Super Vision

1240 Chapter 1240 Horror Space

Xia Lei stopped in front of the huge arched stone door.In his sight, any piece of stone on the arched stone door weighs at least a few hundred tons.Such a weight is difficult to lift even if it is a human lifting appliance.Even if there are such lifting appliances, no one can get them to this place.

So how are these stones hoisted and stitched together?

Can't imagine how this is done.

Cassia Ruiz definitely knows the answer, but he hasn't appeared until now.

Xia Lei walked into the arched stone door.

The ground behind the stone gate is also a block of black rocks, but these rocks are not the rocks of this world. They are very similar to the rock that made the faceless warrior statue. They contain an unknown energy.

If it weren't for the crystal skull in his hand that protected him, his brain must have been disturbed at this time, and there would be endless illusions.

Xia Lei walked toward the center of the black vortex, his goal was that huge "CPU" building.

The stone road underneath extends forward, it is curved, and it moves closer to the center.On both sides of the flagstone road are cube-shaped buildings with no windows but doors.During the walk, Xia Lei couldn't help but enter several buildings. He was surprised to find that the cubic buildings had stone tables, stone beds and stone chairs, just like the dwellings of ancient humans.Stone weapons, such as hammers and knives, stone axes, and stone spears, occasionally appear in some buildings.

But no one was there in any building, and every building was clean and spotless.If you look here as a city, then the people in this city seem to have evaporated overnight, leaving this dead city without any life.

Xia Lei's heart was full of conjecture, "Cascia Ruiz should not be able to build such a city, because even if he has enough time and ability, but where do these materials come from? But if not Cassia Ruiz built This city, then where did it come from? Is it flying from another world? Even if he is flying from another world, he should be on the ground, how could he get into it? Is it underground? "

The hole in his head was wide open and could not be filled.

Click, click ...

Xia Lei's footsteps echoed in the empty street, as if a ghost was walking with him.

"Cassia Ruiz!" Xia Lei shouted: "Come out, I've already come! We don't have to wait until the day you say, we can make an end in advance!"

His voice echoed in this dead city, but his echo, no response.

"Cassia Ruiz! You fucking is a mouse! You get out of the way!" Xia Lei cursed his mouth, he wanted to use this method to excite Cassia Ruiz.

There was still no response in this dead city, and his echo reached far away.

Just walked like this, walked, Xia Lei walked for two hours before coming to the center of the city, and came to the huge building that resembled a "CPU".

This "CPU" -like building is located at the highest point and the most central position of the city.It is huge and magnificent.Its front is an arched stone door, and the stone is not complete. Like the stone door at the outermost entrance, the stones that make up it are also piece by piece, varying in size, each of which weighs several hundred tons.And it is also the only entrance to this huge building, except for it there is no entrance.

Xia Lei's eyes passed through the arched stone door, and his eyes were dark.Even with the help of the crystal skull, he could not even see the scene behind the stone door!

How is this going?

What is in that building?


After hesitating, Xia Lei walked towards the arched stone door.There are stone steps at his feet. I don't know why. When walking towards the stone door, he feels to leave every step.It is this earthly world that you leave, and you drive his woman and children.

This is a road to no return.

A few minutes later, Xia Lei came to the arched stone door. It was strange that the crystal skull could disperse the dark areas on the left and right of his body and behind him, but could not dispel the darkness in front of him.The arched stone door is only one step away from him, but this step is difficult to take.

Xia Lei glanced back, then walked towards the stone gate.

Take a step forward.


There was a slight shock, like a stone thrown into a calm pond.The space in front of me was dark, and I couldn't see the place beyond one step.This space is full of infinite gravity. If it is not protected by a crystal skull, it may become powdered in a tenth of a second!

Just when Xia Lei was still in shock, the crystal skull in his hand suddenly shuddered slightly, giving the impression that it seemed to be crushed by infinite gravity at any time!

"Dude, don't worry about it. If you break it, I'm afraid it will be gone." Xia Leixiang said secretly.Fear is like a shadow, who is lingering.

The crystal skull continued to tremble, the frequency became faster and faster.

Maybe it was fear that finally defeated courage, maybe all kinds of nostalgia for the world behind them, and those who could not give up, these factors suddenly broke out, and Xia Lei turned back.

He only took one step into the stone gate, under normal circumstances he would go out one step back.However, before he walked two steps, it was still dark and he couldn't see clearly beyond one step.

He took another step, and then the third step, but after three steps he still could not see half of the place.

"What's the matter? Am I lost? But I only took one step, which is impossible!" Xia Lei was suspicious and the fear in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Zuo Siyou couldn't find the answer. He dared to walk forward.He soon discovered that there was no sound under his feet, no matter how hard he walked, there was no footsteps under his feet, but the ground underneath was clearly a hard slate ground!

