Super Tycoon

Chapter 358: Metamorphic Matsushima Shin 2 (4/10)

  When the financial turmoil gradually subsided, the economy in some parts of Southeast Asia also began to recover slowly, and Zhiduoxing's sales finally began to pick up, or the entire game industry began to pick up.

   Several markets in Southeast Asia have collapsed. Not only the financial market, but also manufacturing, foreign trade, etc. have a great influence. How many people have gone bankrupt, where can I buy game consoles?

   Now some people who have come through, life has begun to return to the right track. In simple terms, people with less debt are more likely to survive the crisis, but many people's assets have shrunk severely.

   For some rich people, their assets have shrunk, and they are still rich. They should continue to enjoy the life they deserve.

   Previously, Zhiduoxing decisively reduced the promotional expenses and supply of the market, so although the market was shrinking rapidly, they did not lose money, only a few agents and distributors replaced it.

   At that time, companies such as Nintendo and Changni, which increased the advertising costs here, lost some money. When they saw the market warming up, they found that Zhiduoxing was back. Starting


   "Why is it a TV ad on TV? How about our Nintendo ad? What about the ad of Su Ni?"

  Mojima Miyajima turned off the TV, and his face looked ugly. Who asked them to buy the advertisement last year? The price is very expensive, and they buy it every year.

   thought that he could defeat Zhiduoxing in one fell swoop and completely occupy this market. As a result, no one could sell it.

   This year's advertising costs are cheaper, and it is more than half cheaper than last year. Zhiduoxing has madly increased advertising costs, which is really deceiving!

  He felt that he should not come to Nanyang to lead the work himself. Fortunately, he came over in the name of inspection work. At least the reduction of market share was not his direct responsibility, but could be pushed to the person in charge here.

   didn't know what the head office thought, so he transferred his work. Transferred from the island market to Southeast Asia, then transferred to the United States, and now transferred back to Southeast Asia.

  Did these sales declines be the reason for him? The sales plan is set by the head office. He is just an executor. The power is not yet great. Why should he be held responsible?

   In fact, he doesn't quite understand some of the company's sales plans, why should he set the price of the game so expensive? Can be cheaper, increase the price of a game console, just like Zhiduoxing company.

  Although the profit margin will decrease, the market share will definitely rise. Their 64-bit game console can't be sold for 32-bit, and the other party doesn't even have a 3D function, which is incredible!

  Although the other party's dance pad peripherals are powerful, and the other party's suddenness of occupying the arcade market, the head office can't do it at all?

   This year, Sega Bandai will soon launch a new game console, still 128-bit, and Nintendo's N64 will also become a backward device.

   When the 32-bit machine war, Nintendo's SFC sales plummeted. This time the Sega Bandai is coming, several games have been promoted for a long time, and the promotion of the new machine has also gone through a long time. Can Nintendo's N64 be an opponent?

   Zhiduoxing, a new company, can suddenly rise, Sega Bandai has more experience, and there are many animation adaptation games, how many fans have booked, which is definitely a great challenge for Nintendo.

   However, it is also a big threat to Shunyi and Zhiduoxing. Nowadays Shinjima Matsudo doesn't want to do something big to take him one step further. What he thinks about is how to stabilize the current situation and the position of his vice president.

President    handed over the North American business to his son-in-law. He clearly stated that he had formulated a strategy, and the president agreed, but changed his plan to be implemented by others.

   succeeded, the credit is someone else's, failed, and can turn back to black pot on his head, why!

  He came to inspect in the name of inspection work this time, and also wanted to take the opportunity to make a fortune. The company has not lost money in the Southeast Asian market for more than a year, and the president understands that, thanks to a little bit, the president will not know?

   At this time, someone knocked on the door and Matsushima was sitting tight. Seeing the person coming in, he got up from the seat: "Hello Mr. Zhou."

  Mr. Zhou looked at Matsushima Shinji and smiled: "President Matsushima, I heard that our agency application was approved?"

   "Yes, the headquarters passed."

  Mr. Zhou was overjoyed: "Thanks to the help of President Songdo, let's go betting together at night~~~Play for a while?"

   Sure enough, at night to bet~~Matsushima Shinji became a gambler and won everything he played, and he quickly received millions of dollars. At this time, he found that his luck began to be less good, and he understood the reason to accept it when he was good.

   "No longer playing, after 12 o'clock, luck changed."

   "President Matsushima, this is the room card for your room, and there is a little gift in it, so relax."

   entered the room, and really saw two young and beautiful women, one of them was a European and American blonde babes, which immediately made Matsushima more satisfied.

   He swallowed a pill and hooked his fingers at the two little beauties.

   The Southeast Asian market is not the only one. This time on a business trip, he can earn nearly ten million US dollars. Originally some of the money should be turned into advertising costs, increasing Nintendo’s advertising efforts here, and some as promotional costs, asking for the promotion of some old But the advertising costs are according to last year’s highs When reporting to the company at the time, but when buying here, it is based on the lowest price, from the channel with the highest rating to the one with the lowest rating. There can be too much difference.

   He also changed several agents, let those agents intervene in advertising, promotion and other activities, each agent can have a profit of nearly two million US dollars, he only took half, not too much?

  As long as the operation is good and the procedures are complete, no one can say anything. The big deal is that he was cheated, and the contract company still has to admit it.

  As for saying that he might be fired, who has money, who is willing to be a wage earner? Although there are not many ten million US dollars, it is enough for him to live comfortably through the rest of his life, not to mention that he still has Zhiduoxing's stock.

  Thinking about Yokoi Junping's end, he felt chills. He didn't want to leave with his pockets empty. Someone asked Yokoi Junping to come out of the mountain, and because Yokoi Junping's reputation was very strong, the company had to pay a sum of money to block Yokoi Junping's mouth.

   But the company will not give him such good conditions, and no one will dig him with a high salary, and even willing to help him pay a penalty for breach of the competition agreement.

  May also be able to contact Shunyi, sell some company news to the other party, and get a sum of money.

  Matsushima, who has already decided to make money, is getting bolder. Otherwise, please contact Zhiduoxing again?


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