Super Vision

1221 Question 1221

The afternoon sun was lazy, the Himalayas were bathed in sunlight, and the snow capped exuded holiness.The mountain peaks are undulating and in a variety of poses. This spectacular scenery stretches forward under the blue sky and white clouds as if reaching the end of the world.

However, this is a kind of irony, because only in this unmanned place can nature protect her most beautiful side.

A plane shaped like a civilian plane or a fighter jet dived from the blue sky and then landed on the runway of Xanadu.The gangway of the plane was put down, and the hostess of the Xia family dragged the girl out of the cabin.Coming to the ground, facing the golden color of the spectacular Himalayas, they seemed to switch to the state of girls one by one, cheering and laughing, and laughing constantly.

Xia Lei dragged a few large suitcases and got off the plane slightly.But seeing his wife and children so happy, he was happy to be a bit tired.Four sacred cows flew together to help Xia Lei to salute, but they all looked well-formed, hiding their little secrets with Xia Lei very well.

Qian Jun and Yue Ye Xingzi and others brought people to pick up the plane, followed by a large group of elite armed men from the heavily rescued rescue team. The scene was very large, as if a country's army was welcoming their heads of state and their wives.

Yue Ye Xingzi looked at Xia Lei hotly, enduring to miss him, after all, Xia Lei's wives came.She looked at Xia Lei, and Xia Lei also looked at her, and she was looking at her pair of particularly full plumpness.He has turned Giovanna and the four of them into cows, drinking their sacred milk every day. How could he miss the even Ninja milk?

"Come on, I can't wait to see my room." Fan Fan shouted.

Liang Siyao said to her: "Strange, why didn't Xiaoqian say a big room? In Ping Anju, we have a big room."

Fan Fan blushed slightly, "You are talking about the room where we slept with my husband ...?"

Liang Siyao nodded, "Yes, that is the kind of room, big and big, and then there is a big, big and big bed."

"Go to you." Fan Fan punched Liang Siyao. "What do you want in such a room? The children are getting bigger and bigger. If they are still in a mess like a safe house, they will be dead."

Liang Siyao yelled and said, "Yes, it is better not to have such a room."

But at this time, Super Xiaoqian appeared in the middle of the two women, and the voice was small, "Of course, it was designed by the owner himself. It is super gorgeous and super warm. You will like it. Well, he will not let it I said, I told you secretly. "

Fan Fan and Liang Siyao turned back and glared at Xia Lei, Xia Lei glared at Super Xiaoqian.With his hearing, no matter how small the super Xiaoqian's voice is, he can hear it.

Long Bing, Jiang Ruyi and Shen Tu Tianyin walked and chatted. The three women talked about their children, and they were very affectionate.

Seeing this scene, Xia Lei couldn't help but a smile appeared.Last night, he not only relieved the deep hypnosis in Liang Siyao's brain, but also relieved the deep hypnosis in Fan Fan, Long Bing, and Jiang Ruyi's brain.The only thing that didn't move was Tang Yuyan, because he didn't hypnotize her at all, and her relationship with Shen Tu Tianyin was always good, so there was no need to hypnotize her, so that she and Shen Tu Tianyin were good.

It now appears that his original approach was correct.During a period of time together, Liang Siyao, Fan Fan, Long Bing, Jiang Ruyi and Shen Tu Tianyin accepted each other in a subtle way, and cultivated the affection between family members only when the children acted as lubricants.So after he lifted the deep hypnosis against them, the previous contradiction was actually erased by the emotions cultivated during this period of common life.In other words, time helped him solve the problem that caused him the most headache, and he just moved his hands and feet a little.

This result is good, good for him, and good for Shen Tu Tianyin and Liang Siyao.

Yelena took Liang Siyao and the children to see their room. Qiao Fanna and the four of them dragged their suitcases to accompany them throughout the journey.Xia Lei and Yue Ye Xingzi slowed down and walked behind the team.

"That ..." Xia Lei said quietly, "I'll wait for me in the woods behind, I have something to talk to you about."

Yueye Kyoko's cheeks suddenly raised two blushes, and he responded gently.Judging from her shyness and emotional response, she obviously thought of where to go.But she thought that it would be normal to go somewhere. Xia Lei asked her to wait for him in the woods behind, but what was that?

Xia Lei is actually forced.In this place, he can hardly buy a lot of milk from the market, but he needs a lot of milk.What's more, after eating milk for a long time, he has long discovered that the milk purchased from the market is not as good as the milk he hypnotized himself.The best quality is actually Jovana, Stella, Rosa and Teresa. The colostrums of these four women who have never had children are the best. The quality of their four milks is still effective. Even he The milk of his wives is incomparable.Therefore, he needs the milk of Yueye Kyoko. The milk of Yueye Kyoko is the same as the milk of the four female knights. They are the first milk of a woman who has never had a child.

There is actually another woman in the zodiac team who is a high-quality milk source, that is Yelena, but she is the girlfriend of An Gu Mi Khan, which is not suitable, so he excluded her.

"Boss, let me help you with your backpack." An Gu Mi Khan turned around with a smiling smile on his face.He actually came to listen to Xia Lei and Yue Ye Xingzi talking about something.

