Super Tycoon

Chapter 382: Look down on each other

Tripp Hawkins, CEO of 3DOS, former CEO of EA, and one of the founders, has retained many shares of EA.

Before, EA only did games, which was not in line with his philosophy. He believes that making game consoles should make more money, just like Nintendo.

So he personally lobbied many big companies, and finally formed 3DO, but unfortunately the first generation of products hit the street. Although the global sales volume of 3DO has reached 20 million units, it is produced by many brands together. The most important one is 3DO, and the sales volume is less than 10 million units.

Compared to Saturn's Saturn, it looks a lot stronger, but in fact it is still in a loss.

The main reason is that at the beginning of making money, some shareholders are going to pay dividends, and the subsequent company has no funds to develop at all. In addition, the company's business philosophy has once again encountered problems. Songxia et al. thought that it should be a second-generation 3DO and really have 3D functions. The company headed by EA believes that it should specialize in games and give up hardware.

Tripp hesitated for a long time and had to admit that 3DO failed, so he disbanded the hardware department, sold the hardware assets, and Songxia also withdrew.

Nowadays, the main revenue of the company is to sell games and some of the previous patent licensing fees. It seems that the company is not bad. According to the market value, there are still about two billion US dollars, which is not a small company.

But the company's debt is extremely high, the debt ratio exceeds the 70% baseline, and its ability to resist risks is extremely low. A little carelessness may make it insolvent.

After discussing with other directors of the company, Tripp decided to choose some powerful companies to merge. After thinking for a long time, everyone voted to try with Blizzard.

Originally, they could have better choices, such as merging with EA, but EA disagreed and only accepted 3DOS to be merged into EA, that is, it was acquired and the brand gave up.

This makes other shareholders unhappy, it is impossible to eventually cheapen your EA. As a shareholder of EA, Tripp can't say much, he can only agree to try Blizzard.

But who doesn’t know now that Blizzard’s majority shareholder is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Zhiduoxing Group? But after contacting, the president of Zhiduoxing Group actually came.

Tripp Hawkins met Zhang Yang at a member club in New York.

Although it looks very young, it can be seen from Blizzard's Allen's backward step that it is not fake.

"Mr. Hawkins, hello, this is Yang? Zhang."

"Mr. Zhang, please sit down. I took the liberty to invite you over to discuss the cooperation between us. Can I ask a question first?"

Zhang Yang sat on the sofa and lifted Erlang's legs: "Excuse me."

"When will your company's new generation of game consoles be developed? 3D functions are comparable to Uranus?"

Secretary Xiao Wang was suddenly unhappy. What do you mean by that and doubt our R&D capabilities of Zhiduoxing? We have all launched a new generation of game consoles, how can there be no 3D function?

Besides, after we launch it, the performance is of course stronger than Uranus. You look down on you.

Seemingly displeased by Zhang Yang and his party, Trip Hawkins explained: "Because our company is currently developing 3D games, this is also the future trend, and 2D will gradually be eliminated."

"So if your company's new game console does not have 3D capabilities, we may have to talk about our cooperation again."

"Yes." Zhang Yang answered, and asked again: "So what game is your company currently developing? I mean some masterpieces of the game, not those crudely crafted games."

It is also a game development. Nintendo has invested $40 million in the cost of Super Mario 64, which has made this game a fire. At present, it has sold nearly 10 million copies and has already earned it.

General companies don't say 40 million US dollars. The development cost of a game is not even 4 million US dollars. Many are only 400 thousand US dollars. Can the effect be the same?

It's no wonder that Nintendo often has some game masterpieces, and the ratings and sales are very high, willing to spend money.

"Our sequel to Magic Gate and Invincible Heroes are under development. These are very popular series of games. We can definitely live up to expectations. If your company joins 3DOS, under our cooperation, we will inevitably take off like Nangong Mengmeng and Niuni. "

Zhang Yang whispered, Nangong Meng not only cooperated with Chang Ni, but also cooperated with Nintendo, even Zhiduoxing has bought some games, and Sega Bandai also has it. This is an independent game production company. It is also the world's top and best. Is the game on the home console.

3DOS than Nangong dream? Where is the face?

Zhiduoxing is of course stronger than Chang Ni, so this means that after cooperation, Zhiduoxing will still fail?

This Tripp doesn't speak much.

"As far as I know, your magic doors and heroes are invincible and not 3D. Are you going to develop true 3D now? Besides these, do you have anything else?"

"There are still some things under development that are all commercial secrets. After Mr. Zhang joined the company, he would naturally know."

How nice to can't explain commercial secrets. If he remembers correctly, the 3DOS in the previous life will not be used in a few years, and it will be remembered by just a few games.

"Your company's debt is high, how to solve this?"

"There is no need to worry about this. Our shareholders are large companies and each one is strong. If Zhiduoxing becomes a shareholder, we can also reduce the debt ratio and allow the company to develop soundly."

Tripp Hawkins groaned in mind, the company's debt ratio is a trouble, before pulling investment, because this failed because of this, did this time again?

"However, we hope that your company can complete a new generation of game consoles as soon as possible, otherwise we have no need for cooperation." Tripp decided to take a high profile to show that the company has no operational difficulties at all.

After hearing Tripp say this, Zhang Yang finally couldn't help but laugh: "Since your company is this attitude, I want to cooperate with things, we have to consider again. Alan, Xiao Wang, let's go."

Zhang Yang got up directly, there is no need to continue talking, this is to want to put them into Zhiduoxing. A company with such a high debt ratio still has so many conditions. Who is used to your problems?

"We 3DOS companies also have to think about it again, maybe cooperation with Nintendo, Sega Bandai, etc. is more appropriate."

Tripp also thinks that Zhiduoxing is not suitable for cooperation, not even 3D game consoles. If they develop with 3DO, the second-generation 3D game console should be on the market now. I really don’t know how Zhiduoxing sat on the top spot in the industry.

The negotiations broke up, and after they left Zhang Yang, they met in another place, Qiao, the head of 3WC's NWC.

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