Super Vision

1564 Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1564

one day later.

An ancient spaceship landed under a snowy mountain, with a dark blue sky and a few stars overhead.There is a dazzling aurora at the junction of the horizon and the sky. It floats like a ribbon in the junction of heaven and earth. It is very magnificent.

Although it is a different world, the polar regions of the planet are similar.

This spaceship is the China Ship that flew from the Forest of Rest, but it landed not in the secret settlement of the Aximis, but in a place behind the settlement.

Standing on the bridge were Su Ya and more than a hundred soldiers with branded legions.After the previous final elimination system was abolished, those branded soldiers who were eliminated were returned to the brand army, and some reserve soldiers who were able to enter the brand army also officially joined the brand army and became a brand soldier .Therefore, although some branded fighters have died, the number has increased.

Lan Ji'er was also on the bridge, she was standing beside Xia Lei.

Both Li Rushui and Bai Ling did not come, and both of them had their own things to do.Braun has got the answer to the problem that has plagued Dzi Bead Academy for thousands of years from Xia Lei. She and her students have launched a perfect plan for the "AE stock solution".And Li Rushui also began the mobilization of the armed forces against the Black Market Grand Alliance, cooperating with a series of actions by the rebels.

Xia Lei told Contunana to bring them to the ice field because he needed their milk, which was just a joke.Lan Ji'er is a princess of the Ashimis, noble.If he brings two other wives to the base of the Ashimis, Lan Ji'er's reputation will decrease.What's more, even if he wanted to bring the fierce water and the spirits, they would consider the reasons of this layer and would not come.

However, although Li Ruoshui and Bailing did not come, the milk came. The two human wives squeezed Xia Lei several bottles, enough for him to drink for two days.

Shanpu and Haofang are also on the bridge. The two non-human men must be brought in this operation. Both of them have a powerful military force and an advanced artificial intelligence. They both have good skills and are very effective.

"Leader, why not fly directly to the base of the Ashimis?" Su Ya asked Xia Lei when the spacecraft landed on the ground.

Xia Lei said: "This place has been monitored by the Blue Moon people. Although this spacecraft can avoid the Blue Moon people's surveillance, it can't avoid the Blue Moon people's eyes. It is better to be careful. You stay here and wait My order. I will let Shanp send me and my wife to the base of the Ashimis. "

"Yes!" Su Ya replied in unison with one hundred branded warriors. Xia Lei's words were orders.

Xia Lei handed a communicator to Suya's hands, "I have taught you how to use it. After receiving my call request, you must turn on the Morse password mode, otherwise our conversation may be intercepted. To. "

"I understand, leader, don't worry." Suya took the communicator that Xia Lei gave her.

"Let's go." Xia Lei said to Lan Ji'er.

"Huh." Lan Jier responded softly.

"My beautiful boss and lady boss, how about me?" Fang looked at Xia Lei and Lan Ji'er, "As an important member of the ancient Asimis Empire, I also want to visit the base of Asimis. Take a look, and worship the god of the sky. "

Lan Jier said: "Then go, but you better take care of your mouth."

"Good Lat! My beautiful lady boss, I promise that everything I say from my mouth is a compliment." Haofang patted your ass.

Shanp picked up the "first-class sofa" placed in the bridge and walked towards the door. It had received the message that Xia Lei had sent to it.

A moment later, Shane dragged the "first-class sofa" from the canyon to the ground to the base of the Ashimis.All the blue hair on it was dyed white. Both Xia Lei and Lan Ji'er wore white clothes, and the sofa under the couple's buttocks was also white.Such camouflage measures, coupled with the super fast flight speed of Shanpu, even if there is a blue moon person's eyeliner nearby, it is difficult to find.If you see it, you will think it is just a white reflection of a certain ice peak.

Lan Ji'er looked very dignified, she already knew the information that Liang Tao obtained.The presence of the Evil Moon Corps is here, which is definitely not a good thing.

Xia Lei felt the worry in her heart, he grabbed her hand and comforted: "Don't worry, we will solve the problem."

Lan Jier said seriously: "How can I not worry? This is not a resting forest. Our base does not have the protection of the existence of the resting queen. The Blue Moon people want to attack here, and we have no strength to fight back."

"With me, believe me, I will protect your base, nothing will happen." Xia Lei actually did not have much confidence, but he could only comfort Lan Ji'er in this way.

Lanjier rested his head on Xia Lei's shoulder. "The last one of the Ahimis is left. If it is destroyed, we will lose the last hope. My husband, you Can you help the Ashimis as you would humans? "

"Fool." Xia Lei hugged her little waist, "I am your husband, you are the princess of the Aximis, if I do not help you and the Aximis, then I am still a man ? "

"It's nice to marry a husband like you." Lan Ji'er finally feels better.

On the same sofa, Fang Fang moved his gaze to another place, "Mom, the snow is so big, my eyes can't see anything."

