Super Vision

1247 Chapter 1247 New World

When a person is asleep or unconscious, he has no sense of time.Maybe it's been as long as 10,000 years, or maybe it's just one night ...

Xia Lei didn't feel the time, but he felt the light.I don't know how long it has passed, there is light in his eyes.The light is getting stronger and stronger, and it makes his body warm.His consciousness returned at this time.In his mind, there are movies flashing through the screens, the mysterious sky city and the blue energy tree, the world box and the world offer, and finally, Isitab and Cassia Ruiz.When the two faces of ultimate evolution came to his mind, he suddenly opened his eyes.

The light was dazzling, and there was a piece of white in front of him. Xia Lei raised his hand subconsciously and covered his eyes to observe the surrounding environment.His sight quickly adapted to the new environment, but it was this adaptation that he was shocked on the spot.

He thought he should be in the city of the sky, but he found him standing in a desert, his eyes full of yellow sand and stones, and withered yellow grass.There are rolling mountains in the distance, but there is no tree on those hills.

He glanced up at the sky. A huge star hung on the sky, and there was an asteroid on the side of the star. It was blue and very eye-catching.His first feeling was the sun and the moon, but after careful reading, it was not.The glowing star is significantly larger than the sun, and the moon is not blue.

Only the huge stars and blue planets in the sky can draw a conclusion, this is really another planet, his feet are standing on the land of a new world.

This world gave him a feeling of being burnt by stars and dying.

"The city of the sky took me here, but why did it disappear? And Isitab and Cassia Ruiz, where did those two guys go?" Xia Lei thought about this question, but He couldn't even find a clue.

Suddenly, he remembered something, hurriedly withdrew his gaze from the sky and moved to the ground beside him.

The world box and the crystal skull are not beside him. In addition, he has no trace of cloth on his body.He was like a newborn baby, abandoned by his mother again in this barren place.

"Is this the hometown of Isitab and Cassia Ruiz?" Xia Lei moved forward. His first goal was to clarify the issue.This is the most basic.

The dry yellow sand and stones made his feet uncomfortable.In the process of walking, he found that the air in this world is similar to the earth, with oxygen coming out.However, the air density here is slightly higher than that of the earth.He came to the conclusion that the night here must be very cold, because the density of the air is inversely proportional to the temperature.

There is only one difference. In this environment for a long time, he feels no different from the earth. Walking in this deserted desert, he feels like walking in the great northwest of the motherland.When this feeling came out, he began to feel homesick.He couldn't help thinking of the appearance of his woman and child.

"At this time, they must be looking for me all over the world? They will be very sad if they can't find me. Can time heal their wounds and let them forget me gradually?" Xia Lei's heart was sad and his eyes were quietly wet Too.

In that world, he is the richest man in the world, what he wants for beauty, wealth and rights.But now he does not even have a piece of clothing, probably the poorest person in the world.If anyone in this world.He actually doesn't care about wealth and rights, but just thinking of his women and children, he couldn't help being sad.He remembered the smell on them, the super king-size bed at home ...

Just think about it for a while, and hours passed.

A rolling mountain range was blocked in front of Xia Lei. The peak of the mountain range was not very high, and the average altitude was only one thousand meters.Xia Lei chose the highest mountain to climb up.He had to get out of this desert, and now the first goal of understanding the world has been placed by him after searching for water and food.This is necessary, even for him, he will be weak without water and food for a few days.He may be able to keep up with the worse time than normal people, but if he does not drink water or eat food for ten days and a half months, he may die here!

Comrade Xia Lei, the selected person with a box of the world that contains the mysteries of the universe, took the sky city to the new world, and then starved to death in a desert where birds did not shit. If this is the final result, it must be the entire universe The best annual joke.

Xia Lei actually felt a little tired when climbing the mountain because of the gravity and the earth.A mountain with a height of more than a thousand meters above sea level, he only needs ten minutes to climb up on earth, but it took him forty minutes to climb to the highest point of the mountain.

