Super Vision

1563 1563 Information from Liang Tao

Within a week, a house had already appeared in the immigration station of the border town.But they are simple houses with wooden structure, they are all transitional buildings.The headquarters of the rebel army is in it. It is a large house made of logs and wooden boards by carpenters from the frontier city. It is a bit like a temple in the temple of the Chinese nation on the earth.

Such a house gives Xia Lei a little kind feeling.

In the open space in front of the resistance headquarters, Xia Lei saw the elite soldiers waiting for the resistance army he summoned here.They were so densely packed that they almost occupied the whole square.The visual area of ​​that square is about 10,000 square meters, so there is no need to count the number of people. Xia Lei also estimates that these elite warriors are at least tens of thousands.

In addition to the elite soldiers of the resistance, Xia Lei also saw Su Ya and the captains of several branded legions.They have been implementing orders to transfer immigrants.The transfer of elite soldiers of the rebels here is also a credit to the spaceship of the Legion and the Hope Academy.

Without Kantunana's introduction at all, as soon as Xia Lei appeared, there was a burst of cheers on the square, "Long live the leader! Long live the leader!"

Xia Lei raised his right hand, "Comrades are working hard!"

It seems that he has become accustomed to this kind of leader worship, but in fact not, he just needs these soldiers, and the worship of ordinary people.Because he wants to lead them to rejuvenate human civilization and fight for survival. Obviously, if he does not have a little prestige, then it will not work.

Leader worship is actually a disease of mankind, but human beings need this kind of "disease" at this moment of life and death.Therefore, everything has two sides and needs to be understood from different angles.

"Let everyone be quiet, listen to me." Xia Lei's voice resounded throughout the audience.

The boiling scene became quiet within a second, and the qualities of these soldiers were much higher than ordinary soldiers.

Xia Lei went on to say: "I call you here to doubt that the current situation needs you, you are all warriors. You will become a member of the Branded Legion and fight with the legendary Branded Warrior. I will give you the best Equipment, the highest glory! "

"Long live the leader! Long live the leader!" There was another thunderous cheer on the square.

Incorporating tens of thousands of rebellious troops into the branded legion is equivalent to direct command by him.The combat power of the Branded Legion, which has been injected with a lot of fresh blood, will be greatly improved, and it will also become the ace legion in the human camp.

After a few more encouraging words, Xia Lei followed Kantunana into the headquarters of the Resistance.When no one was around, Kantunana said aloud: "Okay, you abducted me 12,000 elite warriors in a few words, have you planned it already?"

Xia Lei smiled, "I need an army under my direct command. Once the battle breaks out, this army will specifically fight the hardest battle. But this is not abduction. After the battle, I will fight your warrior. Give it back to you. "

Kantunana gave Xia Lei a white look, "Without you, how can there be a rebel army now? I am all yours, who do you give back to?"

Xia Lei froze for a moment.

Kantunana suddenly realized the language in her words. Her face was slightly red, and she said, "Don't get me wrong, I mean I am also your subordinates. I have to obey your orders. ……No other meaning."

Xia Lei was also a little embarrassed. He changed the subject, "Where is Brother Liang? What intelligence did he get?"

At this time, Liang Tao's voice came from a door, "My good brother, I am giving you the opportunity to get along alone, why don't you understand my pains?"

Xia Lei walked over and saw Liang Tao sitting at a simple desk at a glance.A projection device was placed on the table in front of him.When Xia Lei entered, he activated the device.A projected picture suddenly appeared on the desktop. There were rolling snow peaks in that picture, which was extremely majestic.There is also an endless snowfield, the white snow refracts the light of the eternal day, giving a dream-like feeling.

This projection is obviously related to the intelligence obtained by Liang Tao.

Liang Tao is such a person. When he makes a joke, he shouldn't be so sloppy when he should do the right thing.

Xia Lei said with some curiosity: "Where is this place?"

"Icefield." Liang Tao said: "Your wife's mother's house."

Charley suddenly understood.He heard Lan Ji'er say that the settlement of the Ashimis was in the north pole of the Star of Hope, in a place called the ice field.But he just heard Lan Ji'er say that he had never been there, not even a photo of that place.Although that place was Lan Ji'er's hometown, it was a completely strange place for her.

At this time, a small transport ship appeared in the three-dimensional projection on the desktop.It was the transport ship of the Blue Moon Man. It flew close to the ground and flew quietly towards a snowy peak.

