Super Vision

1134 Chapter 1134

Super Xiaoqian easily removed the invading avatars of the Tenjin system around the Rema Group, including the mobile phones of some employees.After purifying the Rema Group and the surrounding environment, Super Xiaoqian began to expand the battlefield and launched an attack on the invading avatar of the Tenjin system in the entire China.Huaguo's Internet is her banned place. How can she tolerate the invasion of the Tenjin system!

But even when fighting in the Internet world, Super Xiaoqian has not forgotten the task Xia Lei gave her, making money on the US stock market, and continuing to investigate the hell dog virus incident.

The war between Super Xiaoqian and the Tenjin system kicked off in the Internet world. This will not be a short battle.But as far as the creators of both sides are concerned, the war that has just begun seems to have won or lost.

After half a month.

New Delhi, India.

A barefoot monk walked along the road beside the Ganges.

He looked young, bald and fair-skinned, and his robe was ragged.As far as his skin is concerned, he belongs to the highest Brahmin in the Indian caste system and is a privileged class.

The water of the Ganges is turbulent, and garbage and foam roll in the water, floating and sinking, just like the beings of India.The young monk walked slowly, turning the bead in his hand while walking, chanting something, very pious.

Those who do not know will think that the young monk is chanting verses, but the actual situation is that the young monk is talking to a special being.

This particular presence is super Xiaoqian.

This young monk is Xia Lei from China.

Xia Lei came to India to investigate the Hell Dog Virus, and there are still some issues he must find out.This time he did not bring the zodiac team or the four female knights. In fact, the members of the zodiac team and the four female knights did not even know where he went.Of course, it also includes the five hostess of Ping An Curie.His operation was completely secret and nobody knew it.Except for Super Xiaoqian, she is not human.

There is only one reason for not bringing the zodiac team and the four female knights, because the opponent is Zhu Xuanyue, and they ca n’t do anything when they come. If a battle occurs, they will only sacrifice in vain.

Unlike Super Xiaoqian, she can not only serve as Xia Lei's assistant, but also has no worries about being killed by Zhu Xuanyue.She was hiding in the Internet, and Zhu Xuanyue couldn't find her just to kill her.She exists as long as there is network coverage, and she is now talking to Xia Lei through the multi-function watch on Xia Lei's wrist.

"Master, the ghetto in front has been blocked by the Indian military. There are 1022 soldiers in this area, as well as five Arjun tanks and fifteen armored vehicles."

Xia Lei said: "Give me a detailed map, I need to have a comprehensive understanding of this area."

The multi-function watch followed by a map that did not know where it was stolen. Super Xiaoqian Xia Lei even marked the blocked line with a red line when he requested it, as well as Arjun tanks and armored vehicles. Distribution location.

Super Xiaoqian's voice is still sweet and crisp, "Master, this area has been completely blocked. The United States-supported detection equipment used by the blockade troops here will trigger an alarm as soon as it approaches. It will enter the signal ten meters further. Closed area, where I can't get in touch with you. "

Xia Lei followed and stopped, pretending to go to the Ganges to wash his hands.It was at this time that an inflated corpse floated in front of him, and there was a sudden nausea in his heart, and his hand could no longer be stretched out.

The Ganges of India should be the dirtiest of all the famous rivers in the world, but it is sacred in the minds of all Indians that gave birth to the Indian civilization.Of course, in addition to the fake Xia Lei, there is also the super fake Qian Xiaoqian.

"Frightened me." Super Xiaoqian's voice came out of the smart watch. "Just now people's heart will jump out. Master, can you comfort me?"

Xia Lei couldn't help but smile, bitterly, "Where is your heart? How do I need to comfort you?"

"Hate, ignore you." Super Xiaoqian was not happy.

"Okay, start working. You monitor the situation in the periphery, I will enter the slum area to take a look. If necessary, you are responsible for destroying the other party's signal shielding equipment, contact me in time." Xia Lei said, then got up and left By the Ganges, back on the road to the slums.

Super Xiaoqian said: "Master, the blockade is complete, you can't enter at all."

Xia Lei said: "India is a country with a difference, and monks have great rights. I am a monk with the highest caste. I thought that Indian prayers and the excuses of excessive undead entered, even soldiers would not stop me.

Super Xiaoqian said: "It seems that I have to learn more about history and religion."

Super Xiaoqian has the ability to learn quickly, but some things can't be understood by absorbing too much knowledge. Human nature is very complicated, and the country and society composed of people must have the same complexity.In particular, India, known as the most populous democracy in the world, also has a caste system.

Ten meters forward, the signal was lost, and Super Xiaoqian disappeared.

