Super Tycoon

Chapter 363: Game show turned into a promotion meeting (9/10)

   has arrived at the annual global gaming event, E3 Game Show.

   This time, it was not as crazy as last year. Without the presence of top superstars, the booths of the various companies are not so large, but some game companies have increased their investment in publicity. New 81 Chinese network update fastest computer terminal: https://

  The number of companies and people who participated in the whole is more than last year, and the overall cost is also more than last year.

   This year's Zhiduoxing company booth is obviously more people than last year, even if there are no stars to help promote. Because in front of the booth, there is a huge upright handheld, a colorful Pikachu on the screen.

   Zhiduoxing's color screen handheld is coming to the market!

   "Look, this is the color screen handheld that our Zhiduoxing company has spent years developing, the model is Zhiduoxing Z3. We use the new Z80 core, which has stronger performance and more energy saving."

   "In terms of storage, we still choose the top-quality SanDisk CF card, and it can be replaced to support expansion. This handheld is backward compatible, and the Z2 game card in your hand can still be played on this Z3."

"As we all know, in the past, all color-screen handhelds were criticized by players for too much power consumption, making it difficult to play for a long time. Fortunately, our Zhiduoxing company has successful experience in color-screen electronic products. I think you should have all played electronic pets. "

   "This color screen Z3, two ordinary AA dry batteries, can play continuously for more than 24 hours. The longest time, you can play for 30 hours."

   "If you don't have a backup battery when you play at home, it happens that the battery is dead. It doesn't matter, we have also designed the power interface intimately. We can use our dedicated power adapter to connect to the ordinary household power supply and continue to play."

   "Of course, when connecting the household power supply, for safety reasons, please remove the battery..."

   North American market leader Edson was in charge of this exhibition. He stood in front of the booth and personally displayed the Z3 star Z3 for the media. By the way, he also recommended the main Pokemon 2 above.

   This Pokemon not only has a colorful figure, the picture is more clear, making the pet more cute, but also has a wizard arena.

   This kind of game mode that seemed very boring in Zhang Yang's previous life, but at this time it is very novel, and many people who have participated in the inside feel very interesting.

   Sure enough, when a few lucky reporters were selected for trial play on the spot, those reporters all gave full marks.

   Any game with a full score evaluation will be a hit, no doubt about it. And every explosive game can drive the sales of the game console.

   The best at this is actually Nintendo. But at this time Nintendo's head of North America looked ugly. Their color screen handheld, once again met the opponent.

   originally thought that by relying on their colorful 16-bit Super Mario Continent, they could get a round for Nintendo. Nintendo's GB series can be revived.

   Kezhi Duoxing this Pokemon is too powerful, and suitable for the age group, wider than Super Mario.

   It seems that I can only expect Metal Gear and Tomb Raider. These two games were also bought by Nintendo. At that time, they were almost bought by Zhiduoxing.

   It was precisely because of the involvement of Zhiduoxing that they paid a higher price. However, as long as more than three million copies can be sold, the capital can be preserved, and there should be great hope. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   What makes him most uncomfortable is that the performance of the Zhiduoxing Z3 is not weaker than their upcoming GBC, whether it is CPU running speed, or memory and video memory, it is so good.

   Even screens, speakers and other parts are similar in performance, plus the length of use is almost the same, but the appearance is also poor, and it is clearly aimed at them Nintendo!

  Does Nintendo really have to be suppressed by Zhiduoxing in the field of handhelds?

  Nintendo is already at a disadvantage when it comes to home game consoles, but it is only weak sales and does not mean weak revenue. N64 game cartridges are much more expensive than the Zhiduoxing G series.

   This time the launch of Zhiduoxing's handheld is much earlier than they expected. This E3 game exhibition was stunned by Zhiduoxing into a new product launch conference.

   must report to his father-in-law, and at the same time propose to let the Nintendo GBC be released earlier, to avoid the market being saturated by Zhiduoxing.

  Churny's Kutaragi Kin looked at Zhiduoxing's booth surrounded by many people, with an envious look on his face. A handheld, which is far inferior to the performance of home game consoles, is so popular because of its portability.

   In this respect, Chang Ni is too far behind. If you can't launch your own handheld, you can never become the industry's number one.

   It seems that Zhiduoxing first defeated Nintendo on the handheld, and then became the No. 1 in the industry on the home console.

  It's necessary to report to the president, the control of the mobile phone must be accelerated, and it must be in place. The first handheld to be launched by Shunyi is 32-bit!

  If you develop 16-bit handhelds at this time, it is a complete waste of time and energy. When you make a promotion, it is time to popularize 32-bit.

   is not as good as one step, just like their home game console, intending to go beyond 64-bit and study 128-bit directly.

   Some reporters held up their asked aloud: "Mr. Edson, is the Zhiduoxing Z3 going to be listed in the near future?"

   "Yes, next month, on the 1st, we are officially listed in 72 countries around the world. We have more than ten language versions, which will definitely bring you a better experience!"

   is a global simultaneous listing, which is different from traditional game console companies such as Nintendo, but everyone is used to it.

   This advantage is that it can occupy the market faster, but the disadvantages are also great. Once the product has any problems, the loss amount will be doubled, and the early cost pressure is also very large.

   However, Zhiduoxing is very well funded at this time, and the company needs to use many media to place them in the industry's first opportunity to show its strength and determination.

   After all, there are still some media that still put Nintendo in the first place, thinking that Nintendo's brand is more valuable, brand awareness is higher, and profits are higher.

   "Mr. Edson, what about the price of Z3? Don't you show the prices of various game cartridges?"

   There are some media representatives who are inclined to frown, such as Nintendo, Suzy, etc. This is not a question, do you really think this is the new product launch of Zhiduoxing?

"Since everyone cares so much, let me tell you directly. Our Z3 Star Z3 retails in the United States at $149, and the prices in other markets are similar. This pet-friendly smart card cassette costs $59. For the prices of other game cartridges, on this form, if you are interested, you can take a picture."

  Nintendo representatives were relieved when they heard the price. The price of Zhiduoxing's products is not so friendly for the first time.

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