Super Vision

1169 1169 Kestin's Memories

Kirsten opened the cylindrical metal box.

Xia Lei did not stop, just watched.Not only did he not intervene, but even his expression appeared calm.

The soft and pure light emanates from the cylindrical metal box. The crystal skull showing a corner from the cylindrical metal box is still so mysterious that it cannot be guessed.

Xia Lei glanced at the multi-function watch on his wrist, and he found that the watch could no longer receive signals.With just a glance, he turned his gaze to Kersten.His eyes changed quietly, deep, deep, and deep again, like a black hole collapsing into the brain ...

This is actually the real purpose of Xia Lei to show the crystal skull to Kestin.I just walked around such a big bend just now, but just for the service in front of me!

The crystal skull can affect people's brain waves, make people hallucinate, and even influence people's thinking.At that time, it was his best chance to spy on Kirsten's brain and steal all information!

Kirsten held up the crystal skull. His eyes were full of excitement and excitement, and the voice of his voice was trembling. "It, it ... it's true. The crystal skulls of the Mayans are just poor A copy of ... whose skull is it? This is amazing. "

Xia Lei's energy field has quietly wrapped Kestin, capturing Kestin's brain waves with the fastest frequency.

Kestin didn't realize it. He was quickly disturbed by the crystal skull. The expression on his face was excited and sad, and suddenly sad.

Suddenly a slight shock came from Xia Lei's brain, and he finally caught Kestin's brain waves.But what he captured was the illusion of Kestin, and some images appeared in his brain simultaneously.That's the image of Kerstin with Charlotte and Eva in a circle, Charlotte and Eva are light, one is riding on his waist, the other is sitting on his chest, the picture is dirty Unbearable.

These illusions made Kirstyn very excited, but the picture that appeared immediately was unacceptable.Charlotte's skin sitting on his waist began to fall and became a hellhound virus infected person.Immediately, it was Eva, and Eva also became an infected person of Hell Dog Virus.The place where Charlotte made him happy just now cut through what he had, bloody.Eva's bloody scales were everywhere, and his mouth and tongue were cut, and his mouth was full of blood.

Such a picture makes Xia Lei feel sick, but he must persevere, because he knows that this is the only chance, and if he misses it, there will be no chance.

"Don't, don't ..." Kestin muttered to himself, "You are dead, you can't be alive, Charlotte Da Vinci, Eva Da Vinci ... You can't be infected with the Hell Dog virus, yes Will I avenge you, I will definitely, I will kill the yellow boar! "

Xia Lei secretly said: "It turns out that the two women are descendants of Leonardo da Vinci, he actually has no relationship with his descendants, it is really dirty."

Although valuable information has not been stolen, the secret can be dug as a good start.But just as Xia Lei was about to enter Kestin's brain, he suddenly felt that his brain waves were also affected, and some hallucinations appeared in front of him.

It was a delivery room. Two pregnant women were lying in the delivery room. One was Tang Yuyan and the other was Shen Tutianyin. Female doctors in the obstetrics and gynecology department were delivering them.They were very painful, breathing heavily, screaming, and sweating on their faces and bodies.He stood beside them and comforted them, waiting for the baby to be born.

A female doctor in the obstetrics and gynecology department suddenly pulled a bloody baby from Tang Yuyan's legs and held it to Xia Lei.The bloody baby suddenly opened his mouth, biting at Xia Lei's neck ...

"This is not true. Yuyan and Tianyin have not yet reached the time of production. This is an illusion. This is an illusion!" Xia Lei kept telling himself.At this moment, his brain vibrated violently again, and then came a feeling of falling fast. He felt as if he had fallen from the plane and would soon be crushed.

The ground really appeared, the ground covered with dry grass.


"Ah--" Xia Lei shouted in horror, and then suddenly there was darkness.The feeling of falling fast disappeared, and darkness extended infinitely in the field of vision.This place is like hell, and he can't feel his body.

Is this dead?

Is this a real feeling or an illusion?

Xia Lei couldn't make it clear, he went forward subconsciously, and then he ran away altogether.He ran and ran desperately, running at the fastest speed, but his feet were silent.This dark world seems to have never ended, and it is surprisingly flat, even without a stone.

After Xia Lei stopped and vented the fear in his heart, he calmed down and said secretly in his heart: "What's wrong with me? This is not true, this is an illusion. I use crystal skulls to calculate Kesten , But I also have to be affected. The crystal skull used to affect my brain waves, but it was n’t as strong this time. Is it because I swallowed the brain energy of people infected with Hell Dog Virus, the more I Strong, the greater the impact of the crystal skull on me? If so, it really lifted a stone and smashed his feet. "

The stronger the brain wave, the stronger the impact. This is a question, but there is no answer.