Xia Lei kept walking to the slums.

Several soldiers who blocked the intersection stopped him, but the words were polite and persuaded him to leave here.Xia Lei told them arrogantly that he would enter the slums and India to pray for the excessive undead, whoever would block would offend the gods and be punished by God.This kind of rhetoric really worked, and the Indian soldiers let him in without even checking the identity.

Xia Lei can actually control their thinking and enter the slums directly.But that method is not as good as this one.

Behind him several Indian soldiers whispered.

"It's great, this master has just entered the virus zone, just like hell in person."

"He must be a good monk."

"Alas." Someone sighed, "Can he come out after he enters?"

"It is impossible to come out according to the rules, but if he is still alive, I will definitely let him pass through here. I don't want to offend the god and be blamed by the god."

In the voice of several soldiers, Xia Lei gradually walked away and entered a small alley in the slum area.

On both sides of the alley are low and dilapidated sheds, and garbage such as plastic bags and foam can be seen everywhere on the roadside.Several corpses were lying on the side of the road, already highly decaying, emitting a strong smell.A group of flies buzzed on the corpse, eating and ovulating.There are also corpses in the shed, and the situation is the same.There are no living people here, and there are no animals like dogs or cats.Quiet and deadly silence here.

It is no exaggeration to describe this place as hell.

Xia Lei awakened the ability of his eyes and began to perform a fluoroscopy scan of those bodies.He soon discovered that the brains of those corpses were shrinking and decaying without exception.As far as the characteristics of the corpses are concerned, they are like being preyed by Zhu Xuanyue.

"These corpses are the same as the ones I've seen before that were preyed by Zhu Xuanyue. If it weren't for Zhu Xuanyue and her kind, what would have attacked them? Hell Dog Virus?" Xia Lei couldn't understand why he was urgent. Want to know the truth about Hell Dog Virus.

Walking out of the alley, a larger shack area came into his sight.Suddenly a sound was caught in his ear, and he followed his eyes.In a low hut, he saw several men and a girl.

Those men are really doing things that are inferior to the girl.

Xia Lei suddenly started and rushed past with the fastest speed.

"I beg you, don't want ... woo ..." The girl was crying with great pain. "Dad, you let them stop! Uncle, uncle ... you hurt me ... you will go to hell!"

Although the girl cried and begged, even cursed, the Indian men were indifferent.Some of them grabbed the girl's hand and some grabbed the girl's foot, and helped a dark and dirty man to violence against the girl.

The violent Indian man rammed violently twice and then stood still.An old Indian man beside him couldn't wait to pull him away, then threw it up.

"Dad! You can't ... Ah!" At that moment, the girl's world collapsed completely, and after a wailing cry, she roared like crazy.

Her father covered her mouth and continued to do things that are not as good as beasts.

"Hahaha ..." The girl's dad laughed while doing, "I'm going to die here anyway, you just let me die happily!"


The door suddenly kicked open.

Several Indian men glanced in horror, and they saw a young monk.A second later, several Indian men suddenly rushed to Xia Lei.In their eyes, religious beliefs have disappeared.As long as they are regarded as a threat, they will actively attack.

A young Indian man had a knife in his hand, and he was the one who rushed to the front.

"Brother! Don't!" Although the Indian girl was covered with her mouth, she cried out in a vague voice.

These men and this girl are actually a family.

The young Indian man couldn't hear it at all, he slashed into the heart of Xia Lei.Xia Lei reached out and grabbed his wrist, bumping his chest back.


The sharp knife plunged into the chest of the Indian youth, and blood spattered.

Xia Lei grabbed the knife handle and kicked the Indian youth.

The body of the Indian youth generally flew out and hit the wall of the shack.There was a huge humanoid hole in the wall.At that moment, the sharp knife in Xia Lei's hand was stuck in the heart of another Indian.



One knife at a time, where several Indians are Xia Lei's opponents, facing the monk who suddenly broke in, they are like fish on the cutting board, and they are allowed to be slaughtered.

In a matter of seconds, only a few violent Indian men were left with the girl ’s father.Until this time, the guy was still reluctant to get off his daughter and continue to do things that are not as good as beasts.His eyes shone with excitement, and there was a hint of blood red, and that was abnormal.

With a move in Xia Lei's heart, the sharp knife that had been raised was let go.He grabbed the girl's father's collar, pulled him apart, and then fell him to the ground.

Xia Lei does not kill him, just because he looks like he is infected with the so-called Hell Dog Virus, which is a fresh sample.

"Aw! Roar!" The girl's father let out a beast-like roar, and with both hands suddenly held Xia Lei's feet, and opened his mouth to Xia Lei's leg.

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