Super Vision

1587 Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1587

The weight of a metal ball with a big fist is no different from that of a feather. Even a paper ball of the same volume is heavier than it.

"This ... why is this? It's incredible." Xia Lei's heart was horrified and curious.

There is no armor, no swords and shields, only such a metal ball with almost no weight, what is its use?Who made it?What are the characteristics of the energy it contains?Xia Lei's heart is full of all kinds of doubts, everything about this metal ball is so mysterious.

At this moment, the trace of energy with mysterious runes that had been stationary suddenly became active again.It seemed very excited, bouncing.At the same time, the energy contained in the metal ball also fluctuated and became unstable.

Xia Lei hurriedly dropped the metal ball.He wanted to put it on the blue rock table, but as soon as he let go, the metal ball floated up again.Even more weird is that instead of floating vertically upward, it flew diagonally to the top of Xia Lei's head.

Xia Lei looked at it with his head up, and then moved a step sideways.As soon as he moved, the metal ball also moved.He followed another step forward, and as soon as he walked, the metal ball followed and chased up, always floating above his head, and even the height and the corresponding position were the same, without a slight change.

"What are you? What do you want to do?" Xia Lei was very surprised. He didn't think it was an interesting thing.Everything here is full of unknown dangers, and if you don't pay attention, you will be lost!

There is no response from the metal ball, but its energy fluctuation is getting stronger and stronger.Correspondingly, the trace of energy in Xia Lei's cosmic brand with mysterious runes has become more and more active.He feels like there is a connection between the two, and their vibration frequency is like an encrypted code. No one except them can decipher it.

Suddenly, the energy vibration frequency between the two completely reached the same.At 100% coincidence, the trace of energy in Xia Lei's cosmic brand suddenly flew toward the metal ball.Xia Lei's cosmic imprint cannot restrain it, and his brain cannot restrain it.However, it was not uprooted, all left, but stretched and extended, and instantly plunged into the metal ball suspended above Xia Lei's head.

If that trace of energy can be seen, then Xia Lei is now a Teletubbies.And the antenna on his head is disproportionate, the ball is too big, the rod is too thin, very funny.

Xia Lei raised his head and stared at the metal ball in a stunned manner, as well as the trace of energy penetrating through his brain.What will happen next?He didn't know at all.

Snapped!With a soft sound, the metal ball suddenly left.A piece of blue energy light poured out. It poured out like a waterfall on Xia Lei's body.At that moment, a piece of blue fell from the top of his head and crashed on Xia Lei's head.

The blue thing was at least two hundred kilograms, very heavy, and suddenly fell down from above. Although he did not smash Xia Lei to the ground, he still smashed him a bit.

Wow!The blue thing slipped from Xia Lei's head and hit his instep and the ground.He finally saw clearly what it was. It was a blue heraldic shield, wide at the top and pointed at the bottom.On the shield is a swirling pattern, which feels like a black hole.There is also a flame pattern in the vortex, and it is red.

"This ... really has a shield?" Xia Lei stunned, and couldn't believe the "flame coat of arms" in his eyes.


A larger piece fell from the blue energy light and hit Xia Lei's head again.The thing had at least a thousand pounds of weight. This time Xia Lei failed to stand firm and was hit by the ground.He couldn't hide, because the metal ball was always suspended above his head, no matter how he moved it, it would keep its position and distance from his head.That metal ball really looks like an antenna growing on top of his head, how can he escape?

This time it was a set of linked armor that hit Xia Lei.It broke up when he hit him, and the ground was covered with breastplates, armor, war boots, and so on.Xia Lei saw it clearly when it was complete. It was very quaint, with no special patterns and shapes, just blue metal armor.However, no matter which part contains powerful energy, those energies flow through the metal like water flow, forming a constantly changing energy pattern.Those runes of energy look a lot like runes, and are very similar to the runes of that trace of energy.

"It should be what the Holy Spirit's armor? Right, and ... I fucking!" Xia Lei suddenly realized something and turned and climbed up from the ground.

A blue light fell from above. At that moment, Xia Lei turned his head away, and the blue light rubbed his face and fell to the ground.At that time, his shoulder was cut by a sharp blade, and red blood bleed out.

You know, he wears Lantan armor, and it has now evolved to the point that he ca n’t even be damaged by energy guns.But the blue sharp blade cut it like a piece of paper!

His body has evolved to a point where he is invulnerable, and he can also resist the shooting of energy guns, but he was actually cut open and injured!


A blue war knife plunged into the rocky ground half way into the ground, it feels like inserting tofu with a sword!

Xia Lei took a deep breath before calming down. The moment just made him feel terrified.After concentrating, he reached out and grabbed the blue knife handle and pulled it from the ground.

