Super Vision

1648 Chapter 1648 A Stupid Question

Su Ya ’s intention was to burn all the corpses of the Evil Moon Warrior clean, but not only the flesh and blood corpses, but also the dark energy contained in them.If the dozen or so corpses are ordinary corpses, she can easily get rid of this crisis.But those corpses are not ordinary corpses after all. They are the corpses of the evil moon victim who is in a fission state. Each corpse contains powerful dark energy. Once exploded, it will not only be destroyed, even The metal box with Hei Yao may also be affected and explode!Therefore, she would order other branded soldiers to retreat.She knew it was very dangerous, but she still made such a decision.This is actually a kind of sacrifice for her, which is more brilliant than the sacrifice of the evil moon warrior!

However, how could Xia Lei make this happen?

Just when Suya ordered the other branded warriors to retreat and pounced on the corpses, Xia Lei flew from the sewer where he was hiding.His figure flashed in the void and instantly cut to Suya's front, and his voice also sounded at that time, "You all retreat! Take away that box! Hurry!"

Without any hesitation, Chen Daxiong and the three other branded soldiers immediately lifted the metal box and entered one of the sewers at the fastest speed.

After the other five branded soldiers broke off, they quickly entered the sewer.

However, Su Ya did not retreat, and the flame released from her rolled towards the bodies of several fierce warriors who were fissioning.But the corpses were not burned by her energy flame, but instead split at a faster rate. The dark energy was released from those corpses, offsetting the energy flame and spreading into this narrow space at any time It may explode!

"I let you retreat!" Xia Lei shouted at her: "This is the order!"

"Leader, I'm sorry ..." Su Ya's voice came out of the flames, "This is too dangerous, I ask you to leave here, you can let me deal with it, you will leave here soon!"

"You ..." Xia Lei was angry with him, but his heart was also moved by Su Ya.

There are warriors like Suya in the human camp. How can the Blue Moon people wipe out humans, and how can they prevent the revival of human civilization?

Self-sacrifice requires great courage, and courage is also a part of human nature, a sparkling part!

At this moment, the flames on Su Ya's body suddenly disappeared, and the snow-white body was exposed to the air, uncovered.But Suya had no time to cover up, a strange voice came out of her throat, and then fell softly.

She has killed several evil moon warriors, including the most powerful commander. The energy in her body has almost been consumed. Now she is forcibly burning the dead bodies of the mutated victims. If a car runs out of fuel, does it make sense that the car will not stop?Fainting has become an inevitable result.

Xia Lei couldn't care so much anymore, he rushed up, picked up Suya and drilled into a sewer at the fastest speed.But he is not as simple as running away. Even in the retreat of flying, he still controls the dome and the natural energy field of the four walls that support the underground sewage treatment tank with rune yin and yang fish.Under the control of the rune yin and yang fish, the natural energy field shrinks rapidly, getting smaller and smaller, and smaller and smaller.The body of the evil moon warrior wrapped by it is constantly compressed and compressed, and then compressed.No matter which body is crushed by the rapid collapse of natural energy, it becomes flatter and flatter ...


Rumble ...

The sound of an explosion came behind him, but it was not the kind of violent explosion. There was no strong energy shock wave behind him, but only a little mid-level shock. It felt like a few grenades exploded, not the evil moon sacrifice. Self-explosive.You know, the victim of the Xieyue Legion self-detonated, and the equivalent of the explosion definitely exceeded the energy missile, which is no different from the small naval gun!

The natural solution to this crisis is Xia Lei's natural energy field, which plays the role of a bomb digester in it.It wrapped the bodies of the victims of the evil moon legion. When the explosion occurred, a considerable part of the energy was transferred to the natural energy field by Xia Lei's rune yin and yang fish. The more energy the explosion released, the imprisoned explosion The more powerful the natural energy field of energy, the more energy released by the explosion can be offset.

However, more than a dozen corpses exploded together, and the power was even comparable to the bombardment of the main ship guns of the Empire, and the runes of the yin and yang fish always had a limit to the energy conversion. Still broke through Xia Lei's natural energy field.

They also disappeared after being stretched out, disappearing together with Xia Lei's natural energy field.Therefore, the energy released by the detonation of the bodies of dozens of evil moon legionnaires not only did not lift the ground, did not blow through the bottom of the pool to form a passage to the Holy Underground City, and even did not blow up the sewage treatment pool, let alone hurt It's time to retreat the branded soldiers.

