Super Vision

1233 Chapter 1233 A Woman Is A Very Strange Animal

The rain stopped at dawn.

The four women wake up one after another, with an interval of no more than one second.They seemed to have an alarm clock in their brains, and they awakened them when the time came.

They saw the big hole in the wall, and Xia Lei standing beside the hole in the wall.He looked at the direction of the Holy Palace, motionless, like a stone statue.

"What happened?" Helena said in surprise.

"So there will be a hole in the wall? I didn't hear anything." Constantini said.

Julia jumped off the bed and walked to Xia Lei barefoot, "God Son, what happened?"

Xia Lei turned back and looked at the four women. "Last night there was an attack. Except for you, everyone here is dead."

"Ah?" The four women were shocked on the spot.

Xia Lei said: "I put their bodies in the church in the castle. I think they need a ceremony. Come and see."

The four women hurriedly put on their clothes and went out.

Xia Lei also followed, participating in the funeral ceremony held by four women for the dead.Those people were not killed by him, but they died because of him.Because if he does not come here, Yixi Tabu will not come here, if Yixi Tabu does not come, Johnson and the people here will not die.

At the end of the funeral, the four women took tools to dig holes in the woods behind the castle.Xia Lei moved the corpse to the woods with a pallet truck, and then helped four women to dig the pit.

It took a long time to bury all the bodies.There are no tombstones, and the four women are tied with wooden boards in the shape of a cross, and then write their names on it.

Tired for a long time, Xia Lei was sweaty and dirty.After returning to the castle he entered a bathroom to take a shower.The four women also went to take a shower, but did not stay with Xia Lei.

Everyone is dead, no one is boiling hot water, and the water flowing from the shower head is cold cold water.Xia Lei's skin has a very sensitive reaction, and then the body's immune system adjusts immediately. He only takes a few seconds to get used to the feeling of bathing in cold water.

During this time he drank a lot of human milk, including some of the best colostrum given to him by women who had no children.The side effects on the body of people who had eaten living humans and hell dog virus infection had been completely eliminated, so his skin returned to normal, no longer crystal clear, and the reaction to hot and cold was no different from normal people.

In addition to this, his strength also has a rapid change, which is several times stronger than before.But no matter how strong, after last night's fight with Isitab, he still got a conclusion that made him discouraged, that is, if he fights normally, he can't beat Isitab at all, and of course there is no possibility of winning Cassia Ruiz.

After all, these two opponents survived for a very long time, and the population who eats may be able to form an international metropolis.Longer evolutionary time, more energy, this is not comparable to his evolutionary path just a few years.Another point is that Yisitabu and Cassia Ruiz are pure energy bodies, and they are not afraid of physical attacks at all. The marksmanship and thermal weapons he is good at have no use at all, and if he uses pure branding energy to fight, he It is obviously in a weak position.

This is an unsolved game.

While taking a bath, thinking about the problem, Xia Lei suddenly remembered the words that Yixi Tabu said when she left.

"Be careful that day, if you are smart enough, you may have a chance to live." This is the sentence that Yixi Tabu left when he left.

This sentence seemed to be replayed in Xia Lei's brain, but he couldn't understand the meaning of Yisitabu's statement, and even less understood what she was suggesting.

"Trust her? Huh!" Xia Lei snorted coldly, and a bit of self-deprecating wry smile appeared in the corner of her mouth. "She and Casia Ruiz have been laid out from the beginning, and they are framing me. Now it is her and Now that Casia Ruiz has succeeded, how can she kindly help me? Do n’t forget that she and Casia Ruiz are the same kind, and she has a secret agreement with Cassia Ruiz against me! "

Footsteps came.

Xia Lei's thoughts were suddenly interrupted. His eyes penetrated the bathroom door, and Helena, Julia, Constantine, and Jennifer entered his eyes.The four women approached the bathroom door cautiously. Their hands were not the towels and clean clothes that served Xia Lei, but four pistols.

Xia Lei couldn't help but smile bitterly, he could fully feel the desire of revenge emanating from them.Obviously, they regarded him as the murderer, who killed Johnson and the people in the castle.

The four women crept close to the bathroom, and the guns were all aimed at the wooden door of the bathroom.Shooting at a wooden door is a very simple matter, but they are very nervous and painful, and they are all hesitant and cannot shoot.

Xia Lei's voice suddenly came from the bathroom, "I do look strange, but I tell you that I am not a murderer. If I am a murderer, I killed those people, why should I keep you, I keep you Revenge? "

His voice startled the four women outside the door.

Helena calmed down quickly. She maintained the posture of pointing the gun at the wooden door and said, "Don't lie to us, when you come, you kill one of our brothers!"

