Super Vision

1234 Chapter 1234Ghostly and horrible church

Five horses ran on the dirt road in the valley and finally came to the beach.Led by four female knights, Xia Lei traversed the reef area by the sea and then came to the waterway into the holy palace.

Constance dragged a small boat behind the reef next to the waterway, and the five people entered the waterway by boat.

The waterway is not dark, and there are brazier lights on the rock walls.Under the light of the fire, the water channel was sparkling, and occasionally several fish could be seen swimming past the side of the ship, not afraid of people at all.

Constance and Helena were at the bow and one at the stern, and the two women rowed in the oars.Julia and Jennifer are sitting around Xia Lei, but they are obviously not idle.Not long before the ship entered the waterway, Julia touched Xia Lei with her arm. "Son, are you hungry?"

Without waiting for Xia Lei to answer, Jennifer on the other side had lifted her coat, "Son, your breakfast is ready."

Xia Lei, "..."

The restraint of the Divine Son disappeared at the moment when Jennifer gathered, he longed for power, so he also longed for milk.

The click sound echoed in the quiet tunnel. Xia Lei had tried his best to control that kind of sound, but it was too quiet here. A little bit of sound would be amplified, and it looked very loud.

The strange voice caused trouble to the other three women. They didn't want to see it, but couldn't control their eyes.They also seem to have a hot hairy bug crawling around in their bodies, their bodies tickling and their hearts tickling.

In any case, the nurturing boat was moving steadily, with no signs of overturning.After feeding Xia Lei, Jennifer and Julia went to replace Constance and Helena. Xia Lei was also willing to take such a rotation. This breakfast was full.

The boat came to the pier at the end of the waterway.There was no one on the dock, only two braziers beside the stone ladder were burning quietly.

"What's the matter? There are usually people guarding here." The last Helena who nurtured Xia Lei stood up in the boat. While talking, she grabbed the hem of the jacket and pulled down, and the snowy scenery was suddenly covered up. .

Xia Lei also got up from the boat, he used his tongue to remove the white traces around the corner of his mouth, and then pointed to the waters outside the ship, "Guard below, he is dead."

The four women followed their eyes, but they only saw the waves and could not see anything underwater.

"Where? How can I not see?" Jennifer said.

Xia Lei said: "I naturally have my way to see, if you want to see, you can only dive."

Four women, you look at me, I look at you, and in the end no one wants to dive down to see a body.

Xia Lei got out of the boat and boarded the platform of the pier.His eyes swept across the rocky ground, and he quickly made a trace of the dragging trail left on the rocky ground.But there are only traces of corpses, and no traces of those who dragged the corpses.

Xia Lei's heart sank suddenly, and in an instant he thought of a man, Cassia Ruiz.Then he thought of Isitab, but he thought the latter was unlikely.Isitab's entry wouldn't deal with the corpses at all. This is the case in Knights Castle. She killed so many people, but didn't touch those corpses.With her character, those bodies are like dead fish and shrimp, and she disdains to touch them.But Cacia Ruiz is different. He is more cunning and more cautious. Yixi Tabu even called him a "dirty mouse", so Casia Ruiz is the most suspected.

The four women also left the boat and boarded the dock.

Xia Lei's eyes swept over their faces. "You go back and leave here. It's good for Italy or for the United States. In short, the farther the better."

"What am I?" Jennifer stared at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei said: "For your safety, the opponents I have to face are beyond your imagination. You follow me in and you will probably die inside."

"We are knights!" Said Helena: "This is our holy palace. If our brothers and sisters die, but we escape without even a prayer, are we still knights?"

"Guard the faith and help the suffering!" Julia said.

"Guard the faith, aid the suffering!" The four female knights read the creed of the hospital knights together.

Xia Lei shook his head with a bitter smile. He found his worries and persuasion were unnecessary.They are the saints of the Knights of the Hospital. They have firm beliefs and strong beliefs. They regard honor as life and are not afraid of sacrifice at all.Let them leave at this time, which makes them more uncomfortable than killing them.

"Now that you have decided, then follow me. But I wish you good luck." Xia Lei entered the stone ladder passage.He has done everything he can, they have made a decision, and they will also bear the possible consequences.Since they are fearless and can face it openly, why should he continue to persuade his mother-in-law?

Through the stone ladder passage, a honeycomb-shaped mountain ventral space enters the line of sight.Cave houses are usually distributed on the mountain walls, and a small path rotates to the bottom space.Standing high, I saw the holy church at the bottom.

