Super Vision

1257 Chapter 1257 Kind Woman

A cold body lay on the cold metal trash, and a deadly bullet slid into his forehead, instantly killing his brain.There was no more blood flowing out of the hole, and the blood and brain plasma coagulated on his face.His eyes had no holes until the moment of death, because he had no time to fear death.

Xia Lei's sight fell on the sniper rifle next to the body. It was just an old ordinary light sniper rifle. The structure was not complicated, and it was a lot worse than the XL2500 sniper rifle of the Reima Group.

"This is a sniper rifle manufactured by the rebels. Its name is Avengers 1000." Ramona recognized it at a glance. "The numbers behind it represent its range. Its power is not great and it is difficult to wear. Translucent Moon's armor. However, it is a good gun for killing people, and its precision is very high. "

Xia Lei cornered his mouth, "The effective range is only 1,000 meters, and it can't penetrate the Blue Moon's armor. Such a gun is too weak."

"Speaking like this, it seems as if you know the gun very well." Ramona said, but she regretted the sentence as soon as she said it, and Xia Lei did not even look at it, and returned her hand. This is a picture of an armed person shot dead.Can someone who has such marksmanship not understand guns?

Xia Lei didn't take it seriously. He picked up the Avengers 1000, looked at it, and said, "Although it's worse, it's better than nothing. After I took it back, I modified the gun and changed it. It has become more powerful and may be able to deal with the Blue Moon people in the future. "

"Will you still transform the gun?" Li Ni looked at Xia Lei with strange eyes. The man in front of her made her more and more invisible.

"I'm not sure. I forgot everything. But I have an intuition. I can change the gun, just like I believe I can fix the blue moon man's boots." Xia Lei's face was smiling. .

Li Ni and Ramona couldn't help but looked at each other. This was not the first time Xia Lei had said such things to them. They didn't have any special feelings in the previous hearings, but I don't know why they heard this time. They all wanted to kick Xia Lei.

"Teacher Xia, when do you want to lie to us?" Li Ni said in an imploring tone: "Tell us, who are you?"

"Xia Lei." Xia Lei answered happily, without any hesitation.

Li Ni couldn't help but glared at Xia Lei. "What I want is not your name. What I want is to know who you are? Where did you come from?"

Xia Lei shook his head, "I told you, I forgot the past, I know nothing but my name."

"You ..." Li Ni suddenly appeared on the spot.

Xia Lei did not explain, because he could not explain.

"He doesn't want to say it." Ramona said, "What should we do next? Are we going back to the village, or ..."

Li Ni's expression suddenly dimmed, "I ... I don't know."

"Xia Lei, would you like to come up with an idea, shall we go back to the village or go somewhere else?" Ramona looked at Xia Lei, waiting for his decision.

Xia Lei thought for a while before saying: "Of course we are going back to the village. I know what you are worried about. You are worried about the black tiger and the soldiers in the village. But with me in, you don't have to be afraid of them."

Li Ni said: "I understand the Black Tiger is a man. He betrayed us. He will not let the people in the village know what is happening here. The only way is to kill us and make everything happening here a secret, only This is the best for him, and he will always make the best choice for himself. "

"I believe he will do the same. Once we go back, they will point the gun at us, saying that they may not necessarily be ambushed on the way back." Ramona said.

"Then I will kill them." Xia Lei said.

"No." Li Ni's voice.

"Why?" Xia Lei frowned. "They betrayed you and left you to the people of the Hard Rock tribe. They must know what the result is waiting for you, but they still did that. You think about them everywhere. , But they sold you at the most critical time. Do they still care for them if they treat you this way? "

Li Ni said: "Not all people should die, many of them have no choice, this is a world without humanity, they want to live, I don't blame them."

"You are too kind, okay, then you come to an idea, if you want to go back, I will go back with you, if you want to leave ..." Xia Lei said in silence, "Let's separate, you two I go alone, I will go alone. "

"Are you going? Where are you going?" Li Ni suddenly became nervous.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "I don't know, where to go."

"Then we will go with you." Li Ni said.

Xia Lei shook his head, "I have some things to do. It will be very dangerous for you to follow me. You still have to go by yourself."

"Is it safe for us two women to walk?" Ramona was a little angry. "Tell us what you are going to do? We will not be your burden. I am also a warrior. I can fight!"

Xia Lei was silent, and he was not able to solve the problem he was going to solve.

"I ..." Xia Lei could not find an excuse to refuse him.

