Super Tycoon

Chapter 357: Funds withdrawn (3/10)

   The time soon came to April, and the Asian financial turmoil that began last year continued.

  However, after Indica signed a new aid agreement with the International Monetary Fund, the foreign exchange market in Southeast Asia has gradually calmed down.

It sounds like the International Monetary Fund helped the inkpad, but in fact the headquarters of the organization is also established in the United States, or the United States is led by it, and it represents the greatest interest, which is still the United States, Wall Street, and some capital predators in Western Europe. Interests.

   After signing this agreement, the economy will be controlled by others in the next few years. But without signing, now the economy is crashing.

   Thinking for a long time, under pressure, Indigo had to humiliately agree to this condition.

   And the international speculators led by Soros began to attack the island nation and Xiangjiang again, hoping to defeat these two world's four major financial markets, so that there will be only two major financial markets in the future.

   And the Asian market must be controlled by them to become a perfect leek field.

   It is a pity that they miscalculated Xiangjiang's strength, or did not expect the mainland to be so ruthless, and took out hundreds of billions of dollars of foreign exchange reserves to rescue the market.

   not only stabilized Xiangjiang's stock price, but also bought a large amount of bonds due.

   In fact, Xiangjiang's crazy bond issuance was the idea of ​​the British people. Anyway, they were leaving, of course they made a lot of money.

   At that time, a large number of bonds were issued, which seemed to make Xiangjiang more prosperous, the infrastructure was better, and the stock market was booming, but the foreign exchange reserves were too low, and when the run-up tide occurred, it could not bear it at all.

   Fortunately, it wasn’t just Xiang Jiang. Even the Australian city had provided a large amount of US dollars to help, and the mainland had provided more assistance. The international speculators attacked twice and suffered both defeats.

   They came here to make money, but they didn't want to make money in other markets, and lost money on the Xiangjiang side. Therefore, the international speculators at this time have been divided into two groups.

Part    thinks that it has earned enough, it is time to go, otherwise the remaining profits will also be taken in, then the effort during this time is not in vain? In addition to making India and other countries into real leeks, they will not have much real benefits.

   There are still some people who think that Xiangjiang and the island nation cannot stand up. If they continue to attack, they will completely destroy these two markets. The economies of South Korea and Treasure Island are also so good, haven't they been cut by them?

   Once the Xiangjiang and island nations are defeated, not only will they be able to make money back, but they will have a higher right to speak and earn more profits in the future.

   At this time, Will had already begun to prepare for withdrawal. It sounds easy to withdraw, but it takes a lot of effort to actually operate.

For example, if you pull up a stock, you double the book, but if you want to throw it all at once, then there is not enough funds to take over, then the price of the stock will continue to decrease, and at the same time, it will not be sold. Your profits will begin to decrease, and there is even the possibility of compensation.

   Will, as a professional financial broker, naturally understands this truth. They are pulling away funds a little bit, anyway, there are many international speculators who have not withdrawn, they will become the perfect receiver.

  The 300 million US dollars of funds that Mr. Zhang gave him at the time are now worth more than 1 billion US dollars. He slowly withdrew away, at least to ensure that the remaining one billion US dollars, then he spent 300 million US dollars, in just over a year, earned more than twice the profit for Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang should fulfill his promise to let Does he manage an investment company?

  If you are lucky, there is good news during this time, he can earn more.

  When the first $100 million of funds was withdrawn, he immediately called and reported to Mr. Zhang.

   "Boss, the first fund has been withdrawn and transferred to your account, a billion dollars."

  He used to call Zhang Yang as Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang, but now he is directly replaced by the boss.

  Zhang Yang took the phone in his left hand and attached it to his ear, and manipulated the mouse with his right hand, and continued to play Lianliankan: "Okay, I know. How long will it take to withdraw all subsequent funds?"

   "According to my plan, all can be withdrawn before the end of September. If there is a change, it will be the end of this year at the latest. The boss is assured, I promise to give you at least one billion dollars."

  More than twice the profit, this data makes Zhang Yang very satisfied. Although I heard that many small companies can make ten times the profits, but that is all gambling, and at the same time the capital scale is small.

   10 million to earn 100 million, and 300 million to 10 billion, the method is different. Ten million was lost, but Zhang Yang was not distressed. Three hundred million dollars was lost. Zhang Yang would definitely sleep all day long.

"It's a good job. In the summer, I will go to New York. I will set up a financial investment company, and I will leave it to you to take care of it. For this commission, do you intend to discount it or switch it to an investment company? Shares?”ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   "If I exchanged shares, how much can I account for?"

  Once you get cash, you don't want to continue investing. If you switch to shares, then you can manage an account. And he always feels that the boss's news is very well informed, then he should also be able to make more money.

   As for those financial predators, it is not because of how powerful their operations are, but because they have more accurate information channels to formulate investment strategies.

For example, Buffett, who is known as a stock Every time he analyzes the company to be invested, and collects relevant information about the company, including many unpublished news, thus formulating a set of company development Strategy, pull up stock price, make a lot of money.

"This investment, we agreed before, the main news is provided by me, and it has passed your previous company, so you only have 1% commission. If you can help me earn 700 million US dollars, then just Get a commission of seven million dollars."

"I will allocate some funds and invest in other industries, such as some hardware industries. The funds left in the financial investment company's account are probably about 500 million US dollars. So, I invested about 493 million US dollars, you invested Seven million dollars, I’m counting some management stocks for you, how about two percent of your shares?"

   "If this time the income is higher than expected, you can get more commission, then you can take away as much as possible to improve your life."

   Will was silent for a while: "Boss, if I can invest a total of 16 million US dollars, can you give me 4% of the shares?" New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

  Zhang Yang was a little surprised. It seems that Will's own account also participated in the Asian financial turmoil and made a lot of money.

   This way, Will wants him to reward him with a little more management stocks, but it doesn't matter, it's not that bad. The important thing is that this Will is obedient and has good ability.

   "Yes, as long as you can guarantee my profit and at the same time you can take out so much money. Work hard, you will definitely earn more than you do now."

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