Super Vision

1241 Chapter 1241 My life is my fate!

Xia Lei did not put the crystal skull in a special shoulder bag, he said: "Do you know how Isitab describes you? He said you are a mouse. I never understood why she said you, I only understand now, you It's really a mouse, because only the mouse will hide in this dark place and dare not see the light. "

"Do you want to irritate me?" Cassia Ruiz's voice was cold.

Xia Lei said: "I'm just telling the truth."

"Hahaha!" Casia Ruiz smiled. "Don't try to deal with the bitch of Isitab. I won't be irritated by you. Do you hear my laughter? I'm here Laugh, but my heart doesn't fluctuate at all. "

Xia Lei was speechless.

"Put up the crystal skull." Cassia Ruiz's voice, with a commanding nature.

Xia Lei snorted coldly, "Who do you think you are? The God who dominates this world? And even if the God who dominates this world is here, it is not what he wants me to do, I have to do it. My life It ’s not up to me! "

"Your destiny is not in your hands, in my hands." Cassia Ruiz's voice.

Xia Lei said with a sneer: "You want to kill me, what do you want to get from me? Since there is something you want on me, what are you waiting for? Ridiculous, you actually let me put the world box and crystal The skull is put away. Casia Ruiz, you are very strong, I admit this. But I still want to tell you, your opponent-Lao Tzu despise! "

In the dark, Cassia Ruiz was silent for a while before saying out loud: "You are really a little capable, actually making me ... a little angry." He sighed, "Well, I gave you a deadline, I had to wait until the deadline to find you in person, but I didn't expect you to actually find it here. If so, let that day come early. "

Xia Lei increased his vigilance, and his eyes, eyes, and branding power were all activated. His body and consciousness entered the highest state of battle in an instant.

At this moment, the darkness receded like tide.

Boom ...

A string of strange sounds, a bright light occupies the entire space.

The eight beams of energy are placed in eight different positions to form an octagonal diamond.The dark energy field just now seems to be related to them, and the terrible gravity seems to be related to them.

Xia Lei has seen the energy field of Isitab, but there are some differences in front of them.They give a more ancient feeling, and the energy column of Isitab seems to be "younger".There is no standard to measure the energy columns of Cassia Ruiz and Isitab, who are more "older" and who are more "younger", that is just his intuition.His instincts are usually accurate.

With the light released by the eight energy columns, Xia Lei finally got a clear view of the ground.It is a whole piece of black rock, the surface is extremely smooth, and there is a little transparent feeling, like a huge black jade.In this piece of "black jade", it is clear that the blue energy substance is flowing, just like the lightning that was imprisoned in the "black jade" one after another!

Cassia Ruiz appeared directly above the octagon, wearing a black robe, no body, no face, and looked like an evil ghost in a wizard's robe.

Although Cassia Ruiz does not want to have a body, is that true?He always wore this black robe and let his energy body prop up the dress, making him look like a person.He is actually a guilty fellow!

The crystal skull lost its brilliance and returned to normal.Without gravity and without interference from the energy field, its reaction would stop.After all, it is an unconscious thing and will not take the initiative to react.However, Xia Lei still took it and did not put it in a special shoulder bag.

"I'm here." Xia Lei broke the silence between the two. "What do you want from me?"

Cassia Ruiz did not speak.

Xia Lei's branding power energy extends to Cassia Ruiz. When his branding power energy touches Casia Ruiz, his brain draws a picture based on the information captured by the energy site.That is the appearance of Cassia Ruiz's pure energy body. Although he is from the same world as Isitab, he is not the same as Isitab.

Cassia Ruiz's head is much larger, his eyes are small, his mouth is large, and he protrudes with his chin.It's better if the mouth is not open. If it is open, it must be a big mouth with blood basin.Yixi Tabu looks like the cute girl of the second element, and he is obviously the mutant ugly man of the second element world.

However, it is normal for Casia Ruiz and Isitab to look different. After all, the former is a prehistoric figure in that unknown world.Evolution will change the appearance of Isitab, but the appearance of Casia Ruiz is destined.

"Don't look at it," Casiaru said. "It's really ugly to use your human aesthetics to measure my appearance. However, in my time, I was a person liked by women."