"Climbing such a mountain actually makes me feel a little tired, is it the reason of this world, or the reason of my body?" Xia Lei stopped at the highest point, he was ready to check the internal conditions of his body.

The power of the brand power is awakened, but when he is ready to use the power of the brand power to run the whole body, and then get the information inside the body, the power of the brand suddenly stops.He tried again, and the result was the same.He awakened the branding power energy, and within a second, the branding power energy stopped moving.He then tried the third and fourth times, and the result was the same!

If the energy of his branding power is likened to a machine, then this machine is now out of order.

"Is it what the city of sky has done to me? That blue energy tree? Or some other reason?" Xia Lei felt terrible.Such an obvious fault, but he could not find any reason other than guessing, let alone find a solution.Losing a powerful ability, from a "superman" to a mortal, that kind of gap is not something anyone can bear.

After a few minutes of tension and loss, Xia Lei calmed down again.This situation is bad for him, but it is not irreversible.Because the energy of his branding power is not gone, it is still in his body.It's broken now. It's like a broken machine. As long as you find the cause of the problem, you can find a solution to the problem and fix it.

After coming out of a bad mood, Xia Lei climbed to the highest point of the mountain.

A huge basin came into his sight.Unlike the environment behind him, there are forests and rivers in the basin.

Seeing green trees and rivers, Xia Lei was relieved for a long time.Where there is forest, there is food, which solves the problems of food and water. Only when there is a guarantee of survival can we be qualified to achieve more goals.

"What's that?" Xia Lei's gaze suddenly moved to the side of a river, and then his gaze could no longer move away.

There are some houses there, and those houses are very similar to the villages on earth, and they look like a small village.

"The size and style of those houses are like those of my old home. Only talents can build such houses! Could it be that there is a human in this world?" Xia Lei couldn't help but be excited.

When he first woke up in this world, he had worried that he was the only human in this world, and the rest were all Yisitabu's people.The loneliness of the world alone is very uncomfortable.But the sight in front of him gave him hope, as long as there were people, it was good no matter what.

Xia Lei determined his position, and then went down to the direction of the suspected village.

After more than an hour of trekking, Xia Lei came to the river.Opposite the river is a forest. Although they are all trees, none of them are known to him.After all, this is not the world where he gave birth to him, this is a strange world, and the plants here have their own systems.

Plants are so, what about people?

Xia Lei began to worry again. He was worried that the people in the New World were different from him.He hastily appeared, and people in the New World will treat him as an alternative, even a monster!

"I'm still careful. If it's a village and there are people, I should be cautious. I should be better than ordinary people now. If they treat me like a monster or an enemy, that's not a good thing." Xia Lei's I thought secretly.

After making up his mind, Xia Lei was lying beside the river, ready to drink water.For several hours of long journeys, there was no clothes on the body to block the light of the stars, the water in the body evaporated quickly, and he was already thirsty.However, just when he had to put his mouth on the water to drink, he stopped again, worrying about the ingredients in the water that could not enter the body.

In the new world, nothing is known.What people in this world can eat, he may not be able to eat.A very simple example is that the same is air, and the air on Mars is highly toxic, and it will kill people if you take a few mouthfuls.Therefore, there is no similar poison in the water here. Drinking two sips will kill you.

A blue fish swam across Xia Lei's eyes.

Xia Lei stared at it, dumbfounded.

This fish is an Asian carp, and its shape, volume and scale are no different from the Asian carp on earth.

The Asian carp in the river looked back at Xia Lei, not afraid of his appearance.

Xia Lei grinned, "Hello."

The Asian carp wagged its tail and walked down the stream.Say hello to a bare butt guy, it seems disdainful.

Xia Lei smirked twice, then buried his mouth in the water, and Gu Long Gu Long drank.The water in the river is crystal clear, and the entrance is sweet and cool. It is the best taste of mineral water.

"Hey! Bare-ass guy!" A woman's voice suddenly came from behind, "Raise your hand!"

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