It is a straight-edged sword, like the shape of a Tang sword, but the blade is wider and almost flat with Xia Lei's palm.The blade should also be longer. Xia Lei grabbed its handle, and its blade could also extend from the ground to the position of his belly button.And its weight is similar to the flame coat of arms, almost two hundred catties.

The body of the knife is also covered with blue energy stripes, flowing like water waves, constantly changing.

Xia Lei was ruined by holding the frost blade, and a cold stream was suddenly released from the blade, and the water in the void instantly fell into the ice world.

This is probably the origin of the name "Frost Blade".

"With this frost blade, I might be able to tear the Blue Moon Man's spaceship with a knife? As for the Blue Moon Man's fighter armor, I can cut it with a knife! Lord Father-in-law, you gave Jier The dowry is too expensive! Hahaha ... "Xia Lei laughed loudly.

The secrets passed down from generation to generation of the Blue Mud family are true. The three things he said are true, and these three things are even more powerful for him who is about to kill the blue moon.

Xia Lei stooped to pick up the Flame Emblem Shield. Two pieces of equipment cost four hundred pounds. The shield is slightly heavier and the Frost Blade is slightly lighter, but the difference is not much different.He held the shield in one hand and the knife in the other, and tried to wave the knife a few times, and then tried to push the shield a few times, to adapt to the feel of this heavy weapon.With his strength, this weight of equipment is not a big deal, but if he wears a heavy armor of the Holy Spirit, he estimates that his flexibility will be affected to some extent.

But even at the expense of a certain amount of speed and flexibility, he would rather wear the Holy Spirit's armor, take the Fire Emblem Shield and Frost Blade.Because these three pieces of equipment bring him not only a strong defense, but also a multiplied combat power!

"Well, try again with the armor on!" Xia Lei has forgotten Lord Yuezhang who is staying outside, and even forgot the Blue Moon who threatens the Icefield City at all times.

The parts of the armor of the Holy Spirit are placed on him one by one. It is a set of full armor, fully protected from head to toe, without revealing even a few millimeters of skin.However, when preparing to bring a helmet with a warframe, Xia Lei found that the helmet was missing a piece. Just in the middle of his forehead, what was missing was a round part, about the size of his fist.

"One less piece? If you are fighting in space, it will not affect me ... wait ..." Xia Lei suddenly remembered something, and he suddenly looked up.

Suddenly, the round metal ball floating above his head swooped down, and was inserted into the round hole.


With a strange noise, the blue energy light suddenly burst out of the armor, and all the gaps disappeared in an instant, forming a natural overall armor!This set of armor seems to be worn by Xia Lei from birth, and then grow up with him, never take off!

"This ... how do I take it off?" Xia Lei suddenly had such a worry in his heart.He couldn't find a gap, how to take it off was a problem.He can't wear this suit of armor and Lan Ji'er, and live like fierce water and spirits, right?

At this moment, the energy with mysterious runes was also recovered, shortening the length, but still maintaining the state of being connected to the metal ball.The feeling for Xia Lei is that a trace of energy pulled the metal ball into the round hole in the helmet, which contributed to the collection of the whole armor and created the "seamless armor" of the Holy Spirit armor. The second form.

After the Holy Spirit armor entered the second form, the energy contained in the blue rock in the tomb quickly rushed to the metal ball in the helmet.Suddenly, the blue energy light disappeared.The rock that was originally blue also turned black, leaving only a touch of blue.

"Son-in-law? My good son-in-law? You're saying something? Don't you have an accident. If you die, how can I explain to Ji'er? I can only say that you abandoned her and ran away ..." Blue wood dad's voice.

Xia Lei's mind returned to reality. He looked towards the stone gate. He saw the stone gate at a glance. It did not escape the fate of losing energy, and turned black, leaving only a little blue.

"Huh? How dark? What happened?" Blue Mud's voice.

A few seconds later, a bright beam of light shone through the door slit.

This product actually carries a bright light flashlight.

"Ah!" Daddy Bluewood's voice, "You ... son-in-law?"

Xia Lei said aloud: "Father-in-law, if I die, would you really tell Ji'er like that?"

"Hurry and show me the armor." Daddy Bluewood walked in and pulled out his hand to pick up the armor on Xia Lei's body, but even the slightest gap made him unable to start. He followed and said: "Show me the shield."

Xia Lei handed him the Fire Emblem Shield and let go quickly.

call!The Blazing Herald Shield slipped from Daddy Bluewood's hand and crashed on his instep.

"Ah--" Father Bluewood screamed and said angrily: "Son-in-law! Are you deliberate?"

"Sorry, I'm about to tell you that it's heavy. Who made you so anxious?" Xia Lei said.

Father Bluewood, "..."

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