"I'm not interested in your appearance at all." Xia Lei said: "Since you are not in a hurry, I don't want to die so quickly. For our opponent's sake, let's talk, at least let me die Understand. "

Cassia Ruiz did not say yes, but did not directly refuse.

"What's the matter with this place?" Xia Lei tentatively said: "These rocks obviously possess some kind of energy. They can't be something in this world. These rocks constitute a city, but there is only one person in this city. But my question is not your kind. I just want to know where this city came from? "

"Change the question," Casia Ruiz said.

He said that instead of refusing to say something different, it means he is willing to talk.But with this kind of cooperation, Xia Lei felt a hint of "sympathy", which made his heart sad.

"How about my father?"

"He's not your father. Didn't you see the truth when you came?"

"I don't really have a blood relationship with him, but I treat him as my father. I'm not like you. I'm a sentimental person, not a stone, not a cold-blooded animal."

"He's just one of my dogs, do you still have to recognize him as your father?" Casia Ruiz's tone was clearly insulting.

"Even if he is a dog, I must recognize him as my father! You say he is a dog, but you are not as good as a dog!"

"Hehehe ..." Cassia Ruiz said in his laughter: "You heard me laugh again, right? But my heart doesn't fluctuate at all."

"where is he!"

"Dead," Casia Ruiz said.

"You killed him?" Xia Lei clenched his fists.

Cassia Ruiz said: "No, he solved it by himself. Originally I was going to kill him. No one dared to betray me. The outcome of betrayal is death. Unfortunately, I went a little late and I went He had committed suicide by then. He died in a dry well, and I do n’t understand why he did that. "

Xia Lei's body shook slightly, and his eyes became wet at once.Cassia Ruiz will certainly not understand, because he is just a mass of energy without emotion.Dad knew he was going to die, and his last wish was to take a look at the place where he and Princess Yongmei first dated, and then go to accompany Princess Yongmei below.

That dry well is obviously the place where my dad wants to go.

Cassia Ruiz must know the exact location of the dry well, but he did not want to ask.Dad said, that is his secret, the last secret.

Then let Dad keep this secret.

"He must tell you everything, otherwise you won't find it here," Casia Ruiz said.

"Why am I the chosen person?" Xia Lei didn't want to talk about anything about his father any more, he should have rested.

"Go straight to the subject so quickly?" Casia Ruiz said: "But you have to remember, tell you this, you will meet your destiny."

His words made Xia Lei hesitate.

To get an answer, the price is death.

No matter who makes such a decision, it will not be easy.

"You keep saying that you are not afraid of death, but you are still scared, right?" Cassia Ruiz's voice was amused.

"Of course I am afraid of death." Xia Lei smiled bitterly. "I still want to live with my woman and children for a few more years, watching them grow older, watching my children marry their wives ... Affordable and let go, people, there will be a day sooner or later. If I can choose, I would rather none of this happen. But I have no choice, since I am the chosen person, all this is doomed. ,tell me."

"Did Xia Changhe give you that compass?"

Xia Lei nodded.His shoulder bag actually contains two compasses, one is the compass he repaired to find the last piece of the box, and the other is the compass that the father gave him to find the "selected person".And that compass once gave the daddy a hint, so there are those stories that happened in Jerusalem.However, he did not intend to take out the compass.

"This story is very long." Casia Ruiz said.

Xia Lei waited quietly.

"The box in your hand was discovered by me at the earliest. I got it." Cassia Ruiz said, "but before I found the box, I first got the compass your father gave you. I ca n’t get the box without that compass. "

"Where did you get the compass?"

"Of course it won't be here with you," Casia Ruiz said. "Did I not leave something for you? Bronze Collection, Book of Iron, not all of the contents are fake, there are also true. About the box Everything is true, but I just mentioned it a little bit, without elaborating. Now I can tell you the truth ... In my era, at the beginning, I was just an ordinary person with many beautiful ideals, but I cannot achieve them because I am poor ... "

In the voice of Cassia Ruiz, Xia Lei suddenly had a trace of vigilance, "He wouldn't tell me his story so kindly. He is just an energy body without feelings, and there is only one point to do anything, that is him Benefit. He pulls a simple question so far, is it delaying time? "

In Cassia Ruiz's chattering voice, Xia Lei's eyes suddenly moved away from Cassia Ruiz.

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