Super Vision

1220 Chapter 1220 The Last Arrangement

Ice and snow covered the mountain, shining brightly in the sun, just like an ice drill.The forest under the mountainside is lush and the flowers bloom.Xanadu is located in a valley between icebergs and forests in a boxy city.There are walls made of thick reinforced concrete, as well as beautiful civil buildings.Under the blue sky and white clouds, the paradise is as beautiful as a painting.

"It's so beautiful, I really want to see it." Shen Tu Tianyin said emotionally.

"If the province is in the west, the altitude is high and the ultraviolet rays are strong. Will it be tanned?" Fan Fan was worried about this problem.

Liang Siyao couldn't help but laughed out loud, "Can't you just bring more sunscreen? Go out and get an umbrella with UV protection."

"Yeah, Fanfan, don't drag your feet, I like this place, we must go and take a look." Long Bing said.

Super Xiaoqian has an additional baton in his hand, and then pointed to an antique house and said, "My beautiful maids, this is the room for you and the children. Each of you has a room of your own. It is constructed in full accordance with the standards of the five-star hotel presidential suite, with separate bathrooms and toilets, as well as sauna rooms and multi-functional audio and video rooms. The construction area of ​​a single room reaches 80 square meters. "

The expressions of women are exaggerated.In China, most people live in a family of tens of square meters, but in the paradise, they have a room of 80 square meters, which is the standard of a five-star hotel presidential suite.This is not a luxury.

After showing the hostess's room, Super Xiaoqian showed the children's room again, "The children's room is smaller, only 40 square meters of building area, there is a study room, study room, toilet and bathroom, and a gym There is one of my terminals in the learning room. I have tailored a learning plan for the children. The characteristics of each child are different, and the learning plan is different. And my learning plan has been arranged until they are 18 years old. At that time, they will be proficient in at least ten foreign languages, doctorate-level physics, astronomy, mathematics, electrical engineering and other professional knowledge. "

Women ’s mouths are a bit out of place. If you let your child go to school, at the age of 18, but only after graduating from high school, it is impossible to master any professional knowledge at the doctoral level.You can die away and accept Super Xiaoqian's learning plan, but the children can get extraordinary achievements!

They do not doubt Super Xiaoqian's ability at all, because Super Xiaoqian is the most powerful artificial intelligence in the world.Only a learning plan for Super Xiaoqian is enough for them to act, because women live for their children.

Super Xiaoqian said: "Mothers and mothers, your children are no longer small, and their intelligence is far more than ordinary children. It is of great benefit to them to receive education as soon as possible. No matter which of your children It ’s a genius, but geniuses also need to work hard, or geniuses will become ordinary people. So, please make a decision. "

"I'm going." Jiang Ruyi first stated, "Xia Jianghe really should go to school. All day naughty, I have a headache."

"Mom!" Xia Jianghe grumbled, "I ignore you!"

There was another laugh in the restaurant.

Shen Tu Tianyin asked: "Xiao Qian, can you go to work there?"

Super Xiaoqian said: "Mother Tianyin, of course. My computer is in Xanadu. I am in control of the entire online world. In addition, I have built an office tailored for you. Let's see."

There is a multi-functional office in the void, spacious and bright, with a lot of equipment that can not be seen on the market, full of science fiction.

"I can work here?" Shen Tu Tianyin fell in love with the office that Super Xiaoqian tailored for her at a glance.

Super Xiaoqian said: "Mother Tianyin, you can enjoy life if you are away from the paradise, without having to work in person. I will create an office for you, just to let you have an addiction when you want to manage Vientiane Group. In fact, in this office I have equipped you with an avatar secretary who can handle all the affairs of the Vientiane Group for you. If necessary, she can also simulate what you are and directly open a video conference for your subordinates. "

Shen Tu Tianyin smiled, "I'm not addicted. Your arrangement is very good, I will have more time to accompany Xia Yang and Xia Yue."

"Mother Siyao, Mother Dragon, Mother Yuyan." Super Xiaoqian said: "You are secret agents, and I have tailored for you the fun stuff that belongs to you, that is the spicy secret service."

"Spicy Mother Secret Service?" Liang Siyao was confused.

Long Bing and Tang Yuyan couldn't help but glance at each other.

A building space emerged in the void, with an office area and practice design shooting range, and there were already a dazzling arsenal of weapons and equipment.At a glance, this space can tell who is working from.

Super Xiaoqian said: "The three of you are hot moms, so your combination is called the hot mom secret service. There, you can steal the intelligence secrets of any country in the world at will, and you can also spoil the intelligence operations of any country. Of course, I do n’t recommend that you go out to fight. If you really want to fight, I have also designed simulated battles for you. I assure you that the fidelity will reach 90%, and your feeling of being on the scene It will reach 80%. In the future I will improve this technology so that both indicators will reach 99%. "

"Hahaha!" Long Bing smiled, "Is the Hot Mom Secret Service Bureau? I like it!"

"It looks good, I also like it." Tang Yuyan also smiled, she also reached out and touched Long Bing's fist.

"Okay, Mommy Secret Service, let's just Mommy Secret Service." Liang Siyao said with a smile.

"Where am I?" Fan Fan asked. Other women have exclusive goodies. If she didn't, she would be too big.

