Super Vision

1248 Chapter 1248 Li Ni

The sudden sound shocked Xia Lei, not only because of the sudden arrival of people, but also because the person behind him said-Chinese!

New world, woman, very standard Chinese, these elements are mixed together, and Xia Lei's feeling is confused in a flash.This is a new world!How could a woman who speaks Chinese appear?

"Hey! You guys, didn't you hear me? Raise your hand and turn around!" The woman's voice was a little angry, and she was alert and alert.

Xia Lei got up from the ground by the river, slowly raised his hand, and turned slowly.After turning around, he saw the woman. She was very young, but she was tall in her early twenties. She was tall, with a pair of sturdy and full thighs and sexy buttocks. She was full of youthful and sexy atmosphere.However, it is regrettable that her chest is relatively flat and looks like a B.

She was wearing a military green coat, with lots of pockets on her clothes and trousers, much like the multi-bag outdoor outfits on earth.However, her clothes were already worn out, with patches in some places and broken spots in some places, revealing her white and delicate skin.

Her face was painted with green oil paint, and she looked like a special soldier on earth.But those paints did not affect her face.Her face is in the shape of a goose egg, which looks particularly beautiful.The eyes are large, the lips are slightly thick, and they look particularly sexy.Two different elements, beautiful and sexy, are integrated on one face, without any conflict. It feels so natural, eye-catching and comfortable, so that people will ignore her B-size chest.

These are the first impressions of Xia Lei.

Coming to this world, his branding power energy went wrong, and his extraordinary ability disappeared, but his brain was not greatly affected, as smart and agile as he was on earth.

However, in this first impression, it was not her beautiful face, nor her full but strong buttocks and long legs, but her lips that had the most influence on Xia Lei.He likes women with thick lips, nothing else, just because he is an old driver in this area.

The woman had a rifle in her hand. The rifle looked very worn and rusty on the body.The gun was written with the word "yong" in red paint.

Very standard simplified Chinese characters, and the font Juanxiu, at first glance, comes from the hands of women.

Chinese, Chinese characters, AK47-like rifles, and suspected Han women, these brains poured into Xia Lei's sight.Everything about this woman and her seemed so normal, without any problems, but the impact on him was so great that he was stunned and at a loss.

The woman also looked at Xia Lei dumbfounded.Just now, when she discovered that Xia Lei did not see Xia Lei's face, she imagined it to be a rude and shameless man.She even imagined that he was a lunatic, because only a lunatic would run naked and walk around.Unexpectedly, as soon as Xia Lei turned around, she discovered that the man who was "grabbed" by her was very good-looking.

This man is not only very good-looking, but also penetrates into her sight unobstructed. It is as white as jade, and it feels like a piece of art crafted with beautiful jade.This embarrassed her.

The two looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you.In fact, both of them had a lot of things to say in their hearts, but they were stunned for a moment after facing each other, and their thinking stopped.

It took a few seconds for the woman to recover, and she shouted: "Hey! You can put your hands down to cover that place." When talking, her look was unnatural.Because her face was painted with green oil paint, she could not see whether she blushed at all.

Xia Lei awakened his perspective ability tentatively, and then went to see the woman's body.But his purpose is not to spy on people's bodies, but to find some clues about her from her, such as identity documents or the like.However, after only one attempt, he discovered that the perspective skills he was best at had also disappeared and could not be used.

This made him feel uncomfortable and even depressed.However, he also knows that this is normal, because his perspective ability is based on the power of branding power, and now his power of branding power ca n’t be used normally at all, then naturally, his perspective ability is also not normal use.

The woman shook the worn assault rifle in her hand and said fiercely: "You guys, can't you understand what I said? I let you put your hands down and cover your ugly thing!"

Xia Lei did so, he put his hands down and covered what was between his legs.

The woman stared at Xia Lei, "Can you understand what I said?"

Xia Lei nodded, "Yes, I can understand what you say."

"That's good," the woman said. "I need you to answer me a question."

Xia Lei nodded again, "Yes, you ask."

"Tell me what is your name? Where did you come from? Where did your clothes go? What happened? Why did you come here? What do you want to do when you come here?" The woman spoke quickly, like Pour beans.

Is this a problem?

Xia Lei's feeling is weird. He was silent for a while before saying: "My name is Xia Lei, I am from ..."

"Where are you from?" The woman urged.

Xia Lei raised his hand.

"What do you want to do? Put your hands down and cover your gadget!" The woman shook the tattered assault rifle in his hand, but it looked fierce, but there was no intention of attack in her eyes.

Xia Lei did not listen to her command, he embraced his head with his hands, and then rubbed his hair, a very painful look.