Going forward, step by step, step by step, finally Xia Lei ran away with his feet.He is extremely fast, and wrapped in the bright white light lines emitted by the crystal skull, he is like a meteorite passing through the atmosphere, becoming the most dazzling existence in this dark world.

He ran and ran, not knowing how long he ran or how far he ran.He stopped for a while, and he still couldn't see clearly and knew nothing.He didn't even know where he was, he was completely lost.

He clearly remembered that although this building is very large, it is equivalent to a football field, but the distance he ran over even more than ten stadiums, how could he not touch the walls?

"Is this a space world of different dimensions? But is it possible? This is just the internal space of a stone building. Damn, this place is really too evil, I am trapped here, will I die here? Xia Lei said to himself, his voice could not be transmitted, only in the halo formed by the crystal skull.

At this time, if someone came out to talk to him, he would give him a hundred million dollars without hesitation.A person in such a strange space, that feeling is like a person wandering deep in the universe, very lonely.

The only thing that gave him a sigh of relief was that the crystal skull seemed to have adapted to the gravity environment here. It had stopped still and no longer tremble.

Xia Lei didn't want to run anymore, he sat down and took the world box out of the satchel.There are also four bottles of human milk in plastic bottles, which are "dry food" squeezed by Helena, Julia, Constance and Jennifer.These four bottles of knightly holy milk are also his only food. Once he runs out, he will face food and water problems.In this place, it is impossible for him to find water and food.

Xia Lei unscrewed a bottle of milk and took a sip.Fragrant sweet milk slid down the throat into the stomach, bringing him a warmth.His emotions also settled down, and he was no longer so afraid.He even tasted the owner of this bottle of milk, which was Helena's milk.Her milk had a strawberry flavor, and the sour component was heavier than the other three female knights.

He has now become the world's top milk taster.

After drinking a few sips of milk, Xia Lei wanted to cover the bottle, but he thought that the milk should be fresh and delicious, and the energy would disappear after a long time. Then he simply leaned his neck and brought all the remaining half bottles. Poured into the belly.

After slowly drinking four bottles of milk, if you still can't find an exit, you will end up thirsty and starved to death here, and you can live at most for a while.After drinking four bottles of milk quickly, I was still dead but failed to find an outlet, but at least a handful of milk addiction.

To die, to die!

Gurron ...

Xia Lei simply drank all four bottles of milk into his stomach, and he burped, "Happy!"

He threw out an empty bottle.

The plastic bottle flew out of the area wrapped by the crystal skull, and immediately touched the dark area was crushed into powder by infinite gravity!

Xia Lei's heart was horrified. He grabbed a plastic bottle and threw it out.This time he locked the plastic bottle while throwing it out. In his sight, the speed of the plastic bottle was slowed several times.He clearly saw the plastic bottle flying out, turning into powder when he touched the dark area.It is said to be powder, but the plastic bottle has nothing left, not even powder!

"It's horrible! If there is no crystal skull, I am afraid that the end will be the same as that bottle?" Xia Lei's back skin sweated and chilled.

He did not throw out the remaining two plastic bottles, because the result will be the same, and there will be no change after another hundred attempts.

After sitting quietly for a while, Xia Lei suddenly had a strange thought in his mind, "If I throw the time box out, what would be the result?"

Under this idea, he grabbed the box of the world and raised his hand to throw it away.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the depths of the darkness, "Aren't you so bored? Throw rubbish at random in my place."

Xia Lei stood up fiercely, staring cautiously in the direction of the sound.

This is the voice of Cassia Ruiz!

"Why am I in such a hurry to die? You have two days left." Cassia Ruiz's voice, this time closer to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei said aloud: "It does not make any difference to me to die two days early and two days late. I am not afraid of dying, but I will understand. You show up, let's talk.

"Then you have to put away the box of the world." Cassia Ruiz's voice, he no longer came close, it seemed to stay at a safe distance.

"Well, I'll put it away." Xia Lei put the world box into a special shoulder bag.If Casia Ruiz attacked him, he would still be able to take out the box of the world in the satchel.

"There are also crystal skulls," Casia Ruiz said.

"Humph!" Xia Lei snorted coldly. "You don't have to measure in. This place has terrible gravity. It has no effect on energy bodies like you, but I will die. You let me put away the crystal skull. Let me commit suicide? "

"You also know the benefits of the energy body? Hahaha ..." Cassia Ruiz smiled. "Poor Isitab, the bitch woman is passionate about the real body, it is really stupid!" Suddenly he laughed, "You want to lie to me, even if you put the crystal skull in your bag, it will still protect you."

The situation is indeed the same. The crystal skull was already protecting him while he was still in the bag.Therefore, there is no difference between putting it in a bag and holding it in your hand.

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