Super Vision

1239 Chapter 1239 Underworld Guide

The girl stumbled into the staircase leaving the rooftop. When she entered the staircase, she looked back at the child lying on the rooftop. But with just one glance, she turned and ran away, never turning back.

Rumble ...

Thunder rolls and the rain keeps rolling.

The cold wind hit the child, and his skin gradually lost its temperature.His eyes opened and closed, the interval between them getting longer and longer.This is a prelude to the decline of physical function, about to fall asleep and even death.

But just before the child was about to be frozen to death, a man in a raincoat appeared on the rooftop.The man was tall and burly, with a compass in his hand.


A flash of lightning struck, illuminating the night sky.

The man's face appeared under the light of lightning. It was a very familiar face, the face of his father Xia Changhe.

"I found it, I found it!" The dad murmured, and he picked up the child, his hands shaking with excitement ...

That child is Xia Lei.

Xia Lei suddenly understood.But he also had a place he didn't understand, that is, the father obviously didn't look at the girl.The illusion in front of me has the nature of memory, so where did it come from?

And the answer to this unclear place seems to be obvious, that is his own brain.Memory, since it is memory, it must be stored in the brain.However, at that time, he was a newly born child, and his brain could not leave any memory at all!What's more, for so many years, he didn't remember at all, why did he come out after coming here?

Just in his thinking, all the illusions disappeared.

There was darkness in his vision, and he could not see anything.

"Oops! Is that energy field starting again?" Xia Lei's heart was tense, and he looked back.Sure enough, he could no longer see where he could see.The energy field started again, trapping him like a pot-shaped cage!

Looking back, there is no escape route.

Xia Lei was going to continue to climb up, but suddenly he found that he could not only see the place behind him, he could not even see the slate in front!

The slate in front is only one meter away from him, and he can't see it, which is unimaginable to him!

The darkness seemed to upgrade suddenly, the space was like a bottle of ink, and he was in this bottle of ink.Every inch of space here is dark, and it is the kind of darkness where you can't see your fingers.This darkness even gave him a sense of substance, like a real substance, not simply darkness that lost light.

Immediately afterwards, the dark energy field took on new actions.The prime minister here increased a little bit, and with this increase in gravity, Xia Lei clearly felt the pressure on his bones.His bones rustled, as if they would break at any time.

Gravity continues to increase and the frog is boiled in warm water.

"Poof!" Xia Lei spouted blood in his mouth, and blood was also flowing from his nostrils and ears.At this time, his feelings were extremely painful, not only his bones, but also his internal organs. Like his bones, his internal organs seemed to be broken at any time!

"Is this the limit of my time?" Xia Lei's brain became more and more faint, and such a thought came to his mind, and his heart was bitter.

In this little time, if it is not the energy of the branding power in his body that is resisting external forces, this time he may have been crushed into a pile of meat sauce!

Gravity is still increasing, pressurizing everything in this space.

Xia Lei's feelings are becoming more and more painful, and his situation is becoming more and more dangerous.A line of life and death, face to face also emerged in his brain.Daddy Xia Changhe ’s face, Xia Xue ’s face, Long Bing ’s face, Shen Tu Tianyin ’s face, Liang Siyao ’s face, Fan Fan ’s face, Jiang Ruyi ’s face, Tang Yuyan ’s face, and Liang Jiayu, Xia Long, Xia Fan, Xia Jianghe, Xia Dawang, Xia Yang, Xia Yue ...

Each of these faces represents a dearest person, and each face is also a stumbling block, and he cannot give up.

"Ah--" Xia Lei roared, and he was not willing to die inexplicably!He refused to leave his wife and children like this!

But even the strongest roar, chasing mad anger will not help.The gravity of this space has increased again.

For a time, he felt that his bones were really broken, his internal organs were about to be broken, and his brain was on the verge of coma, and he might lose consciousness at any time ...

Life and death.

Suddenly, a soft glow radiated from his satchel.It is very weak, but even a little bit of light in this absolutely dark space is very conspicuous, like the ray of dawn that pierced the darkness before dawn.

