Super Vision

1256 Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1256

A bullet flew past Huang Zhan's face, and he could even feel the burning energy carried on the warhead.He squatted subconsciously, avoiding the second bullet that might fly.It was in a flash of cold sweat on his back.

However, the second bullet did not fly.

Huang Zhan stood up, he looked at the direction in which the bullet came.That's where the stubborn tribe hides horses.He seemed to realize something and shouted loudly: "Ayou! What the hell are you doing? Come out!"

No one responded in Tibet.

Huang Zhan gave a glance to a tribal armed man, and the man followed in that direction.

The man walked and said, "Ayou, are you fucking crazy? How dare you shoot at the head, don't you want to live?"

Still no one responded.

The man walked to the place of the Tibetan horse and saw "Ayou".The black boy was lying on the ground, a piece of metal resembling an axe embedded in his head.This was a fatal sneak attack and almost didn't split Ayu's head alive!

"Ayou is dead!" The person who came to the inspection shouted in panic: "There is an enemy attack!"

"Damn it!" Huang Zhan shouted angrily: "Dare to declare war with our naughty stone tribe here! Find them out and kill them!"

Suddenly someone shouted: "Our sniper was killed! Headshot!"

Huang Zhan froze for a moment, and he suddenly understood.The bullet just now was not to kill him, but to kill the sniper behind him!

On the battlefield, snipers are an abomination.The sniper is like a ghost lurking in a hidden corner to find a target, and then shoots the target.The sniper is also the person who wants to get rid of the fighting opponent, because the presence of a sniper is equivalent to a brake knife hanging on the neck, it is possible to fall off at any time and cut off the head!But how easy is it to kill ghosts on the battlefield?

The sniper of the Hard Rock Horde is an old bird with extremely rich experience and amazing marksmanship.This can be seen from the fact that his two shots hit Ramona's pistol and Li Ni's rifle barrels. He belongs to the kind of sharpshooter who points out where to hit and where the error does not exceed a few centimeters.This sharpshooter is also a meritorious figure of the Wanshi tribe in helping the Shishi tribe to win in battles, and its status in the Wanshi tribe is very important.

However, it is such an experienced and brilliant archer, he was so inexplicably shot by someone!

"Catch those two women! The coming person is for them!" Huang Zhan can live to the day and is not a fuel-efficient lamp. His response is super fast.While speaking, he had jumped from a height to avoid becoming the next target of the mysterious gunman.

The four gunmen surrounding Li Ni and Ramona rushed to Ramona and Li Ni.

Ramona kicked towards one of the armed men who reached out and grabbed her. Her body was large and her legs were strong.A kick kicked out, and the armed men kicked by her kicked off with a kick, and fell a few steps before falling to the ground.

She is like a wild horse, wild and untamable!

Li Ni didn't have the fighting power like Ramona, but she was caught by an armed man in the face.The next second, the armed man walked around behind her, grasping her neck with one hand and pointing her head with a gun at the other.

"If you dare to move again, I will kill her!" The armed men holding Li Ni threatened fiercely: "Kneel!"

Ramona dared not move.As soon as she stopped, an armed man threw a punch on her belly.When she was covering her lower abdomen, her leg bent and hit another foot, she was kicked to the ground suddenly.

The armed man kicked by Ramona got up from the ground, and he raised the handle of the gun and hit Ramona's head.

"No!" Li Ni exclaimed.

The armed man would not listen to Li Ni's greetings at all, with a sly grin in the corner of his mouth, he exerted all the strength of his body, he was going to smash Ramona's head--


There was a gunshot.

A bullet flew suddenly and plunged into the right eye of the armed man who was about to smash Ramona's head.At that moment, a brain of blood, eyeballs, and brain squirted out of his eyes, blooming like a flower.


The armed men preparing for violence fell to the ground.

"It's the gunman again! He's on the left--" This sentence didn't finish, because the gunman didn't give him a chance to continue talking.A bullet flew in, also plunged into his right eye, running through his brain.

One shot, each headshot from the right eye.This is not a coincidence, but the mysterious gunman is demonstrating in this way!

Bang Bang Bang ...

The people of the Wanshi tribe shot in the direction of the gunfire, and the bullets poured over like raindrops.Bullets hit the metal trash, splashing a bunch of Mars.But the mysterious gunman disappeared out of thin air, and no one found him.He has shot and killed several people of the Stone Clan in succession, but the people of the Stone Clan cannot even lock his specific position!

This is the real ghost of the battlefield!

In the sound of the gun, Li Ni and Ramona looked at each other, and then both women's eyes focused on the assault rifle that fell to the ground.

"Kill those two women!" Huang Zhan suddenly shouted.

The armed man holding Li Ni pointed his gun at Li Ni and was ready to shoot.However, at the moment when he was ready to start, a bullet suddenly flew, rubbing Li Ni's cheek, and plunged into his forehead fiercely, but his forehead only showed a little, but Headshot by the mysterious gunman!

