Super Vision

1586 1586 Mysterious Star Stone

The materials and manufacturing technology of the ice dagger are still a mystery. Even if the good science of the material science of the Aximis is not explained, Xia Lei is even more unaware.Xia Lei, an ice dagger, feels very practical, but now the blue wood father tells him that the ice dagger is rubbish compared to the weapons in the tomb of the god of war, so what kind of weapon is the weapon in the tomb of the god of war? ?


"Father-in-law, what weapons are there in it? Have you seen them?" Xia Lei couldn't help but moved, and he even forgot that time was tight.

Dalan Lanmu said: "Although I haven't seen it, I know there is something in it. In the secret that my family has inherited for generations, this tomb of the God of War hides the armor of the Holy Spirit that the Holy King Blue Spirit once crossed, Frost Blade and the Fire Emblem Shield are all good things. "

Xia Lei's eyes have moved to the blue rock door. "Father-in-law, what materials did you use for the weapons and armor? Did you mention the secrets of your family's time inheritance?"

"Star Stone." Blue wood father said: "Accurately, it is made of metal extracted from Star Stone. Of course, that is just a legend. What is the specific creation, do you know if you take it out and see? Go quickly, I'll wait for you outside. "

Xia Lei's heart was shocked beyond recognition.Star Stone, isn't that the material used by the Ashimis to build the Star Gate?The magical things that can travel through the universe come from the beginning of the universe explosion.So, who extracted the metal from the star stone?Can't imagine!

To find the answer, only open the stone door to see.

No one else can open this blue rock door, but it is nothing for Xia Lei.He walked to the blue rock door and reached for it.

"Son-in-law, be careful!" Father Bluewood seemed to have found his conscience.

Xia Lei was a little speechless. With a hard hand, Shimen was suddenly pushed away by him.This time, when he pushed the door, his brain had an illusion for a moment, but then he was killed by the energy with mysterious runes, so fast that he hardly felt it.

The stone door opened a gap, and the blue energy light suddenly flowed out of it. It came out like a moving mist.Even Xia Lei, he could not see what was inside the tomb.

Dalan Mumu's mouth widened and he froze for a moment before saying, "My good son-in-law, you are so capable, it feels like opening your own door."

Xia Lei looked back at him, "Father-in-law, this is a tomb, did you say that?"

"Uh ... Haha, I said it without thinking about it. Sorry, my good son-in-law, let's go in and see." Dad Lanmu said that he would go inside.

Xia Lei reached out to stop him, "I'll go in first, and then you'll come in after there is no danger. If there are more dangerous traps, I may not be able to save you."

Xia Lei said this, and Dad Bluewood changed his mind, "Then go in quickly, Dad is waiting for you here."

Xia Lei's feeling is strange when he listens to Blue Wood's self-professed "Daddy", but he said nothing wrong.Dalan Lanmu is Lan Ji'er's father. He married Lan Ji'er, and Dalan Mulan's father-in-law is naturally his father.People claim to be his father, what's wrong?

In this messy feeling, Xia Lei entered the tomb.

The illusion reappeared, but in a blink of an eye, the energy with mysterious runes was also obliterated.When his mind returned to normal, Xia Lei also saw the situation inside the tomb.

The tomb is still a hemispherical enclosed space, also using the blue rock.Inside each rock is hidden mysterious energy. They flow through the rock like a liquid, giving off a dreamlike blue luster.

This rock is actually a very low-grade star stone.

There is no coffin in the tomb, only a low-level star stone cut into squares.It is about the same height and area as a square table. It is placed on top of it ... not with a metal ball suspended.

Yes, a metal ball.

No battle armor, no battle sword, no heraldic shield, only a metal ball.

The metal ball is suspended on the "stone table", each one is blue, pure blue, spotless, like the cleanest starry sky in the universe.

"Aren't you talking about God's armor, frost blade, and flame emblem shield? If the metal extracted from the star stone is liquid metal, then it should be three, right? Why is there only one? It seems that the secret of the inheritance of the old generation of Lan Mu ’s family is not correct. Hmm, what is it? ”Xia Lei was puzzled and curious, and his footsteps moved to the stone table uncontrollably.

The closer to the stone table, the stronger the energy released by the metal ball.

Illusions suddenly appeared.

Both the metal ball and the stone table disappeared, replaced by a blackboard with math questions written on it, and the simplest 1 + 1 =?There is also a slogan on the blackboard that reads hard and learns every day.A female teacher wearing glasses stood on the podium, and she beckoned to Xia Lei, "Student Xia Lei, you come to calculate this question."