With a little light, Xia Lei's gravity receded like tide.His bones no longer rustled, his internal organs were not in disorder, and all the pain in his body disappeared.

Xia Lei's gaze moved to the shoulder bag. He almost didn't need to open it to look at it, and he didn't even have to think about it. He also knew what the light was coming from.

The light transmitted from the shoulder bag is pure and flawless, and has a jade-like texture. This light is only available in the crystal skull.

The crystal skull seemed to save him at this most critical moment.

The light of the crystal skull continued to emanate from the shoulder bag, and the soft and pure light slowly wrapped him up.It feels like Xia Lei is the light source, not it.

Resurrected from death, Xia Leiqiang endured the excitement in his heart to open the satchel and took out the crystal skull.

The light of the crystal skull spreads farther away, and the darkness is no longer there.The suffocating gravity also disappeared, and the tide generally receded.

The stone slab that was invisible just now appeared again, and not only the stone slab emerged, Xia Lei's eyes could finally see farther away.

This dangling slate sky road is not as long as he thought. It is only about a hundred steps long, but only a hundred meters long.

At the end of the suspended slate sky road, there is a stone mountain rising from the ground, and there is a building on the top of the stone mountain.It is hidden in the dark and difficult to see clearly, but judging from its outline, it is very broad and seems to be a majestic palace.

The stone mountain rising from the ground, the majestic palace built on the top of the stone mountain, and the hanging sky road leading to the palace, all of these seem so unreal, giving people the feeling of being in a movie , Not the real world.

But what standard should the real world be?

There has never been a standard.

Even if there is really any standard, it is just the standard specified by human beings according to their own culture and feelings.And such standards will not be recognized even by creatures on the same planet. Take insects as an example. In their eyes, humans are giants!A tree is also a city!

Xia Lei didn't bother too much about the authenticity of everything in front of him.

Is the building above the stone mountain the Cassia Ruiz's old nest?He stayed on the earth even longer than humans stayed on this planet. If these are all from his handwriting, it is not a strange thing.

Xia Lei carried the crystal skull and continued to climb up.The crystal skull gave him confidence and courage. Now that he has come here, he must make a break!

One stone at a time, Xia Lei stepped closer to the building.The closer he was to the building, the light from the crystal skull began to disperse the darkness near the building.When he stood at the end of the suspended slate sky road, the true look of the building came into his sight at a glance.

Very strange architectural style.

All buildings are in the shape of cubes, some large, some small, some high, and some low.The first impression is like a three-dimensional model drawing drawn with a computer.All the buildings are stacked on top of the stone mountain, forming an oval shape, which seems to be disordered. If you look closely, you will find the rules.They are like a vortex, a layered vortex.

Circle after circle of cubic buildings rotates and advances towards the center.

All buildings are black, so this is a black vortex.

Xia Lei's vision crossed the cube-shaped buildings and came to the center of the cube building complex. A huge cube-shaped building entered his sight.It is larger and more majestic than all the buildings in the black vortex.But from his shape, it looks like a CPU on the motherboard.

After this illusion was produced, a new visual illusion was also produced, that is, the building group at the top of the stone mountain was like an elliptical main board.

Is this the architectural style of Cassia Ruiz and Isitab?

Or is it something else?

The observation was closed, and Xia Lei's eyes returned to his eyes again.Right in front of him, not far away was an arched stone door.However, it is not made of complete stones, but piled up one by one.There is no cement between the stones, there is no triad or anything, but nothing, but those stones are very stably connected together, forming a majestic stone door tens of meters high and tens of meters wide!

Xia Lei withdrew his eyes and no longer hesitated. His feet slammed on the stone slab. The whole body was like an arrow shot out. It crossed the last space of about ten meters and fell on the top of the stone mountain .

Stone Mountain is real.

Xia Lei's eyes locked on the arched stone door, no longer hesitating, he walked towards the arched door.

The crystal skull radiates quietly in his hands, soft and pure.It is like a lantern in the hands of Xia Lei, and Xia Lei is a guide in the underworld with a lantern in the underworld.

But he cited not the soul of others, but his own.

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