Super Vision

1135 Chapter 1135 Features of Hell Dog Virus

Xia Lei raised his foot and kicked on the girl's father's door.The girl's father's head hit the ground heavily, but he didn't faint at all, but flew over again, biting his calf with his mouth open.

Xia Lei raised his foot again, but this time instead of kicking the girl ’s father ’s face, he stepped on his neck and held him firmly on the ground.

"Roar ... roar!" The girl's father gave a beast-like low growl.

Xia Lei's eyes flicked slightly, instantly starting the perspective plus scanning mode.His sight instantly entered the girl's father's brain, and this look surprised him.

The normal brain is white, but the girl's father's brain is orange-red, just like an orange that is not yet fully ripe.

"Let go of my dad!" The girl climbed up, covering her shame with her torn clothes.She looked at Xia Lei with pleading eyes, but she didn't dare to get close.

Xia Lei also said in Hindi: "He is no longer your father. Can a father do that to you?"

The girl bit her lip, she looked at her father who was stepped on by Xia Lei, and stopped talking.The young monk rescued her in front of her. In terms of what happened just now, for her, she would rather believe the monk than her father.

Xia Lei released the energy field of mysterious energy, and instantly invaded the girl's father's brain, capturing his brain.All the thoughts, brain waves, pathological changes, etc. of the girl ’s father ’s brain appeared in Xia Lei ’s brain and were interpreted one by one.

The girl's father is thinking, eat!

In addition to this thinking, the girl's father has no other sense of thinking.

The girl ’s father ’s brain is in a state of inflammation and fever, giving Xia Lei a feeling of a jar of jam placed in the oven, which may burst at any time!

"This is the Hell Dog Virus?" Xia Lei said secretly in his heart: "People infected with this virus don't even let their biological daughter let go, and humanity is definitely not there, not even animals. The brain is left. The next "eat" consciousness, no fear, even if it is more powerful than yourself, do not know how many times the target must pounce on it, this ... "

Xia Lei suddenly remembered the zombies in "The Walking Dead" and "Resident Evil" he had seen before.The difference is that the zombies in the movie are fictitious, but this Indian man is real, and the Hellhound virus is also real.

Now it seems that the person who named the virus has thought about it.Hellhounds are hell's watchdogs, who live by eating corpses.There is only one “eat” consciousness in the girl ’s father ’s brain, which is almost the same as the consciousness of the hell dog.

Xia Lei awakened the ability of microvision and began to observe the brain cells of the girl's father.He was surprised to find that the girl ’s father ’s brain cells were moving at least ten times faster than normal people, consuming a lot of energy and accelerating the metabolism.Brain cells continue to die, and new brain cells are born.The impression is that his body is stimulating potential, even mutation!

According to the law of conservation of energy, the product after energy conversion will be obtained if the energy is consumed.So the brain of the girl's father is consuming the energy stored by the body, what will he get?

"Ah!" The girl's father suddenly screamed wildly, his hands suddenly caught Xia Lei's calf.

At that moment, Xia Lei felt like a calf clamped by a pair of iron tongs, and there was hot pain in his muscles.This situation shocked him, because suddenly the girl's father seemed to become a Super Saiyan, with terrifying power and a more agile reaction.

The girl's father's hands pulled hard, trying to lift Xia Lei away from him.His goal was achieved, but it was not because he suddenly became stronger and used his power to solve the problem, but Xia Lei jumped away when he was doing so.

What does a person infected with the whole hell virus look like when he is completely crazy?This is the question Xia Lei wants to make clear.

The girl's father got up from the ground, but instead of standing upright like a normal person, he supported the ground with his hands, like a dog standing on the ground.

The girl's father's legs and hands propped on the ground, his body suddenly jumped from the ground and swooped to Xia Lei.

The girl ’s father ’s strength, speed and agility have been greatly improved after the mutation. It is not a skinny old Indian at all, but more like a ferocious hyena!

In a blink of an eye, the girl's father rushed to the front. He opened his mouth, not the normal opening, but the feeling of tearing open.The corners of his mouth were torn apart by strong force, revealing a bloody masseter muscle, and the bones of the lower jaw and upper jaw were pulled to a level that could not be reached under normal circumstances, large enough to bite half a football!In his mouth, all the cells and tissues were mutated, full of bloody pimples, dense and dense, making people sick and scared!

Xia Lei flashed away.

The girl's father threw an empty, but did not give up, he turned and threw up again after landing.

Xia Lei raised his sword and fell into the heart of the girl's father during the flash.

The blood squirted out, as if stepping on a blood bag.Obviously, his heart was beating at least several times or even ten times faster.Otherwise, such a blood spray phenomenon is impossible.

The girl's father lay on the ground and did not get up again.

