Super Tycoon

Chapter 380: Three DO status (six/seven)

  One day later, Zhang Yang took Secretary Wang, and flew to New York on the company's special plane.

   On the plane, Zhang Yang drank black tea and looked at the information in his hand, while Secretary Xiao Wang was also watching the information.

   This is the first time Xiao Wang talked about the company acquisition with the president. He will study hard and learn from his predecessor Sun Tengfei.

   Of course, Xiao Wang is now the secretary of the president, and his salary is not low. Like his age, he can definitely get this salary, which is rare. Even in developed countries in Europe and America, he can be regarded as a high salary.

   When looking at the information, Xiao Wang was a little surprised. 3do, which had performed very well in the 32-bit machine war, gave up the hardware business.

   In other words, 3do has no second generation, and 3do consoles will become history.

  Although the company has licensed game hardware technology to multiple electronics manufacturers, the combined sales will also reach 20 million units. Compared to Sega's Saturn, of course it is much better, that even ten million units did not arrive.

   But compared to the same period of Zhiduoxing g and 劦尼ps, they are much worse.

   He remembered reading a document, 3do company announced a plan called m2, that is to develop the second-generation 3do, with 3d functions, and is also a 64-bit home game machine.

   At the beginning, this m2 plan was just to improve the graphics display capabilities, that is, to make 32-bit 3do like ps, with 3d function.

  Later discovered that it was too tasteless to make any money, so he decided to develop a second-generation machine. This plan was also proposed by the main hardware manufacturer of 3do at the time.

   It is a pity that Songxia's right to speak in 3do is too low. After all, 3do's ceo is the ceo of the former ea company, and it also holds a lot of ea company's stock.

   That is to say, this ceo Hawkins actually represents the interests of ea company, the interests of those software companies, the interests of the American shareholder camp, not their interests.

In a rage, he announced his withdrawal from 3do and sold the stock directly, which also caused 3do's share price to fall. From the peak of $47, it has fallen to $17 today, a drop of more than 150%.

  Song's departure led to the rapid decline of 3do's hardware technology. Philips focused on cooperating with Nintendo n64, and 3do simply abolished the hardware department.

   The original hardware technicians were laid off or simply packaged and sold with their hardware subsidiaries. This matter began at the end of the previous year. It reached its peak last year and has been completely dealt with this year. First launch https://https://

   company also officially changed its name to 3dos, with the sale of the hardware department of more than 10 million US dollars, the acquisition of a game production company, the company's masterpiece is called Magic Gate.

3dos is now transformed into a company specializing in game development. They no longer only develop games on 3do models, they also license games to other companies, and also publish PC versions, because the company’s financial situation is not very good. Lack of money.

   The more money it lacks, the more it hopes that more games will go on sale to make money, so the company's speed of launching games has accelerated, but it has resulted in insufficient quality of the games.

  In a short period of time, they launched a game for several generations, resulting in each generation failing to meet sales expectations. Even if some players have not played to understand the previous generation, a new generation will appear. Starting

   This has caused a vicious circle, that is, the more it is launched, the faster the word-of-mouth decline and the worse the sales. The poorer the sales, the more problematic the company's finances, and the more new games it needs to stimulate the market and earn income, the more it will urge the company to develop games.

   However, they still have three series of games, which perform well, one is the magic door, one is the invincible hero, and the other is the independently developed toy soldiers.

   It is a pity that the toy soldiers battle is sold in North America. No one likes it in Europe and Asia. The style is too strange.

Heroes Invincible and Magic Gate are produced by nwc company acquired by 3dos. These two series of games are selling well, but the speed of Magic Gate is too fast. In the sixth generation, the company performed well. It was ordered that they should launch the next generation immediately, which was simply too late to make a new game masterpiece in just a few months.

   At this time, Joe, the original founder of nwc, was not happy. Both the magic door and the invincible hero are the game architecture he made. But he alone, where can he have so much energy to complete the next generation so quickly?

   He sold the company and invested in the stock market, but he did not leave his job. He was still working for 3dos, but he felt more and more pressure.

   So he found his peers, hoping to switch jobs. Although the copyrights of Magic Gate and Invincible Hero belong to the company, he is worth the high price.

The company he contacted was called Blizzard.

   It was Blizzard's Allen who told Edson, and Edson told Zhang Yang that Zhang Yang discovered what 3dos is doing now.

   But after reading the information, Xiao Wang felt that something was wrong: "President, are we really going to buy 3dos?"

  The current market value of this company is still 200 million US dollars, but it has not low debt and actual assets are not that much. With Zhiduoxing's funds, the acquisition will definitely be but it's not worth it.

   It took two years for the company to acquire Atari’s gaming subsidiary, and it took two years to settle those liabilities, dissolve the subsidiary, and retain valuable assets.

   If I purchase 3dos this time, I am afraid it will take three to five years to really make money, and it may lose money. In his impression, the president is very savvy, and would not make such an irrational investment, so why?

   Zhang Yang looked at Xiao Wang: "You mean, 3dos is not worth our acquisition?"

   "Yes, I don't think it's worth our acquisition. The shareholders of this company are all large companies and have the closest relationship with ea. The current game release is mainly relying on ea channels."

   "The information also shows that this company has a very high debt ratio and there are problems with the company's operations. At present, there are few explosive games, and the original game camp partners have also turned to other companies."

   "When we buy it, we will get a large amount of negative assets, which is not cost-effective. Although they also have some valuable assets, the burden is too large, and there is overlap with Blizzard and other companies."

   "President, you must have a deeper purpose?"

   Zhang Yang finally smiled, he didn't waste his training on Xiao Wang.

   "Yes, the acquisition of 3dos is completely a guise. I came here this time to meet two people, one is Joe, the founder of nwc, and the other is Larry Prost, chairman of ea at this time."

   "But externally, we cannot let others know our purpose for the time being."

   Mingxiu plank road, dark Chencang!

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