Xia Lei said: "No, the contents inside are very important. I just carry it on my back." His backpack contained a radiation-proof alloy box with a crystal skull and a world box.In addition, he brought the armor that he got from the hospital knights this time, but he could n’t carry it in his backpack. He put it in a big suitcase and was dragged by Giovanna. .

"Okay, then." An Gu Mi Khan shrugged. "By the boss, Kyoko missed you this time, and lost his appetite. You came here to accompany her and let her eat more."

This was normal, but Xia Lei heard another taste, and that taste embarrassed him.

Yueye Kyoko glared at An Gu Mi Khan, "Dead monkey, if you say one more thing, my knife will not know you."

With a loud clang, the samurai sword of Yueye Kyoko slipped out of the scabbard, and the chill was pressing.

"I'm doing it for you ... well, when I said nothing." An Gu Mi Khan closed his mouth, and then flashed.

The woman and the children settled down.The hostess of Xia family loves this place, and the children like it too.Children who can run are running around in the room, playing hide and seek, chasing and playing.Xia Yang, Xia Yue and Xia Dawang, who could not run, were also held by Shen Tu Tianyin and Tang Yuyan. They looked east and west, and were delighted.

Walking around, the women came to an antique door.

"This house is so big." Jiang Ruyi said in awe.

"What is the house for? The restaurant or the multi-functional meeting room?" Fan Fan looked curious.

"I think it is a multi-functional meeting room." Long Bing said.

"Aren't you tired of guessing it? Do you know if you open it?" Liang Siyao pushed open the door.

The door opened and a wide room entered the women's sight.But then at that time they both froze, because this is a bedroom, super bedroom.The bed placed under the front wall of the room is 20 square meters, which is definitely a room for ordinary people.Even more bizarre is that the bedding on the bed is also specially made, larger than the bed.

Women know that it is definitely not the bed where giants sleep, but their husbands and their beds.Such a big bed is enough to sleep six of them and Xia Lei.

However, not only is it a large bed, but there is also an indoor swimming pool.It was filled with water, and the water was crystal clear.You can see the wave-making facilities in the swimming pool at a glance.Obviously, this will be a fun and story indoor swimming pool.

"Mom! What a beautiful room, let's live in this room in the future!" Liang Jiayu said in a naive voice.

"This room belongs to my mother and me!" Xia Long wanted to argue with Liang Jiayu.

Long Bing and Liang Siyao glanced at each other, looking embarrassed, not knowing how to explain it.

Fortunately, Fanfan is clever, "This is your father's training room, not a sleeping bedroom."

"Mom, what skills does Dad practice?" Xia Fan asked.

Fanfan blushed, "This ..."

"It must be a kung fu related to the bed, otherwise there will not be such a big bed, you are so stupid brother." Xia Jianghe said.

Jiang Ruyi hugged Xia Jianghe in a hurry, "Let's go look elsewhere, not see your father's practice room."

Several other women also hurriedly took their children away, so as not to let the children guess wildly.

Shen Tu Tianyin's face was also sullen, she and Tang Yuyan walked together, "I really want to sleep together? I dare not think about the picture."

Tang Yuyan smiled a little, "I didn't get used to it at first, but after the first time I felt pretty good, I got used to it slowly. I know you are shallow, but try it, maybe you will like that feeling. The whole family, like that ... it actually helps our family to be more united. "

Shen Tu Tianyin shook his head, "I dare not think about it, it's too embarrassing ..." After a pause, her attitude changed a bit, "However, I think what you said makes sense. In that case, our family does It will be better and more united, but I ... can't do it. "

Tang Yuyan approached Shen Tu Tianyin's ear and said quietly: "Let him touch you at night, I will come with you and let you adapt?"

Shen Tu Tianyin, "..."

Tang Yuyan suddenly looked around, "Yes, we are busy looking at the house, where did that guy go?"

Shen Tu Tianyin also looked around, but did not see Xia Lei.

"Where did Dad go?" Xia Yang suddenly said something.

Shen Tu Tianyin was suddenly taken aback, "Yang Yang, you ... can you speak?"

"Talk." Xia Yue's voice.

Shen Tu Tianyin's body shook with excitement, and he covered his mouth with one hand.

Tang Yuyan showed an envious look, "Your child should be the smartest, my Dawang can't speak yet."

"It's not necessarily, Dawang called a Liu Niang to listen." Shen Tu Tianyin leaned in front of Xia Dawang's stroller and teased him.

"Giggle ..." Xia Dawang smiled.

Tang Yuyan said, "Did you see it?"

"The child talks sooner or later, it's not a matter of being smart or not." Shen Tu Tianyin said, but his heart turned beautiful.It seems that it was because of this that she wanted to understand something. She touched Tang Yuyan with her arm. "Are you serious about what you just said?"

"What did you say ..." Tang Yuyan smiled, "Of course it is serious."

Shen Tu Tianyin nodded, "Then ... please."

Tang Yuyan smiled and said, "Both are the same family. We both married Xia Lei last time. What's your politeness?"

But when the two women murmured, their men had quietly slipped out of the paradise and came to a forest behind them.

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