Xia Lei's eyes penetrated the girl's father's back and saw his heart.The girl ’s father ’s heart had stopped beating with only a slight tremor, which could not complete the blood transfusion.This discovery made Xia Lei slightly relieved, because if it was a zombie in the movie, the girl's father would definitely not die, unless the head was pierced with a knife.

Reality is reality, after all, it is not a movie.

Xia Lei secretly said: "First lose humanity, violence against his daughter, and then go crazy, attack a stronger target than him, the most suitable is completely crazy, and the body has some canine variations. This should be the characteristic of the hell dog virus. . "

These characteristics are described in the medical reports taken by Super Xiaoqianhei, but they are far from real and more comprehensive.Knowing the characteristics of the Hell Dog virus, Xia Lei was also worried.If this virus spread to China, with the population density of China, it would be the end!

"Dad! Daddy ... oooooooooooooooooooo!" The girl didn't care to cover the shameful part of her body and fell on her father's body, sad and desperate.

She is a kind girl.Her father did something that was not as good as her, but she obviously did not blame her father.Her emotions towards her father were real at the moment, and the tears that came out of it were a proof.

Xia Lei's hand rested on the girl's shoulder, "He is dead, don't be sad anymore, leave me here."

The girl didn't seem to hear Xia Lei's voice, she lay crying on her father's body.Part of the blood from her father's body ran onto her lower abdomen and then ran down the lower abdomen.

Xia Lei suddenly realized something and pulled her away.

The girl looked at Xia Lei indifferently, "Are you going to do that to me too?"

This sentence made Xia Lei distressed, "Do n’t get me wrong, I wo n’t hurt you, I just want to protect you. The virus may be transmitted through blood, your body will be infected with your father ’s blood, and you ’re not afraid of getting that Is it a terrible virus? "

"They left something dirtier in my body. Is there any difference?" The girl's face was expressionless and her eyes were dreadful. "This place has become hell. I have no hope ... "

Xia Lei suddenly caught a bloody divine light from her eyes, like an infrared flash.The change soon disappeared. Her eyes still looked normal, with black eyes and white eyes, but her eyes were empty.This is a desperate look.

Xia Lei secretly said: "That trace of blood is real, not my illusion, is it also a characteristic of the Hell Dog Virus? She has also been infected with the Hell Dog Virus?"

If the girl is infected with the Hell Dog Virus, Xia Lei will not be surprised at all, because the men did leave liquid in her body to reproduce the offspring.If hell dog virus can spread through that, she is already infected.

"Are you okay?" Xia Lei tried out, and reached out to pick the sharp knife from the girl's father's body.

The girl did not speak, but looked at Xia Lei with empty eyes.

Xia Lei took a box from his backpack, and then took a test tube from the box.He scraped the blood and muscle tissue from the sharp knife into the test tube, and then plugged the cork.

To study the Hell Dog Virus, he must sample.However, he will not bring the samples back to domestic research, he will find a laboratory in India to study in situ.This is his purpose of coming to India.

After taking the sample and putting the test tube and the box together in the backpack, Xia Lei's eyes moved again to the girl's body.At that moment, he once again caught the bloody flash of light flashing in the girl's eyes.

"Tell me, do you feel uncomfortable now?" Xia Lei asked.

"Hot, I'm hot ..." The girl scratched her chest with her hand.Her chest was not fully developed, but she just raised a little, looking green and a little malnourished.Her nails were scratched on the delicate chest, and a few bloody scratches suddenly appeared.

Xia Lei reached out and grabbed her hand, "Don't do this, don't hurt yourself."

"It's hot, my head ..." The girl shook her head violently, looking very painful.

Xia Lei's eyes instantly invaded the girl's brain.The girl's brain has begun to play orange transformation, the orange color is like a virus body, is rapidly spreading.If the girl ’s brain is likened to a piece of toilet paper, the orange thing is like water dripping on the toilet paper, spreading to an unbelievable rate!

In nature, no virus has such a rate of infection!

Xia Lei's eyes moved to the girl's chest again, he saw her heart, and her heart was bouncing, and the speed reached at least five hundred per minute!

"Ah!" The girl suddenly went mad and opened her mouth to Xia Lei's wrist.

With a sigh in Xia Lei's heart, his hands rose and fell, and the knife plunged into the girl's head.

The girl fell to the ground, and blood and brain tissue remained after Xia Lei's knife.Her brain tissue is no longer a normal brain tissue, but an orange paste that looks like watermelon sauce.

Xia Lei glanced at the girl and left the hut. He no longer wanted to stay in this place for another second.

The sunlight fell on him, but Xia Lei could not feel the slightest temperature.The air smelled of the smell of corpses, and the smell of blood, this place is really hell.

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