"Mother Fanfan." Super Xiaoqian said: "I built a super laboratory for you, in this laboratory you can study anything you want to study, including the vaccine of the hell dog virus."

"Wow! Haha! That's great!" Fan Fan patted his palm excitedly.

Ruyi would also like to ask, but he swallowed it to his mouth.There is some embarrassment in her look.She is the most ordinary of all the women who come down. She has no special abilities and no great skills.In such a situation, what can Super Xiaoqian create for her?

At this time, Super Xiaoqian said aloud: "Mother Ruyi, I built the best kitchen for you according to your characteristics, and my own assistant who is dedicated to you. She will provide you with all the world's. Recipes and cooking techniques. There is no doubt that in this kitchen you will cook the most delicious food in the world. "

There was a smile on Jiang Ruyi's face.She has forgotten her strengths, almost all she is cooking food in Ping Anju, and that is what she is good at.This strength does not look so tall, but it is essential.People have to eat every day. She controls the best kitchen in Xanadu. The women and children here will love her.

"Thank you, Xiaoqian." Jiang Ruyi thanked.

"Willn't you be without me?" Xia Xue waited for a long time, and was anxious.

Super Xiaoqian smiled, "Sister Xiaoxue, of course, have your own arrangements. You and Aunt Liu have your own room and your own office, and you can handle the work of the Rema Group in the office."

"Cut, brother, you're partial." Xia Xue said dissatisfiedly: "You give the sister-in-law so good exclusive, but I'm just the office."

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Don't make a fuss, what do you like to make people build?"

"Then I'll join the sister-in-law's spy mother secret service, and you will give the right man in the office." Xia Xue said: "Anyway, I'm going to be a mother too, and I'm a spicy mother."

"Okay, we welcome you to join." Liang Siyao said.

Long Bing said: "We handed over the collected information to Bureau 101, which can be regarded as a contribution to the country."

"I agree." Tang Yuyan said.

"What are you waiting for?" Super Xiaoqian said: "Go and pack your bags. We will call the Lema Group's special plane No. 1 for you to fly to the Xanadu Taoyuan base tomorrow morning. Well, I won't tell you, family one The special plane is a special plane with the combat functions of the Yanwang fighter and the Kunpeng bomber. It is the safest and most powerful special plane in the world. It is not a problem to kill a few F35s. "

Fan Fan fought Xia Lei's fist, "Husband, the difference is so exaggerated. The US President's Air Force One does not have the combat function, but our family's special plane can kill several F35s, which is too exaggerated."

Xia Lei said: "It's not an exaggeration to concern your safety."

"I'm going to pack up." Shen Tu Tianyin can't wait any longer.

"I'm going too." Liang Siyao also got up.

Xia Lei also got up, "I help you."

The moonlight was as gentle as water, Liang Siyao and Shen Tu Tianyin walked side by side, talking and laughing, leaving the man behind them aside.

When he was about to walk to Liang Siyao's room, Xia Lei suddenly said: "Oh, there seems to be a worm in my eyes, it hurts. Please take a look at me and blow it out."

Liang Siyao and Shen Tutianyin turned around and said in unison: "How do you know your eyes?"

"I have both eyes. Blow it out for me quickly, it hurts." Xia Lei looked uncomfortable.

Liang Siyao leaned in front of Xia Lei's left eye and concentrated on Xia Lei's eyes, looking for the bugs inside.Shen Tu Tianyin leaned in front of Xia Lei's right eye and also concentrated on the bugs inside.They didn't find it at all, Xia Lei's eyes quickly blackened ...

Shen Tu Tianyin and Liang Siyao froze, motionless, they could not hear what Xia Lei said.

After a few minutes, Xia Lei's eyes returned to normal.

Liang Siyao gave Xia Lei a punch, "Why are there any bugs? You deceive people."

Shen Tu Tianyin also said: "I haven't seen any insects."

Xia Lei carefully observed the reactions of the two women. He relieved their deep hypnosis and restored their brains to their original state.But he did not erase the memories of the time they spent together.

Liang Siyao and Shen Tu Tianyin glanced at each other, and there was a little change of eyes at that moment, but that's all.Then the two women smiled at each other.

This smile let Xia Lei breathe a sigh of relief, because in his opinion, Liang Siyao's heart will definitely be confused, but the sister-like relationship during this time has subtly changed her.Liang Siyao's prejudice to Shen Tu Tianyin has long been replaced by the accumulated affection of bit by bit.

Time will smooth out everything, including contradictions between women.During this time, they lived together and had children as lubricants. What other contradictions were there?

"Aren't you going to help us pack our luggage? Don't go quickly!" Liang Siyao said.

"Yes, this is what you said." Shen Tu Tianyin said with a smile.

"Received! Go now!" Xia Lei went happily.

The two women looked at Xia Lei's back, stunned for a while, and Liang Siyao suddenly said, "I don't know why, I feel a little strange."

"I do, but I can't tell what it is." Shen Tu Tianyin said.

"Forget it, leave it alone." Liang Siyao said with a smile: "We are a family, this is the most important."

Shen Tu Tianyin gave Liang Siyao a hug, "We are a family."

Moving forward, Xia Lei's eyes were slightly moist. "This is my last arrangement."

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