The snow peak is at least 20,000 meters high and extremely towering. At that time, the small transport ship was like a tiny moth in front of him, giving people a shocking visual effect.

The small transport spaceship flew over the mountain peak, and a canyon suddenly appeared in the three-dimensional projection.Because the identity of the deceased blocked the snow wind and the cold current, there are green forests and rivers in the canyon behind the mountain peak.

On a plain between the forest and the river stands a small city with a simple stone building and a majestic sky temple.

The sky temple is an obvious coordinate, and seeing it can confirm that it is the secret base of the Ashimis.

At that time, the small transport ship did not approach, but stopped on the top of the snow mountain.The hatch of the spaceship opened, and several soldiers of the Xieyue Legion came down from the spaceship and stood side by side, looking at the direction in the canyon.

Xia Lei's brow suddenly frowned, because from the perspective of this three-dimensional projection, the photographer's position was not far from the spaceship, and it was in the air.The intelligence personnel of the Resistance Army simply did not have the ability to shoot such video, so where did this three-dimensional projection come from?

"Where did this information come from?" Xia Lei asked.

Liang Tao said: "You may not believe it. Someone sent us this information. Neither the person who received the information nor I have seen that person. He was sent by a trustee. Our intelligence personnel received this information. After the information, I immediately reported it, and finally came to me. "

Xia Lei said: "It must be the intelligence personnel of the Blue Moon People. The Blue Moon People have their own intelligence stations in each underground city. Our every move is actually under their supervision, except here."

"What was the intention of the Blue Moon's intelligence personnel to send this information? Are they going to attack the base of the Ashimis? What does this have to do with us?" Kantuna said.

Xia Lei said: "Of course it does. The Achimis are our allies. If they are attacked and we do n’t reach out for assistance, we will not only lose the ally of the Achimis, and no one will talk to them in the future. We are allied. "

"If this is the case, then this intelligence is a trap." Kantunana said: "I know Lan Ji'er is your wife, but this is obviously a trap, so you can't go. It really needs someone to reinforce Ashimi. If you are a Sri Lankan, let me go. "

Xia Lei said: "No, you also saw that they are soldiers of the Xieyue Legion. They are not ordinary Blue Moon soldiers. They are 3 meters tall and have terrifying power. They also have the ability to sacrifice and have great power. It does n’t matter how many people you bring, it ’s just a gift, let me go. "

Kantunana said: "But ..."

Xia Lei interrupted her words, "As son-in-law and allies of the Ahemis people, and the husband of their princess, I should help them. Rest assured, it is only their king Shenyue who can threaten me , And their king has not been resurrected, I will be fine. "

That said, he didn't think so at all.There is actually a more mysterious Moon Nuclear Corps that can threaten him, and he has a hunch that this Moon Nuclear Corps will be dispatched this time.

"Then who do you take?" Asked Contunana.

Xia Lei said: "Of course it is the branded warrior. I am going to take the branded warrior to the ice field. They will eventually face the Evil Moon Corps, and this time is an opportunity for them to get exercise."

"Then when are you going to leave?" Liang Tao asked.

Xia Lei said: "Of course, the sooner the better, I will go to Shuya to make preparations before hair. When they are ready, I will take them away."

"What about here?" Contunana's voice was full of worry.Xia Lei is going to go through a dangerous situation again. I don't know why she feels like she has to lose some important support. It feels bad.

Xia Lei said: "I will make all the arrangements, the most important thing is to let the military factory mass-produce the secret lover communication system, as well as the production of energy weapons. We have not much time left and we must complete the equipment update as soon as possible."

Liang Tao said excitedly: "Oh my god, have you researched our communication system? Is this ... is this true?"

Kantunana said: "Of course it is true, I have seen it with my own eyes."

"Show me quickly!" Liang Tao said anxiously.

Xia Lei said: "The secret lover is in the laboratory of the academy, you will see it for yourself later. But it must be kept secret and cannot be revealed. In the future, the secret will sneak into the army that is distributed to the place and let the army people keep the secret. Do not allow the spies of the Blue Moon to get information from secret lovers. "

"That is of course." Liang Tao said with a smile: "Secret lover, haha, I like this name!"

"Then I'll go to Suya." Xia Lei turned and left.

Kantunana followed Xia Lei out of the house, "Will you bring Lan Jier to the ice field this time?"

Xia Lei said: "Not only Lan Ji'er, but I also want to bring the fierce water and the spirits."

"Ah?" Contunana looked surprised. "You really are ..."

Xia Lei said: "I need their milk."

Contunana, "..."

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