Xia Lei knew that this was an illusion, but the female teacher's voice seemed to have a super hypnotic effect, and he was going to pull him through.

The energy root with a mysterious rune in the brand of the universe shuddered slightly, the blackboard disappeared, the female teacher disappeared, and the metal ball and stone table returned to his vision.

Xia Lei took another step forward, just as he was preparing to take the second step, a new illusion appeared again.He sat on a rocking chair and watched the sunset on the mountains in the distance.The sunset was red and the maple leaves of Manshan were also red.Suddenly a child ran out from behind him and screamed: "Grandpa! Grandpa! You help me hold the mirror, I want to paint a little red dot myself."

Xia Lei reached out and took the mirror from the child. He suddenly saw his own face, which was a wrinkled old face.A pair of eyes has no spirit, just like an oil lamp that is about to burn out of oil, it may go out at any time.

He also knew that this was an illusion, but this time it felt a bit vague.He looked at himself in the mirror, sad in his heart.He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Even the most powerful person is definitely not the opponent of time.

Time, in fact, is the pace of evolution, too far forward, not backward.Although this is an illusion, it is real and it makes sense.It made the sadness in Xia Lei's heart stronger, and even gave birth to a feeling of being tired of the world and not wanting to live anymore.

The trace of energy in the brand of the universe with mysterious runes shuddered again, dispelling his illusion again.The stone table and the metal ball appeared again, still so real.

This time, Xia Lei has a new understanding of the energy with a mysterious rune, that is, it is in the brand of his universe, which is equivalent to the core of his soul, it is protecting his soul!

Xia Lei took another step, and this time no new illusions appeared.He came to the stone table very smoothly, the metal ball was in front of his eyes, very glorious, looks like a blue metal, but more like a blue energy ball.The energy it contains can distort space, even time!

Why is there such a feeling?Xia Lei didn't know at all, but he felt this feeling in his heart.

"When I get close to it, I will have a strong hallucination. If I touch it, I don't know how strong the hallucination will be. I don't know if it can hold it? If it can't resist it, then I'm in danger." When the metal ball was colored, Xia Lei thought secretly.

The "it" is naturally the energy with mysterious runes. Can it resist stronger and more dangerous hallucinations?In fact, Xia Lei didn't have any grasp.

Wanting to hesitate, Xia Lei took out a piece of water from Skull Dagger and Holy King Blue Spirit, and began to scrape bone powder.

Reaching out for the blue metal ball is indeed very risky, but its return is also tempting.Although he hasn't seen any holy spirit armor, frost blade, or any flame emblem shield, but as long as it makes him stronger, he will never refuse, let alone get timid.

The fragment of a skull turned into powder again, and Xia Lei swallowed it all in one bite.

Ice cold and warm, familiar feeling, after the familiar process, the energy with mysterious runes was strengthened again, thicker and longer, and extended to the center of the universe's brand.

After getting ready, Xia Lei came to the stone table again.He stared at the blue technical ball and hesitated for ten seconds before reaching for the blue metal ball.

He hadn't touched the blue energy metal ball. His eyes suddenly couldn't see anything. There was only a blue light in his vision.It is very strong, with two characteristics of burning and freezing, the cold seems to freeze his body, and the burning seems to melt his soul!

This moment's feeling is more uncomfortable than death!

A new illusion appeared again, just when his hand caught the energy ball.There was darkness in his mind, and there was no endless and extremely deep darkness.There is no temperature, no life, no feeling, or even nothing!

Suddenly, a ray of light appeared in the depths of darkness.Then the light diffused in all directions, and the scorching waves destroyed the darkness and destroyed everything.At the same time, his brain shook violently, as if blown to pieces.Flying with the blue rocks in the void.Flying over the extreme cold of the starry sky, flying over the high-temperature flames of the star, he is disappearing, disappearing quickly, and nothing will remain.

But at a very critical moment, a trace of energy with mysterious runes danced in the brand of his universe.Each tremor of it brings a trace of warmth, dispelling fear and darkness.If he is likened to a poor man who is about to be frozen to death in the snow and ice, then the energy with mysterious runes will undoubtedly dispel the darkness and the cold dawn.

That trace of energy with mysterious runes washed away all hallucinations and everything was back to normal.

Xia Lei looked at the blue metal ball in his hand. He has now determined that it is the metal extracted from the star stone, because only the star stone has this ability!

It is weird that a piece of metal extracted from the star stone has no weight in his hand!

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