Super Tycoon

Chapter 493: Personality is important

At the beginning, everyone carefully remembered Zhang Yang's suggestion, and found it very useful, and also opened up ideas for them. But when it comes to personalization, several people frowned.

"Mr. Zhang, the personalized design you mentioned is that the characters' facial features, hairstyles, tall, short, fat, thin, and clothes are different? This is a very heavy workload, and will many people like it?" Zhang Zhidong asked others to ask Puzzled.

"Is it a lot of work? Have you seen crimes in five movies and TV series? Is it to get out some designed hairstyles and facial features and then piece them together."

"And we are in the cartoon version, and we don't necessarily pursue realism. The proportion of the characters can be separated from the reality. Like the anime characters, the eyes are particularly large and they look very cute."

"The character's height, fatness and thinness can be simply stretched. It doesn't need to be complicated or how high the pixels need to be. It will be slowly improved in the future."

"In terms of clothing, find some comics to do some design, you can also use some comic characters costumes, you can also buy copyrights with some comics, allowing players to use the images of those comic characters as avatars, different avatars can also make people Know who sent the message faster."

"If technology can't do this now, you can do something simple first. You'd better find some young people to join, and ask them what they like, after all, we are a young software, and the promotion is the smoothest among young people. "

"What do young people value most now? Personality! You can ask other young people, and then you know how to attract them."

Zhang Yang took a mouthful of a young man, and Ma Huateng and others had strange expressions. In front of the CEOs of many companies, Ma Huateng feels that he is a young man. But in front of him, Zhang Yang is a young man.

But Zhang Yang emphasized young people, that means students?

Exactly, the company originally recruited some intern college students, so they can make some suggestions. Is it just young people who really pursue personality?

How did he see many young people on the street with colorful hair?

"Mr. Zhang, focusing only on young people, is it a bit biased? We still want to use it as a communication software for office workers. Do you mean those young people do not work?" Ma Huateng asked weakly. .

"Young man is a general term, not physical age, but mentality. If a person thinks about playing basketball after work, it can be regarded as a young man. If he wants to go home to clean up the house, or drink with his colleagues and sing , Not even a young man."

"Our Penguin will take a few years to promote and improve. At that time, college students have also entered the society and started working. They are relatively young people in the company."

"When they are more accustomed to using this communication, other people will find it interesting and want to follow along. We are not just advertising, we can also pass word of mouth."

How did the penguin company of the past life seize the users who have reached the age? It's not the Penguin, but WeChat. A mobile penguin that felt like it had reduced functionality at the time, especially after the real-name system was finally added, was a great success.

Relying on two products, Penguin is the top Internet user in China, even in the world. At that time, the only one who could compete with the Penguin Company was another Dad.

Why did Microsoft's msn lose to Penguin in China in the past life, because their pages are retro and bloated, but they are not liked by users.

The software promoted by Microsoft is more likely to succeed because they have an operating system and are often bound. But msn is not only performing in the Chinese market, but also in overseas markets.

"Mr. Zhang, in terms of personality, is there anything else besides the different heads?" Zhang Zhidong said.

They have considered this aspect of the avatar before, but it is not as detailed as Zhang Yang said. But relying on these alone does not allow the company to make a lot of money.

"Have you used blogs? This is also becoming popular now. Why can't we develop a blog-like product? The so-called blog is just a page that records some bits of life."

"The users of Penguin are friends, and some don't even know what the other party's surname and name are, only a net name, but it does not prevent them from chatting happily on the Internet."

"But many people still like blogs. This one has been handed down from Europe and America. There are also some companies doing it in the Mainland at this time. We enter the competition and we will spend more money."

"I think you don't want the equity to be diluted again? The company's performance is difficult to go public, so this kind of money-burning promotion model cannot be used frequently, at least not now."

The penguins of the past life are also one of the big guys who burn money to promote, because they have money and can afford to burn, so they don't need to find venture capital or something. But now, Penguin is a small company, and some investment companies may evaluate it very high, but have very little cash.

Zhang Yang has made two additional investments, and Penguin has also raised financing twice in order to develop so quickly.

Ma Huateng, who can be the founder, absolutely does not want his equity to be diluted again, and the company he founded with one hand cannot eventually become someone else's.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang agreed to give him more voting rights ~ ~ so that he can become the helm of the company.

"Mr. Zhang, it is not difficult to develop blog-like things. We will make it soon, but the company's website traffic is very low, and not many people are willing to register."

"Why do you need to re-register and log in directly with the Penguin number? You can even make a link and go directly to that page. And we don't want to call it a blog, what is the same as someone else's home, called Penguin Space."

"In this space, everyone can be personalized. Just like everyone designing web pages, everyone has different habits, and they like different things. Let users follow what they like."

"In the future, some web games can be developed to help you attract user traffic and can also be used to increase revenue. But those are the future. The focus now is to increase the number of users. Other companies are also staring at instant messaging software. What about this market?"

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang, for your guidance. I remember that users will be willing to spend money for showing more personalities to users. In this regard, I don’t need Mr. Zhang to worry about this. I dare to guarantee that it will increase to 5,000 within six months. Ten thousand, it will increase to one hundred million within one year. In the future, we will not only occupy the China market, but also become the best in the global instant messaging market!"

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