Lights from the church shined through, illuminating the surrounding area.Some buildings in the bottom space are also projected with lights, but no one can see people walking around.The cave next to the stone ladder passage is completely dark, without any lights.This place seems to die suddenly, there is no living person.

Xia Lei's eyes swept through the caves, and finally moved to the sacred church in the bottom space.But neither the caves I saw, the churches in the bottom space, nor the surrounding buildings had a single person or body.

Xia Lei frowned, and everything here didn't look normal, and there was a strange breath everywhere.But he walked on with a stab.He has an intuition that this place has an inseparable relationship with Cassia Ruiz from the beginning. It may even be Cassia Ruiz's old nest on the island of Malta!

The four female knights followed Xia Lei. They did not know the situation. When they passed some caves, they sometimes pushed open the door of the cave room and took a look.But no matter which cave they entered, no one was there.

"Where did our people go?" Helena ran out of a cave and couldn't hide the confusion and tension in her heart. "I talked to Father Hans the day before yesterday. He said that his grandson was admitted to university. I also blessed him. "

"I don't know. Kane, who is very close to me, is gone. He treats me like his brother ... what happened? Is this a punishment from God? What are we doing wrong?" Julia's expression was very serious pain.

Xia Lei continued to go down, he did not comfort the four female knights.Everyone in this world has its own destiny, no one can escape.This also includes him. He came to the island of Malta to meet his own destiny.He can't even protect himself now, how can he protect the hospital knights?

Dad Xia Changhe's figure appeared in his mind.When Dad said goodbye to him, he killed the two guys.The two guys in the old man's mouth obviously refer to Casia Ruiz and Isitab.Dad sees the problem very transparently. To avoid this kind of tragedy from recurring, you have to solve the problem at its root.Cassia Ruiz and Isitab are like two tumors in this world. Each attack will bring misery and pain to this world, and eventually even destroy this world.But how easy is it to kill these two demons?

Five people came to the gate of the sacred church.

Xia Lei pushed open the closed door of the church, and a statue of Jesus entered his sight.It was in that moment that he froze a little.

A red paint is written on the chest of the idol of Jesus with a number, 3.

This figure sinked Xia Lei's heart. He knew exactly what this figure represented.That was the countdown for his acceptance of fate, and he still has three days from now.

"Who did that?" Helena also found the number 3 on the statue of Jesus. She looked very angry. "This is blasphemy!"

"Jesus ... he burst into tears!" Constance suddenly exclaimed, pointing at the eyes of the statue of Jesus: "Bloody tears!"

The red liquid came out from the corners of the eyes of the idol of Jesus. The red liquid looked very viscous, like fresh blood.

Julia and Jennifer pulled out their pistols and rushed towards the interior of the church.Helena and Constance did the same thing. They also pulled out their pistols and rushed towards the interior of the church.It is not surprising that they had such a reaction, thinking that the bloody tears looked so fresh.If someone did this prank, he might still be in this church.

Xia Lei did not stop them, because he had already investigated the environment here, and there was no one except him and the four female knights.

Xia Lei walked under the statue of Jesus and looked quietly at the number 3 on the statue of Jesus.A drop of red "tears" dripped from the cheeks of the idol, and the number 3 was immediately covered up.But it was already lingering in Xia Lei's mind.

3 days, 72 hours, 4320 minutes, 259200 seconds, is there so little time left in his life?

I do n’t know why a nameless anger suddenly burned in his chest. Xia Lei turned and rushed out of the church. She stood on the platform below the church and shouted: "Cascia Ruiz! You get out of me! --come out!"

His voice echoed in the dead underground space, endlessly.

There was only his voice, and there was no voice.

"Cassia Ruiz! You are a rat! Old-rat!" Xia Lei was not reconciled, not at all.

Cassia Ruiz still did not respond without a little bit.

He seemed to be a very principled person. He gave the time, and he would not appear until the time was up.When time is running out, Ren Xialei is indifferent to how he insulted him and stimulated him.

Without a little emotional fluctuation, such an enemy is the most terrible.

Helena suddenly ran out, her expression nervous, "God Son, come over and have a look, we found something!"

Xia Lei moved, "What did you find?"

"I can't tell you clearly. You can tell me if you look at it." Maybe it was too nervous and anxious, and didn't wait for Xia Lei to say anything. Helena took Xia Lei's hand and ran to the church.

Through the hallway between the table and chairs, Xia Lei's eyes fell on the statue of Jesus again.The tears of Jesus are no longer "tearing", the bloody liquid has a little sign of solidification.They really seem to be human blood.

Without waiting for Xia Leiduo to take a look, Helena had dragged Xia Lei to Angelo's study.

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