Super Tycoon

Chapter 381: Inward mountain binding (7/7)

   "President, there is news that Zhang Yang, president of Zhiduoxing Group, went to the United States and seemed to be acquiring 3dos. Should we stop it?"

   Yamauchi put the pen on his hand with a cap: "Why should we stop it? 3dos company, is there any particularly valuable asset? Maybe this can help Zhiduoxing to add some technical strength and some games, but it can't change anything."

"Instead, that company has a lot of negative assets. If it is acquired by Zhiduoxing, it will drag down Zhiduoxing. The game company once owned by that company has now gone its separate ways, most of which have joined the Schneider brand. Partly joined us and Sega Bandai, Zhiduoxing is useless even if it is acquired."

   As for hardware, if the company still has any good hardware technology, it will not announce its withdrawal from the hardware market.

   Wait, something is wrong!

   He can easily judge that 3dos is not worth buying, so why did Zhiduoxing take this stink? If the decision-makers of Zhiduoxing are faint, then their Nintendo has been trampled on, is it not garbage?

   There must be a problem!

   "Notify the North American branch and investigate Zhang Yang's movements to see what their purpose is."

   subordinates nodded and tentatively said: "President, is it possible, this is just a smoke bomb released by 3dos company, just to increase the stock price? In these two days, 3dos company's stock price has risen a lot."

   Yamauchi checked the stock market in the United States and found that the stock price had changed. This is really possible.

Just like Sega Bandai, didn’t the stock price increase because of the rumor that Microsoft might be a shareholder, but when Microsoft denied this, the stock price did not drop until the Ogawa’s capital injection to Sega Bandai again, the stock price Only then began to rise again.

   "Then we should pay attention. If it is really just a smoke bomb, it means that the operation of 3dos company is in trouble, and some people raise the stock price and want to quit."

   Some shareholders' stocks are difficult to change hands, they will find ways to increase the stock price, and then find Pan Xia. In addition to the original shares, many shareholders also have listed and tradable shares. Those listed and tradable shares can be sold directly through the stock market.

   In this way, even if there are some stocks left in their hands, it is easier to handle, and they can guarantee that they will not lose money.

   Among those companies, as long as ea does not quit, 3dos will not have problems.

   "I understand, this will be arranged. President, it's noon, you should take a break and eat something."

  Yanuchi leaned on a chair and rested, but he thought, but there were too many things in the company, especially recently.

   "I know, you will let another black coffee come in, and give me a bowl of seafood ramen, go."

   subordinates can only obey, turn around and go out. Yamanouchi sighed. The successor of the company was not a good choice.

   could have chosen his own son-in-law Arakawa, but that guy also has a disadvantage, that is, he persuaded him to continue to use cassettes, how much did this increase the cost? New 81 Chinese network update fastest computer terminal: https://

   My age is getting bigger and bigger, I don't know how long it can last.

   Originally, he had thought about bringing back Yokoi Junping. His original knot had already been opened. He hoped that Yokoi Junping would be responsible for the gbc project again. Unfortunately, last year, Yokoi Junping was killed in a car accident.

  Some people say that Yokoi Junpei especially likes alcoholism in the past two years. After drinking too much, he still likes driving. Maybe there is something in his heart that he can’t think about.

  Yanuchi went to the funeral with a bunch of flowers at the time, and after personally giving a compensation to the family of Yokoi Junping, he didn't know who to look for as heir.

   And Arakawa also helped him look at the North American market and was the legal representative of the North American branch. But in North America, Arakawa's power was too great, which made the Yamanouchi uncomfortable.

   But the performance of the North American branch is indeed getting better. Since sfc, the revenue of the North American branch has occupied half of Nintendo.

   For example, last year, Nintendo's net profit exceeded 800 million US dollars, while the North American net profit was more than 4 billion US dollars, which is the sum of Asia and Europe.

   Someone inside the company said that Arakawa should be replaced as the future president of Nintendo, which made the unruly Yamauchi who has always been in power very unhappy. I haven't retired yet, can't you wait?

Yamauchi’s reputation in the international arena has always been very high, and he has repeatedly appeared on the covers of some important economic magazines, because under his leadership, since 85, Nintendo’s net profit has not fallen below US$500 million, and The profit rate has been maintained at a high level above 20%.

   It surpasses the top big companies in many island countries, and everyone is amazed.

   In Nintendo, Yamanouchi's words are a joke, because Nintendo was originally the property of their family in the mountains, and they have always been in the hands of their families.

  Yanuchi also knows that his health has been getting worse in the past two years. If he does not retire, such high-intensity work, I do not know whether he will die directly in position, which will also cause a serious blow to Nintendo.

   Before this, even if he did not retire, he had to choose a good heir.

   He pulled out several files from the drawer, which are all leaders in the middle of the company, but none of them are from the Yamai family. But it does not matter, you can let the people of the Yamauchi family serve as the chairman, sit behind the scenes, let these young people become the president, and fight in front of the stage.

  Arakawa Shi, when he retires, he must let this man retire, too, because many of Arakawa’s actions are too bold, UU reading www.uukanshu. com passed him many times to make a decision directly.

  Although many have proved the truth of Arakawa, such as taking the copyright of Tetris, such as confirming settlement in US dollars. But Arakawa was too aggressive, and Yamanouchi didn't like it very much.

   He wants an heir who can operate stably, not a bold person. Although he understands that Arakawa's ability is very strong, but this is where he is not at ease.

  After he retires, who else can withstand Arakawa?

  The father of Super Mario Miyamoto is a good choice, and he is always looking at the young people who have grown up. His father is still his old friend.

   But Miyamoto was so similar to him that he had cultivated it by himself. Under his own leadership, Nintendo has been surpassed by Zhiduoxing, and can it be overtaken by Shigeru Miyamoto?

   What he needs is a person who can lead Nintendo back to the top. This person cannot be Shigeru Miyamoto or Arakawa.

   He needs someone who really loves games and understands them.

  Looking at the information in his hand, Yamauchi has a choice for several of them. Try it first. You can find two stable people to bring around. You must let Nintendo stand at the top of the game industry again.

   Activity and physical activity, Yamauchi felt tired and struck, he still insisted. Even if you can only eat half a bowl of ramen for a meal, you still have to pretend to eat a bowl.

   is in his seventies, and his years are not forgiving, but he still can't fall down, he will step on Zhiduoxing again.

   And at this time, the president of the company with that thorn in his heart had just got off the plane.

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