Super Vision

1588 Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1588

I didn't feel like staying in the tomb of God of War for a long time, but it was already dawn when I came out.Walking on the empty street, Daddy Bluewood looked surprised, "Son-in-law, why is there no one? Everyone has gone?"

Xia Lei said: "This is what I am going to tell you. The Blue Moon people are likely to attack here ..." He said briefly what happened, including Lan Wu preparing to blow up Lan Ji'er and him and Retreat to the point of refuge.

"Damn it! That vicious and mean guy should be killed! Son-in-law, you're doing well! In exchange for me, I will cut him to death with a knife! I questioned the identity of Jier and me and cancelled the royal treatment of our family. The person is him. "Dalan Damu said indignantly.

"After I call Haofang, I will take you to the refuge point. When you get there, you should help Ji'er find some people who can help her as soon as possible, and build a leadership team." Xia Lei said.

"I will." Dad Bluewood said, and after a moment he changed the subject, "Son-in-law, what's the matter with this suit? It doesn't even have an occasion, how did you put it on?"

In fact, Xia Lei has been thinking about it all the time. He secretly said: "Star Stone has the ability to traverse the endless starry sky. The metal extracted from it must be extraordinary. That metal ball is like a miniature world. Like the box, with its own space, Holy King Blue Spirit put his armor in that space. And the 'key' to open this space is that trace of energy, which can cause the vibration of the metal ball. Open it in an incomprehensible way. "

Such speculation seems reasonable, but he is not sure whether this is the case.And what makes him headache is that until now he has not found a way to take off the armor.If you really can't take it off, Lan Ji'er, Bai Ling and Lie Ru Shui will have to keep alive.

"Son-in-law?" Daddy Lanmu urged: "You are talking."

Xia Lei only thought away, "I'm also looking for reasons, and I'll tell you when I find them. But I want to tell you, it's dangerous, don't think about taking it back, it will kill you. And , You said, this is the dowry for Ji'er, how can you get the dowry sent back again. "

Father Bluewood, "..."

Xia Lei said: "I know this is a sacred object of your Ahimis. I assure you that I will not seize it. After I have solved all the problems, I will return it to the Ashimis. "

"Hahaha! I didn't say anything." Father Bluewood laughed thieves.

Xia Lei did not see a person along the way.

In one night, an icefield city with a population of more than 100,000 became an empty city.

When he reached the civilian area where Lanmu's father lived, Xia Lei saw the good way of standing in front of the courtyard before he reached the door.The guy with the square head and head is looking up anxiously.It also carried an equipment bag on its back, which was Xia Lei's equipment bag.

All the people were evacuated, but it remained here to execute his instructions.Seeing a good way to look up, although it is only a robot, but this time also moved him a little.

"Mom! Saint King!" Seeing Xia Lei in a blue armor with a sword and a shield in hand, Fangfang didn't recognize its boss at first glance, and he knelt on the ground with a thump.

"It's me." Xia Lei said aloud.

Hearing Xia Lei's voice, Ho Fang understood it. He climbed up from the ground and said excitedly: "My most beautiful boss! I finally waited for you. You forget it ... I will ask later, we Retreat! I heard people say that Blue Moon will attack here soon. I have been trying to contact you, but I can't reach you. "

Xia Lei said: "My communicator was blown up. Have you ever contacted Huaxia? What happened there?"

The good party said: "I contacted Suya and she is still waiting for your order."

"Contact her immediately and let her drive the Huaxia here." Xia Lei said.

Buzz ...

This is the voice of the sky.

Xia Lei's expression suddenly changed, "Don't contact the China Mobile, immediately leave here and go to the refuge of the Ashimis!"

"Son-in-law, what are you going to do?" Dad Blue Mu suddenly found conscience and began to care about Xia Lei.

Xia Lei said: "Don't care about me, their goal is me, I have to lead them away. Do you know where the refuge is? Take Fang to go there."

"Son-in-law, do you want to drive them alone?" Father Bluewood's expression was solemn. At this moment, he was serious, and Xia Lei's eyes were full of respect.Xia Lei could have left the Achims alone, but he made such a choice.

"Stop talking, go away!" Xia Lei urged.

The good party is also worried and said: "My beautiful host, you should be very clear about how dangerous this is. Are you really going to do this?"

Xia Lei said: "Don't say it, there is no time. This is my order, execute it, go to the refuge with my father-in-law."

A huge air warship suddenly appeared on the sky, then the second and third ship.The huge battleship blocked the relationship of the Son of Eternity, and the whole icefield city seemed to enter the dusk, and the light dimmed at once.

"Go!" Xia Lei shouted.

Father Bluewood sighed, "Good way, let's go, I know that place."

"My beautiful boss, pay attention to protecting your face, don't spend it in battle." Haofang said.

Xia Lei, "..."

This should be a very serious moment, but this sentence makes serious things less serious.But precisely because of Hao Fang's not serious words, Xia Lei's mood also relaxed.

Ho Fang and Daddy Bluewood left.

Xia Lei sprinted in the direction of the city gate with the fastest speed.

