Super Vision

1170 Chapter 1170 Sky Pit

The darkness came again, and the whole world became silent at once, deadly still.

"How come I come here again? Does the crystal skull still affect me?" Xia Lei's heart was surprised and curious.After pondering for a while, he started to run again. Perhaps this was the only way to escape from the unreal world created by the crystal skull.

Running, running continuously, no footsteps, no sound, Xia Lei could not feel tired.Running in this illusory world, this violent movement does not even consume any energy.He has a feeling that it can run like this forever until the end of life.

I don't know how long it has passed, a bright light appeared in front.It appears in the darkness, like a lightning that cuts through the darkness, giving a very shocking feeling.

"This ... I seem to have seen such a scene, is that an exit?" Xia Lei ran over, his heart full of vigilance and awe.

That light was getting brighter and brighter, and finally turned into a door formed by the light.It's weird. It doesn't have a specific shape. You think it's square, it's square, you think it's round, it's round, you think it's arched, it's arched.In short, the language of this world seems to be unable to describe it accurately.

Xia Lei did not directly rush into the light gate as he did last time, but stopped before the light gate.This time he saw very clearly that the light door was not actually a door, but a vortex of extremely pure white light.It rotates slowly in this dark world, can't see what is inside it, and can't see what is behind it.

This vortex of light has a very ancient breath, as if it had existed since the birth of the universe, and the power of time is not at all insignificant to it.

Xia Lei stretched out a hand, slowly reaching towards the white light vortex.He wanted to test what would happen when he touched the white light vortex. There was a certain danger in doing so, but he could not control his curiosity.

Although he maintained sufficient vigilance and vigilance, the moment he touched the white light vortex with his fingers, he seemed to see a face hidden inside the white light vortex.He could see the outline of his face, but he couldn't see the details of his face.At that moment, an irresistible force of sucking came and immediately pulled him in.Then, in his field of vision, there was a piece of white, and only pure white could not see anything.He seemed to have been purified, and there was nothing left.

The weird face seemed to be entangled with him. I don't know why, he was not afraid of it, and he had a familiar and kind feeling.

boom!With a shock, all the illusions disappeared.

The natural light poured down from above the head, so real.Dongtian's wind blows across his cheeks, bringing a feeling of coldness, which is also so real.

Xia Lei stood blank, motionless.Justin was in front of him, holding the crystal skull like a fool.But his mind was not in Kesten's body at all, the vortex of white light constantly appeared in his mind, and the mysterious face hidden in the vortex.

Whose face is that?

Why is he in the vortex of white light?

Is he a living person, or an illusion that does not exist, or an illusion?

Why is there such a strange familiar and friendly feeling?

These questions popped into Xia Lei's brain, but he couldn't even understand a question.

After almost five minutes, Xia Lei recovered from his contemplation.He looked at Kestin, looking at the crystal skull in Kestin's hand, but he was wondering how he should end this matter.

When the matter reached this step, his goal had actually been achieved.How to deal with Kirsten is the problem he needs to face now.If he wanted to kill Kestin now, it would be an easy thing. He could stab him with a knife, or he could blow his head with a shot.But after doing that, he had to face the consequences of doing so.

Kirsten is the CEO of Lockheed Martin and the designer of the Dragon Slayer fighter. He has an irreplaceable and extremely important value in the eyes of those at the Pentagon. If he died here, between China and the United States Ten out of ten wars will erupt.What's worse, he still needs to face Zhu Xuanyue's revenge. Even if Zhu Xuanyue doesn't kill him, she can start with his family, and that's the consequence he can't accept.Another worst case is that Zhu Xuanyue or the United States carried out the Hell Dog Virus attack on China. Such a result will be a disaster for this country and nation, which cannot be sustained.

It's easy to kill a person, impulse, kill, but after a moment of pleasure, face the consequences of killing this person.Kerstin is dying because his presence threatens his wife and children, but he does n’t have to kill him here.

Xia Lei had thought about a better plan than killing Kesten immediately.

Xia Lei reached into the cylindrical metal box and took out a box with a corner, the box of the world, from the dark cell at the bottom.

The Box of the World is an existence that dreads Zhu Xuanyue and the only prehistoric people. People who have been in contact with it are either dead or crazy.What would happen if Kersten was exposed to it?

Xia Lei took the crystal skull from Kestin's hand, and put the World Box in Kestin's hand.