"You once washed our holy palace!" Julia roared, looking fierce.

"Raise your hands and come out! Or we'll shoot!" Constance's voice will shoot at any moment.

The bathroom door opened, and Xia Lei came out of the bathroom.A bath towel was tied around his waist, and he had no time to wipe off the drops of water on his body.Those drops of water make his body look very smooth and delicate, plus the perfect mermaid line, his body is simply a work of art born under the master.

The four women stayed a little bit, but just for a moment, they still maintained the posture of pointing at Xia Lei with their guns, all very fierce.After all, they are knights of the hospital knights, not ordinary women.

Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders and looked relaxed, "I said the last time, I am not a murderer. I am too lazy to explain to you, if you don't believe me, then you go, I give you enough money for you to have a happy end The second half of my life. "

"We love money, but we will not betray our faith for money!" Julia's voice.

"And our chivalry!" Helena's voice.

"I don't want to kill you." Xia Lei's voice turned cold, and his patience was limited.

Helena suddenly threw a handcuff on the ground, then shouted at Xia Lei: "Put it on, and then go with us to the holy palace! Your sin needs to be confessed in the holy palace church, and then be tried!"

Her voice had just fallen, and Constantine, who was standing next to her, suddenly kicked her hips.This kick was so heavy that she kicked her and almost fell to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Helena looked at Constance in exasperation.

Constantine's expression was horrified. "I, I don't know ... I can't control my feet!"

Her words just fell, and Julia standing next to her suddenly lifted her leg and kicked her on her hips, and she almost fell to the ground.

"I, I can't control my feet!" It was Jennifer who kicked Constance, her forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"It's you!" Helena suddenly understood something, and she pointed her gun at Xia Lei again.She wanted to shoot, but she suddenly realized that she couldn't control her hands at all.She struggled for only two seconds, and then she will remain on the ground.

Not only did Helena throw away the gun in her hand, but at the same time Constance, Jennifer, and Julia also threw the gun in the hand.

But this was not the end. Julia walked to Helena, hugged her suddenly, and kissed Helena's lips.The same thing happened to Constantine and Jennifer, who not only kissed, but also touched each other's bodies.

It was originally a picture of a female knight's revenge full of positive energy, and in a blink of an eye it was filthy, full of negative energy.

Just when the four female knights were entangled, Xia Lei walked to the bed, took off the bath towel, put on his clothes, and carried his equipment bag to the door.

"Where are you going?" There were two tongues in Helena's mouth, and her voice was ambiguous, but she still spoke hard.

The other three women were also ashamed.Their brains are sober, they know what happened, but they just can't control their bodies to do the kind of things that make them feel ashamed.

Xia Lei just glanced back, and then continued his way.

"We ... hmmmm ... wrong!" Constance's voice was equally vague.

The matter has reached the point where it is now. In fact, the hearts of the four female knights are very clear. If Xia Lei wants to kill them, they are already dead.But he didn't do it. With his ability, if he killed the Knights of the Hospital, he didn't need to deny it at all, because even if he admitted, the Knights of the Hospital didn't have any temper to take him!And they also thought of the five million dollars. If Xia Lei was the murderer, he didn't need to give them that much money.When they found something wrong, they began to regret it.

At the door, Xia Lei stopped, "I'm going to your holy palace, if you want to understand, then come, I'll wait for you outside the castle."

Leaving this sentence, Xia Lei walked out of the room.

The four women's bodies suddenly regained their freedom, Helena pushed away Julia, and Constance pushed away Jennifer, who was entangled with her.

The four women did not immediately chase them out.

"Is he really the Son of God?" Jennifer murmured.

"Don't think about it, let's go quickly. If he changes his mind, we won't be able to be with him." Constance said: "Serving him is the command of the leader, nurturing him is the mission God has given us. . No matter what mission we have to complete, I am afraid it is the greatest thing we can do in this life. "

"What are you waiting for?" Jennifer climbed up from the ground, and picked up the pistol that fell on the ground and ran out.

"Hey! Jennifer, your underwear is about to fall off." Constance's voice.

Jennifer looked down and almost fell to the ground.Her ankle was wrapped around her ankle, and if she took another step, she would really trip.She grabbed her Nene and stared at Constance angrily.

Constance shrugged. "I can't control my hand. The Son of God made me do that. You should be honored. The four of us, he just took off your shame."

Jennifer, "..."

The other three women laughed.

Woman is really a very strange animal.

Xia Lei sighed in the corridor, a trace of guilt in his heart.For him to pursue the correct approach is to let these four women leave Malta, go as far as possible, because it is the safest way to do so.But he finally decided to take them because he needed their milk.

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