"What's wrong with you?" I don't know why, the woman's voice has a hint of concern.

Good-looking women can always easily get the favor of men. Similarly, good-looking men can always easily get the favor of women, even sympathy.

"I, I ..." Xia Lei said painfully: "I can't remember anything but my name ... Where did I come from? What happened? I don't know, I was there when I woke up On the other side of the mountain. I am hungry, and I came here to find food and water. "

"Are you saying that you don't remember anything except your name?" The woman looked surprised, and there was a hint of suspicion in her eyes.

Xia Lei said: "I know it's hard for you to believe, but it's true ... I, I ..." He rubbed his hair hard, his expression more painful.

Pretending to be amnesia, in those TV series on this earth is an old-fashioned bridge.Such a bridge may not even be able to deceive a 14-year-old girl on the earth, but Xia Lei has no other choice.He couldn't tell the woman in front of him that he had come from another planet, and a city made of stones carried him over.The best way to solve this problem is to pretend to have amnesia.

"Do you want to lie to me?" The woman said.

Xia Lei spread his hands, "Why should I lie to you? What can I get if I lie to you?"

The woman suddenly looked away, "Cover, cover your ugly thing, or I will blow it off with a shot!"

"Uh ... I'm sorry." Xia Lei quickly covered the position between his legs with his hands.

He could actually pounce on it just now, taking the gun in her hand while the woman was not looking at him, but he didn't do it.He needs to understand this new world. The woman in front of him is obviously a key person who can help him solve the problem.What's more, now she just pointed a gun at him and didn't attack him. If he rushed up and took her gun, he and she would become enemies.He didn't want to be an enemy just when he came to this world.

"Have you covered it?"

"It's covered." Xia Lei said.

The woman then turned back and looked at Xia Lei again, "If you think about it, what else can you think of besides your name?"

Xia Lei raised his hand and rubbed his hair again

"Okay, you don't have to think about it!" The woman hurriedly stopped making Xia Lei.

"Thank you, thank you." Xia Lei was very polite and very careful. "I promise you, as long as I remember something, I will tell you first. Now can you tell me, is this place?"

"You don't know where this is?"

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "I have told you why, I can't remember anything but my name."

"This is Area 51."


Charley was stunned for a moment. When he heard "Zone 51" from the woman's mouth, he naturally appeared in the mind of the military base in Zone 51 in Nevada where he was bombed with a bomber.But this basin in front of me, and this forest obviously cannot be linked to any US military base.

"Okay, come with me. What you need now is not a problem, but a dress. Don't you know? You look ugly." The woman put away her gun and walked towards the village.

Xia Lei followed the woman's footsteps and said, "Can you tell me your name?"

The woman hesitated before saying, "Li Ni."

"Li Ni?" Xia Lei read it again, then smiled, "Your name is so nice."

"Enough! Don't talk to me!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just telling the truth. You are very beautiful, and your name matches yours." Xia Lei said.

Li Niyi glared at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly. He praised her so much that he didn't want to make her up. He just wanted to please her and get her help.

The woman does not speak and moves quickly.

Xia Lei followed her for a while, and then said aloud: "Miss Li, are you Han?"

"Han? What Han?"

"Han ... Of course it is a nation."

"I don't know what Han ethnicity, I have never heard of. As for the race you say, aren't we all the same?" The woman asked.

"Yes, we are the same." Xia Lei said the same on her mouth, but secretly said in her heart: "She speaks Chinese, there are Chinese characters on her gun, but she does not know what the Han nationality is. what happened?"

"After coming to the village, you can be honest with me. If I find that you have any wrong intentions, I will kill you," the woman warned.

"Miss Li, please rest assured, Li. I am here to be forced. I am not malicious. If you can help me, I will be grateful." Xia Lei said.

Li Ni continued to move forward.

Xia Lei asked while walking: "Miss Li ..."

"Don't call me any more girls, just call my name."

"Well, can you tell me what year this year is? I have forgotten even this."

"I do not know."

"How is this possible? This is not a secret. You don't have to be alert to me. This question is very important to me. Please tell me." Xia Lei said.

A bitter smile appeared on Li Ni's face, "I really don't know."

Xia Lei froze for a moment, "Can you tell me how to get to the nearest city?"

"Do you want to go to the city?" Li Ni suddenly looked back at Xia Lei, "Aren't you serious?"

"Of course I am serious. You don't want to tell me anything. I want to go to the city. I think I can find the answer in the city." Xia Lei said.

"It seems that you are really ill and don't remember anything." Li Ni looked away from Xia Lei. "Come with me. There is a doctor in the village. Hope he can help you."

Xia Lei was puzzled.All these things have come together into a question. What kind of world is this?

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