The body was free, but Li Ni was still there, with a horrified expression.The bullet flew against her cheek just now, and until now her cheek can still feel the heat carried by the bullet.If the bullet was even a centimeter away, the headshot was not the armed person behind her, but her!

The gunman's marksmanship reached such a terrible level!

Who is he?

Before Li Ni wanted to understand the problem, Ramona rolled over and hugged Li Ni's feet to the ground.

Ding Ding Ding!

Several bullets hit the metal trash behind Li Ni, and Mars was splashing.

"What are you doing? Do you want to die!" Ramona shouted at Li Ni.

Li Ni just recovered, she subconsciously said: "Who is that person?"

"I don't know who it is, but I'm sure they will not be black tigers." Ramona said.

"Will it be him?" Li Ni suddenly thought of a person. When that person appeared in her brain, there was a glimmer of light in her eyes.

"You mean Xia Lei?" Ramona snorted coldly. "Don't joke, that man is the most powerful sharpshooter I've ever seen. I'm afraid that only Lu Bai of the rebels can compare. How could Xia Lei be the coward . "

"But I think ..." Li Ni stopped talking.

Ding Ding Ding!

Another string of bullets flew, hitting the metal trash around him.

"Don't think about the coward again, we have to leave here!" Ramona lifted her ass and crawled to an assault rifle that fell to the ground.

Suddenly a foot blocked in front of her, Ramona was startled and saw her beautiful face as she looked up.

The mysterious gunman finally showed up, not someone else, but Xia Lei.

Xia Lei squatted in front of Ramona's head with a smile on her face, "It's very impolite to say that people are cowards for no reason."

"It's you?" Ramona couldn't believe it.

Xia Lei nodded, "Do you have any friends to save you?"

Ramona froze for a moment, then suddenly laughed out loud, "The line of your crotch is sewn."

"Ah?" Xia Lei suddenly closed his legs.

"She lied to you." Li Ni grabbed an assault rifle from the ground, and then came to Xia Lei's side with her waist.She looked at Xia Lei, her eyes full of gratitude and something unclear.

"They are there!" There was an exclamation of an armed man from the stubborn stone tribe suddenly on the metal pile on the side, very excited.

Xia Lei didn't even glance at it, but returned with a shot.

puff!The armed man, who was excited by the discovery of the target, was shot in the head and fell off a tall metal pile.

This scene shocked Li Ni and Ramona.The armed man who climbed up the metal garbage dump issued a warning. They actually saw the armed man. Li Ni even planned to shoot and shoot the armed man.Unexpectedly, Xia Lei, who was facing them but facing away from the armed man, didn't even look at it. The backhand was that he shot the armed man's head!

If you do n’t look at people or aim, you can shoot a headshot.

Such marksmanship, such self-confidence, I am afraid that even Lu Bai, who is well-known as the god of war among the rebels, is incomparable!

"Who are you?" Li Ni finally recovered.

Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders with an innocent expression, "I don't know, I am looking for my past."

Ramona looked at Xia Lei with a strange look, which was only described in two words-unbelief!

Xia Lei said: "It's not time to discuss my past. We have to leave here. These guns are too bad. The accuracy of each shot is decreasing. Once surrounded by those guys, we will be very dangerous."

There are dozens of gunmen in the Hard Rock Horde. Once they break through the middle distance, even the sharpest gunmen will be killed.But I don't know why, staying beside Xia Lei, whether it's Li Ni or Ramona, neither woman is worried at all.

Xia Lei turned around and sneaked towards a pile of metal.

Li Ni and Ramona did not hesitate, followed Xia Lei sneaking.Ramona also grabbed an assault rifle that fell to the ground.

But when the three men were about to retreat, Huang Zhan suddenly shouted: "There are too many enemies, withdraw!"

Then someone whistled to call their horses, and heard the horses ran out of the hiding place and ran towards their owners.Armed personnel of the Wanshi tribe jumped on the war horses and loved to escape from the battlefield among the piles of metal garbage.

Xia Lei did not shoot and kill the armed members of the fledgling stone tribe. He knew the reason why the poor kombu chased.

"Coward!" Ramona sipped on the ground. "That guy must be afraid that you would take him as a target for shooting."

Xia Lei said: "I really want to kill him, and the thief will capture the king first, but your situation was more dangerous at that time. I must give priority to shooting those targets that threaten you. If I continue to fight, I will definitely shoot that yellow. war."

"Huang Zhan is a very clever and cunning person. It's no surprise that he escaped now." Li Ni said.

"What should I do now?" It was safe, but Ramona lost her goal, feeling a little dazed.

Li Ni is also silent. Now back to Ping'an Village, how will she face the Black Tiger and the soldiers in Ping'an Village?

Xia Lei walked in one direction.

"Where are you going?" The two women said in unison.

Xia Lei did not return his head. "I killed a sniper. He has a sniper rifle. I want it."

In the new world, what was the first sniper rifle?

He is full of expectations.

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