in the matter just now, because in his ranking list, the first and second are blank.

   But the editor-in-chief asked, and he could not help but answer.

   "Chief editor, if calculated according to profit, then the third place should be Sami, and the profit of Shunyi is also very low. If calculated according to sales volume, then Sami should also be fourth, and Sega Bandai ranked fifth."

   "First and second?" The editor-in-chief would not give him a chance to play tricks.

   "Two firsts, no second."

   tied for first place? The editor-in-chief immediately wanted to object, but soon fell into contemplation. This plan seems to be impossible.

   Both sides are not guilty. In the end, whoever wins the two companies next year, their magazines can't be wrong. But will readers buy it? What is the basis for tied first?

   Ichiro Ueto and Jun Ueyama glared at Kyuzo Ichiro, you are harmonious!

   "You immediately come up with a plan for each, and you need to have a detailed formula for calculating the weight. I remember that the magazine has done it before. Whoever has the more convincing formula is to use the plan."

   "This time is related to the authority of our magazine. If we do well, I will give a generous reward. I am already sixty-two years old, and in three years, I plan to retire."

  The words are not finished, but the meaning is already very clear. If any of you do well, then it is possible to sit in my seat in the future.

   Magazine is under the editor-in-chief, these three editors-in-chief, then the future editor-in-chief must also be selected from these three. The selected person can also recommend a subordinate to take over the position of a certain group of editors. Who doesn’t want to argue?


  Zhang Yang’s desk is filled with several magazines and several newspapers, all of which are about the recent global game industry reports, among which the most reported is Zhiduoxing.

  Some magazines ranked Zhiduoxing as the No. 1 in the industry. They believed that Zhiduoxing was rising fast, rare in the world, and that Nintendo had the power to defeat Atari.

   The implication is that Zhiduoxing will defeat Nintendo and secure its position as the industry leader.

  However, some magazines do not think so, because Zhiduoxing's home game consoles are still 32-bit, 2D. Even if the current game is performing well, it will lag behind in the future trend. First launch https://https://

   So Nintendo, with the only 64-bit machine on the market, is the industry leader. And Nintendo announced a few months ago that their color screen GB has been successfully developed and is in the final commissioning stage.

   Relying on this has attracted a lot of players' attention. The colorful Super Mario will definitely be more fun. Starting

   So in 1998, Nintendo will regain the throne of the leader, and being exceeded in a short time does not mean anything. Moreover, in terms of revenue, Zhiduoxing has not exceeded Nintendo.

  In many markets, Zhiduoxing is even losing money.

  The industry's first and second is definitely to choose one from Nintendo and Zhiduoxing. Other companies have no chance. At present, Chang Ni has the largest game camp, but there are not many explosion models, the heritage is much worse, and there is no handheld.

Last year, Sega Bandai mainly cleared inventory and sold hundreds of thousands of handheld ND and Saturn. With such a little sales, some magazines still ranked it as the third position in the industry, putting it at the head of the wordy. on.

   The most frustrating of this is Sami, the once overlord of the arcade industry. The original goal of Sami was to suppress other arcade manufacturers, but he did not expect that Zhiduoxing robbed the market.

   "Mr. Zhang, I heard that the magazines on the other side of the island are also coming out. You said they will rank us first or second?" Secretary Xiao Wang gave Zhang Yang a hot cup of tea.

"What do you think?"

   "I said, don't be angry. The peeiness of the island country must have ranked us second. When did they recognize the technology of our country?"

  Zhang Yang smiled: "It's okay, sometimes I don't recognize it on my mouth, I will admit it in my heart."

  The phone on the table suddenly rang, Zhang Yang grabbed it, and the voice of Matsudajiri came from the receiver: "Boss, the ranking on the island side came out."

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