However, when Xia Lei clearly analyzed his current situation, the darkness in front of him suddenly receded.Light appeared in the dark space and then illuminated.The scene in front of him also changed, turning into an ancient tomb.

A familiar figure appeared in Xia Lei's field of vision, Yi Xitab, a suicide goddess from another corn, Zhu Xuanyue.

There is another person, Kesten.

Kirsten was lying on an icy surgical bed, surrounded by glass containers, catheters, and things he had never seen before.He opened his eyes and stared straight at Zhu Xuanyue, who looked like his mother.Zhu Xuanyue stroked his forehead, and the movement was like a mother's movement.

This scene is clearly the birth of Kestin.

Xia Lei was thrilled, "This is not an illusion, this is ... I have invaded Kestin's brain, this is his memory!"

This is indeed Ke Xing's memory. Xia Lei's voice was very loud, but Ke Xing and Zhu Xuanyue in the ancient tomb did not respond at all.

Why did this happen, Xia Lei could not know, but he could guess that it was related to the crystal skull.

This scene soon disappeared, replaced by the interior of an ancient family.Kirsten appeared and became the new owner with tokens and complicated code words.This ancient family has no real master and operates in accordance with a complex operating system, accumulating wealth and infiltrating American political and military circles.

In the ancient family, Kirsten met two young girls, they are Charlotte Da Vinci and Eva Da Vinci, they are descendants of Da Vinci, from a biological and genetic point of view , They are actually his descendants.After meeting, Charlotte and Eva were attracted by Kestin ’s handsome foreign trade and super high IQ. Coupled with his identity as the family owner who the family had been waiting for, they soon fell in love with him bed……

This scene soon disappeared, and a new one appeared again.

That ’s inside Lockheed Martin, because the Da Vinci family ’s shares in Lockheed Martin, and its influence in both the political and military sectors, Kesten easily replaced the original CEO. , Became the CEO of Lockheed Martin, and proposed a series of rectification plans.

The fourth scenario is the underground pyramid in Nigeria.Kirsten buried an explosive device in the tunnel, set a trap, and waited for Xia Lei's arrival.His plan was to kill Xia Lei, but what happened later lost control.He thought that Xia Lei would die in the icy pool that nurtured the Hell Dog Virus, but he didn't expect Xia Lei not to be afraid of low temperatures, nor to breathe underwater.Charlie killed Charlotte and Eva, and almost killed him ...

Xia Lei experienced this scene in person, but it is not complete.This time, he saw something happening later.

Kirsten cried beside the pool, and Zhu Xuanyue approached him. "Isn't your favorite person me? Weeping for two of your own descendants, you behave like a coward."

Kirsten bowed his head and dared not look at Zhu Xuanyue's eyes.

Zhu Xuanyue said: "I know you want to kill him because he is better than you and smarter than you. You want to kill him to become the best and smartest man in the world, right?"

Kesten didn't say anything, it was the default.

"You don't need to do this at all, because he is destined to die." Zhu Xuanyue's voice, "He is just a chess piece between Cassia Ruiz and me. He is very important, otherwise I will kill him long ago."

"You are dead enemies, how can there be the same piece?" Kestin's voice.

"Cascia Ruiz and I are indeed mortal enemies, but we have a common goal, and the enemy can sometimes cooperate."

"What goal?"

"The box of the world, and the secret of the crystal skull." Zhu Xuanyue pointed at the sky above her head, and then looked at the fading energy beam, her voice was faint, "There are amazing secrets hidden somewhere in this universe, And that guy is the only one who has a chance to unlock that secret. "

"Why is he?"

Zhu Xuanyue shook his head, "Cassia Ruiz holds this secret, but that guy won't share it with me. There is an agreement between Cassia Ruiz and me, no matter how we fight, in that kid's We ca n’t kill him before the deadline. So, for him, you do n’t need to think about revenge at all. He has run out of time. If you have to make him suffer, you can retaliate against his family. "

"I know." Kestin's mouth grinned a little, "I know what I should do."

"The Hell Dog Virus has awakened, this world will become a hunting ground. I have sent a signal to my hometown, and they will come soon. We will store a lot of energy here, multiply our population, and then rebuild our Civilization. After leaving here, you have to take the virus to India and Mexico and let them break out at the place I specified. "Zhu Xuanyue said.

"Is Nigeria the center of the virus outbreak?"

"No, you will know in the future." Zhu Xuanyue said.

This scene also disappeared.

Xia Lei's back skin was cold.

The fifth scenario appeared. It was a fighter plane manufacturing workshop of Lockheed Martin. Hundreds of workers and engineers were assembling a black fighter. Its shape was extremely strange, like a flattened one pyramid.

There is no doubt that this strange fighter is Kestin's Dragon Slayer.

boom!The tide of darkness generally came, and all the fragments of memories disappeared.

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