After Xia Lei put the crystal skull into the cylindrical metal box and closed the lid, Kestin's consciousness soon became sober.He looked at Xia Lei with a watchful eye, "What happened?"

"Nothing happened." Xia Lei said, and then he pointed to the box of the world in Kestin's hands. "I have fulfilled my promise. Have a look, I will give you ten minutes. If you think it is not enough , I can give you more time. "

Kestin's eyes moved to his hand, and it was only then that Xia Lei had taken the crystal skull away, and he had a missing box in his hand.His gaze stayed on the box of the world and could no longer move away.

The box of the world looks like it was made of bronze, with strange lines on it, and it looks very old.The impression is that as long as the universe has existed, it has existed for as many years.

Xia Lei quietly looked at Xing Ting, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"You have studied it for so long, what have you discovered?" Kesten asked.

Xia Lei said: "I didn't find anything, otherwise I won't invite you here."

"Do you think I know its secret?"

"You are Yixi Tabu, how much should you know?" Xia Lei said.

"Of course." Kestin said: "However, why should I tell you?"

Xia Lei sneered in his heart, secretly said: "You know a fart, you are a person born less than a year, how can you know the secret of the world box, if you know, how would you hold it? You It's too late to throw it away. "He thought so, but his face was quiet." Mr. Kesten, what do you want from me, are you willing to tell me? "

Kirsten said: "Take me to the Lehma Group to take a look, let me take a look at the fighters and bombers you studied, and I will tell you the secrets I know."

Xia Lei smiled, "You don't actually know anything, right?"

"I studied it during the Renaissance, do you think I wouldn't know its secret?" Kestin concealed his true reaction with a hint of disdain.

If it had not been that Stein ’s memory had been stolen successfully, Xia Lei might believe a little bit, but after successfully stolen Kestin ’s memory, he was very sure that Kestin knew nothing.In addition, there is a loophole in Kesten's words, that is, the fragments of the core of the world were actually found by him piece by piece, and then pieced together into a box.The Renaissance world box does not exist at all. How does Da Vinci study things that do not exist?

But at this time, Kestin suddenly threw out the box of the world in his hand, and his face became nervous. "Why do you show me? And are you willing to give me more time? You have What conspiracy? "

"Because you want to see it." Xia Lei said lightly: "You think you are the smartest person in the world, but Yi Sitabu told you that only I can crack the secret of the world's box and crystal skull. I'm not convinced, so you want to understand how far I have researched. You even want to replace me to crack the secret of the crystal skull and the box of the world, right? "

Kirsten sneered: "Do you think you are the smartest person in this world? Even if it is, I don't care at all. We all have our own destiny, I can see your destiny, mine, you can't see . So, why should I replace you? "

This is suggesting that Xia Lei is coming.

Xia Lei just shrugged and said nothing.

Kirsten carefully checked his palms for signs of poisoning.His palms were intact as before, with no signs of poisoning.There was no slight discomfort in his body.He only relaxed a little after the inspection, but he still dared not pick up the world box he threw on the ground.

Xia Lei picked up the world box and avoided the gap.Just now he was actually very worried about what Kirsten put his fingers into the gap, then Ketin would be pulled into the world of the box, either disappear forever or return to the world in a pile of ashes.

"Do you want to see it again?" Xia Lei asked.

"No, I don't believe you have such kindness. But no matter what tricks you play, I will find out. You better do nothing, otherwise you will regret it." Kesten said coldly.

Xia Lei smiled, "Are you threatening me?"

"We've finished the talk, goodbye." Kestin turned and walked away, without any attachment.

Kirsten is very eager to crack the secrets of the World Box and Crystal Skull, but when facing the Crystal Skull and World Box, he can still hold back the curiosity and desire in his heart.Based on this alone, Kesten is a difficult opponent.

Kirsten touched the box of the world, would he go crazy and die like tranquility and those experts who had died?This is an unpredictable thing, but whether it is going crazy or dying, I believe time will give the answer.

Toot, toot ...

The satellite phone suddenly rang, Xia Lei glanced at the phone and answered the phone. Giovanna's voice came from the phone. "Santa Ray, we saw Kestin going down the mountain. Do we want to kill him?"

Xia Lei said: "No, let him go."

"Are you all right?" Giovanna said with concern.

Xia Lei smiled, "It's okay, I will go down the mountain immediately."

At the foot of the mountain, a firework suddenly rose into the sky and then exploded.

Daytime fireworks.

Xia Lei walked down the mountain. His business was done. Now it's time to celebrate his sister's wedding.

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