None of the husband and wife embraced it.

"Foolish." A voice came out of Shan Pu's mouth, but it was Yan Ling language.

Xia Lei has learned some Yanling language, but he is still used to communicating with Shanpu through spiritual communication, which is faster and more direct.

The speed of Shan Pu is getting faster and faster, and the sofa tied around his waist almost crosses behind him.Xia Lei held Lan Ji'er tightly in her arms and helped her resist the wind and snow.The good party simply lay in the corner of the sofa, cursing with square buttocks, "Fuck, what are you doing so fast? Fool ..."

Fortunately, the flight time was not long. In about ten minutes, Shanp came to the canyon where the Achimis base was located.In the canyon, it slowed down its flight.

"This canyon is called the Ice Star Canyon. The first ancestors who came here gave the canyon this name, hoping to return to the Ice Star one day. But after more than three thousand years passed, we still There is no bitterness in the corners of Lan Ji’er ’s mouth. “Returning to the Star of Ice is the wish of every Ashimis. I also have such a wish, but I do n’t know if I have this life. Opportunity to go back. "

"I will go back with you." Xia Lei said.

Lan Ji'er smiled at Xia Lei. Before, she didn't have any affection for this man. She still counted him everywhere. But after marrying him, she found out that he was actually the man she wanted most. She felt very much about everything about him. satisfaction.This is happiness.

Shamp landed on the ground as he approached the base of Ashimis.

Xia Lei sent a message to Shanpu, "Shanpu, you can look at the peaks around the base. After you find the Blue Moon people, don't do it easily, tell me where they are."

"Got it." Shan Pu jumped into the sky, and disappeared on the snow-covered mountain in a blink of an eye.

"Come with me." Lan Ji'er took Xia Lei's hand to the base.

Shan Pu looked behind Xia Lei and Lan Ji'er.

But Xia Lei stopped before taking a few steps. He had already seen the Ahimis warriors who had sneaked in from the trees on both sides.They don't have cold weapons in their hands, but energy weapons, but they all look old.This base is obviously different from the primitive tribe of the Ashimis in the Rest Forest, where the nobles of Ashimis lived, and even the descendants of the royal family, not the prisoners who were sent to the Rest Forest for cannon fodder And the descendants of slaves.

At a glance, Xia Lei not only found those Ashimis warriors, but even their numbers were counted, it was actually an exaggerated fifty.As far as the speed and agility of those Ashims warriors are concerned, they are obviously well-trained professional fighters and an elite armed force.

"Your clan is here, you better explain to them." Xia Lei said.

"Where?" Lan Ji'er looked around, but she found nothing.

At this moment, a huge two-meter crossbow suddenly flew from the direction of the base and slammed on the ground in front of Xia Lei and Lan Ji'er.

Almost at the same time, the Ashim soldiers sneaking from the forest on both sides of the mountain road rushed out, and dozens of energy guns were aimed at Xia Lei and Lan Jier, and there was a good way.

Ho Fang raised his hands, "Mom, it's you!"

Lan Ji'er then took off the white winter cap that covered her head, revealing a blue face. She said aloud, "It's me, Lan Ji'er!"

"Lanji'er?" An Ashimi warrior approached. "Our princess holy ice?"

The Ashimis warrior who stepped forward to ask questions was a very young Ashimis. He would not be more than thirty years old in terms of human age.He looks strong and looks pretty.He kept staring at Lan Ji'er's face, his eyes full of excitement and excitement, and something special.

Lan Ji'er suddenly called out, "Brother Lan Bing! It's you, really you! I haven't seen you for years, I didn't expect you to be the same!"

The young man known as Blue Ice froze for a moment, and suddenly also said excitedly: "Lan Ji'er, really you! Our Holy Ice Princess!"

Perhaps because of the excitement of a long-term reunion, Lan Bing opened her arms to Lan Ji'er.

Lan Ji'er subconsciously stepped back, and at that time, Xia Lei stepped in front of Lan Bing and stretched out a hand with a smile, "Hello, Blue Bing, hello . "

Lan Bing almost hugged Xia Lei. He froze for a moment and lowered his arm. "Who are you?"

Xia Lei said, "I am ..."

"He is my husband." Lan Jier walked out from behind Xia Lei, his face full of smiles.

Both of them smiled like flowers, but the smile on Lan Bing's face disappeared. He looked surprised. "He ... your husband?"

"My name is Xia Lei and I am very happy to meet you." Xia Lei extended his right hand to Lan Bing again.

Lan Bing didn't shake hands with Xia Lei, but asked: "What's going on? How can you marry a human?"

More Ashimis warriors came over, and their faces were full of surprised expressions.Lan Ji'er came back, which was a good thing for them to be happy and celebrated, but she actually brought back a human and said that he was her husband, which is not a good thing.

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