"Forget it, let's go back to the village." Li Ni suddenly changed her attention. "I figured out that escape is not the way. The Black Tiger accepted the conditions of the Yellow War. What happened tonight. The Yellow War will not give up. More people will definitely be called to attack Ping'an Village. With the Black Tiger's character, he will definitely betray Ping'an Village. "After a pause, she added," If someone is going to die, why isn't he? "

A smile appeared on Xia Lei's face. "You just figured it out. Kindness is a good thing. Sometimes, being too kind is not a good thing, because your kindness will hurt more innocent people. Since you changed your mind, , Then let's go back. "

"Huh." Li Ni nodded.

"Wait." Ramona said: "We almost died here for these picks up. We have no reason not to take the loot. Let's see what we have."

"I agree, what about Teacher Xia?" Li Ni looked at Xia Lei.

"Li Ni, you are usually very opinionated, why did you become so opinionless tonight?" Ramona said.

Li Ni's cheeks flushed slightly, she glared at Ramona, but said nothing.

The atmosphere became awkward for some reason, and Xia Lei turned and walked towards a box.He was actually curious about what was in the box.

The box was not very heavy, and Xia Lei dragged it away from the metal dump without much effort.He pried open the iron bars of the box with a metal rod, and then poured out all the contents.

The box was filled with tattered clothes, shoes, and some messy things. These things can be seen at a glance from the dead body.In addition to these things, there are some broken weapons and parts, as well as some ammunition.

Xia Lei said curiously: "These things are really garbage on the battlefield, but how can Blue Moon people have such garbage? These boxes were obviously transported from Blue Moon and thrown away."

Li Ni looked at the blood-stained clothes, her expression was dignified, "They are all the relics of the rebel soldiers. They may be the captured rebel soldiers, and after being sent to the blue moon, they became food. The Blue Moon people do n’t want their relics, so they will be transported down by the transport ship and thrown in the dump. In fact, most of the weapons and equipment we picked up from the dump are the relics of the resistance soldiers, only very A small percentage of the Blue Moon people ’s equipment is garbage, and it is usually broken and not worth repairing. "

Xia Lei looked up at the blue moon hanging in the sky, and the thought in his heart that went into South Vietnam to take a look was even stronger.

At this time, the first transport ship had dumped garbage and was slowly lifted off.

Buzz ...

The sound of the energy hood opening came down from the depths of the sky again and could be heard from far away.

Xia Lei's body's imprinted energy once again awakened, and his limited abilities all returned.His eyes clearly saw the bottom structure of the transport spaceship, as well as a blue moon emblem and a description of his troops.

The content after translation is: No. 1293 of the Black Moon Corps Transportation Brigade.

"Black Moon Legion? That's not ..." Xia Lei suddenly thought of it, "Isn't that the legion led by Ishtab? Is she above the Blue Moon? She restored her legion? This is impossible, she It is impossible to rebuild a legion so soon ... "

"Ms. Xia, what are you looking at?" Ramona said curiously.

Xia Lei withdrew his gaze, he hadn't had time to finish his perspective, and all of Ramona's clothes in front of him disappeared.The two dark black jade grapes appeared unobstructed in his sight, full and firm, ripe to the extreme, tempting to the extreme.Her legs are slender and strong, and there are no gaps between the legs, which is called the third grade of the legs.Of course, there are gaps, but ...

"The two of you come over to help, there are so many good things, I can't get it alone." Li Ni's voice.

Xia Lei recovered, and he hurriedly looked away from Ramona, then went to get things.He picked a pair of shoes from the garbage dump. The energy of the boots on his feet was nearly exhausted. If he did not replace the energy, he must find a pair of ordinary shoes.In addition to a pair of shoes, he also took some ammunition and gun parts.The parts and ammunition of these firearms are very important to him.

Li Ni and Ramona were very greedy. The two women pried open all the boxes and took away the weapons and ammunition that were still intact.The items they searched for were loaded with several large bags, with a total weight of at least two hundred pounds.Their horses are very difficult to get up.

The three led the horse towards Ping'an Village.

Li Ni and Ramona whispered.

"Did you change your mind because you wanted to keep him?" Ramona whispered in Li Ni's ear.

Li Ni raised her lips, "What do you want to say?"

Ramona just smiled and didn't talk anymore.

Along the way, Xia Lei was observing the situation in the mountain forest, but nothing was found.But he believes that Black Tiger must know what is happening in the dump, and Black Tiger and the people under him will definitely be prepared.

The way home is not safe.

But Xia Lei didn't care at all.

He liked what Li Ni said after he figured it out. Since he was going to die, why not Black Tiger and his people?

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