The first decision he made before was to let Hao Fang contact Hua Xia, and let Hua Xia come to Icefield City not to pick him up and Hao Fang, but to move the Star Stone to the Sky Temple.The Fleet of the Blue Moon suddenly appeared, and this plan obviously could not be carried out anymore.Once the Blue Moon Fleet discovered the Huaxia, the Huaxia had no chance of survival.As far as the resources he has at the moment, he can only fight the asymmetric guerrilla warfare with the Blue Moon Man, and he is not yet qualified to fight the Frontal War with the Blue Moon Man.

During the running sprint, Xia Lei shouted.

A blue phantom suddenly flew from the side, caught up with Xia Lei in a blink, and landed in front of him.

How can we miss Shanpu in the battle with the Blue Moon Fleet?

"Boss?" Shane's message was full of surprise, "This armor ..."

Xia Lei sent his message, "This is the armor of Holy King Blue Spirit, go back and tell you again. Wait a moment, I will lead the fleet of the Blue Moon, if a fighter comes down to chase me, you know what to do."

Shan Pu recovered his bone spear, "Let them come, my stick is hungry and unbearable."

Xia Lei couldn't help but glance at the bone spear in its paws, and it was clearly a spear, how could it be a big stick?

A loud noise suddenly came from the sky, and an air battleship suddenly fired a shot at Plain City.The energy shells fired by the naval gun on the giant battleship exploded directly in the icefield city, and a large building was suddenly razed to the ground.The energy shock wave generated by the energy bomb explosion spread to the whole city, and the whole city and even the earth were shaking. The feeling of terror was as if an earthquake of magnitude 8 or 9 had occurred.

"Damn! These guys said they would fight, not even one of the first troops, not even an empty city!" Xia Lei could not help but scold people, and in his imagination the Blue Moon people would shoot some troop transporters The spaceship came down to enter the Icefield City for reconnaissance, and he would kill the first troops to enter the Icefield City for reconnaissance, and then evacuate the Blue Moon Fleet.But Lan Yueren fired his gun as soon as he arrived, and his plan was disrupted.

Xia Lei didn't scold. For his scolding, another huge air battleship also used a gun to fire a gun at the center of the Icefield City, and it was the main gun with the largest diameter.


In the earth-shattering explosion, the thousand-year-old temple and sky temple instantly turned into a flat ground.

Xia Lei's heart sank, he hadn't had time to transfer the star stone hidden under the sky temple, but the blue moon man's warship had thought the sky temple was flat.Although he didn't worry about the Blue Moon's naval guns destroying the star stones, it would be a very troublesome task if he wanted to plan them out again in the future.

This energy shell made the already crumbling building completely fall apart, and even the city gate collapsed under the shock wave of the explosion.With just two energy cannons, a city of more than 100,000 people was completely destroyed.

This is the military strength of the Blue Moon, and this is the enemy Xia Lei is destined to defeat. He still has a long way to go.

However, whether it was the first energy shell or the second energy shell, the explosion energy shock wave that destroyed the entire city was like a gust of wind for Xia Lei.The armor of Holy King Blue Spirit has the characteristics of energy absorption. The explosion shock wave rushing to him is absorbed by the Holy Spirit Armor for the most part, and the rest is like a strong wind blowing from his side, which is not for him at all. What effect.

However, Shan Pu was not as powerful as the Holy Spirit's armor, its body was rolled up by the explosion energy wave, and the leaves in the gust of wind generally flew out.

Xia Lei hadn't had time to catch up and look at its situation. A small warship suddenly descended quickly and came after him.

That is the evil month.


Dozens of naval guns on the Xieyue suddenly opened fire and bombarded the area where Xia Lei was located.

Xia Lei's speed is impossible to run past the energy cannonball even if he is fast, let alone him, not even the flying mountain.

Bang!An energy shell exploded beside Xia Lei, and the energy shock wave tsunami of the explosion generally swept toward him.This time, even the energy-absorbing properties of the Holy Spirit's armor could not resist. His body was thrown out like a broken kite.

But he was just thrown out, and his body was not injured.Although the energy shell exploded around him, the Holy Spirit's armor absorbed most of the energy shock waves directed at him.And this absorption did not stop, even if his body was flying in the air, the Holy Spirit's armor kept absorbing energy.In this way, even the slightest shock damage does not exist, let alone kill him or wound him.

boom!The energy shock wave of the explosion was released, and Xia Lei's body fell to the ground.The location of the fall happened to be beside Shan Pu. He saw Shan Pu crawling on the ground with some blue blood on the corner of his mouth. It was obviously injured.

"Boss, are you okay?" Without waiting for Xia Lei to send the message, Shanpu was like Xia Lei's message, full of anxiety and worry.

Xia Lei let out a long sigh of relief, and he sent a message to Shanpu, "You leave here immediately."

"How about you?"

"Don't they want me to die? Then I'll die to show them. You first leave here, find a place to hide, wait for their warplane to appear, and then join me, we'll make a big vote."

"Good!" Shan Pu suddenly jumped from the ground, his blue wings waved, and his body suddenly turned into a blue streamer and flew away.

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