It was dark in the sewer, and there was a pungent odor in the air, but in Xia Lei's arms was a white and beautiful woman. The same picture, two different styles, one side was hell, the other side was Beautiful view.Xia Lei's heart was inevitably messed up.

The comatose Suya was very quiet, her face faintly remained the tension and worry before fainting, and it was the faint look that made Xia Lei look pitiful, and a heart was soft and soft.

He took off his coat and put it on Su Ya.But after he put it on, he found that Su Ya's ass was still mostly exposed, and there was nothing looming, but that wasn't enough, so he took off his pants and put it on Su Ya's body.

Throughout the process, he used natural energy to hold up Su Ya's body. He didn't put Su Ya in the dirty sewer where sewage was flowing. He couldn't bear to do it.And who can do such a good woman, such a good soldier?

Just when he put on Su Ya's pants and zipped up, Su Ya suddenly gave a loud bang and then opened her eyes.As a result, he found that she was lying flat in front of Xia Lei, and the great leader Comrade Xia Lei's right hand was lying between her legs, two fingers still holding the zipper pull.

Why is she lying in the void?

This problem did not actually appear in her mind, but what emerged in an instant was-

"No, can't ..." Su Ya was nervous, blushing, her voice trembling, and a hand instinctively reached over and grabbed Xia Lei's hand.

She seemed to want to prevent Xia Lei from pulling the zipper down, but she did not expect Xia Lei to just pull the zipper of her pants.

The misunderstanding was born, and the sewer atmosphere was suddenly embarrassing.

"I ... actually ..." Xia Lei coughed dryly and said: "I just pulled the zipper for you."

His hands let go of the naughty zipper.

A second later, Su Ya also released his hand, and there was no redness on her face. "Really, really?"

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "Not really, what do you think?"

"I ..." Su Ya couldn't say anything.

Xia Lei said: "Your clothes were burned by yourself. The clothes you wear are mine."

This time Su Ya found that Xia Lei had only one pair of panties and a pair of shoes, and the white and shapely muscles were uncovered in her eyes.After a glance, she hurriedly looked away, and then she saw the slowly flowing sewage under her body, and her body suspended in the void.

"Leader, why am I ... lying in the air?" Her thoughts finally returned to their normal state.

Xia Lei said: "This is a kind of energy use. Since you are awake, let me put you down."

Su Ya's feet returned to the ground, and she suddenly remembered something, "What about them?"

Xia Lei said: "They have evacuated in time. I prevented the bodies from exploding. They should be fine."

"It's okay." Su Ya breathed a sigh of relief.

"Suya, can you tell me how you turned your energy into an energy flame? Your fire phoenix is ​​so powerful that you burned the commander." Xia Lei asked.

"No problem, I can certainly tell you." Su Ya sorted out her thoughts and then said: "After I started the path of evolution, my energy attribute is the attribute of fire. I can't change this point, and my training is also related to Fire element related training. At the beginning I used candles to burn my skin. "

In a word, Xia Lei ’s mind suddenly showed a picture of Su Ya burning herself with a lit candle, red wax oil dripping on her snowy and delicate skin, and her expression ...

This is a picture that should not be imagined, especially for the great leaders of mankind, because this is not normal, and it is not normal at all.

"You know, at the beginning, I was very uncomfortable, and often burned my skin. But then I gradually mastered the properties of the fire element, and then later I could absorb the fire energy. As my evolution improved, I can absorb and control the flame energy more and more. As for the Fire Phoenix, that is the attack method I researched myself. I like the Phoenix in the legendary story. I know that the Phoenix is ​​male and the Phoenix ’s mother, so I took the name of a fire phoenix. But I used to have a hard time exhibiting it. Even if it was exhibited with limited power, there is no such power today. Leader. The perfect AE you gave me corrected the mistakes in my body. My control of the fire energy has also been greatly improved, so I can better display it and use it to kill the enemy. "When she said" male and female ", she blushed inexplicably.

She is a shy and shallow girl, which is difficult to change.

Xia Lei's heart seemed to light a lamp, dispelling a fog, his heart secretly said: "What an important inspiration, Su Ya is just an ordinary evolver, but she uses the most simple way to think There is such a powerful attack method of fire energy. I can also learn from her, burn myself with fire, maybe I can also release the energy flame like her, and then attack my target. "

"Leader, what else do you want to know? I can tell you." Su Ya said.

Xia Lei just took his thoughts away, he smiled, "Thank you, if you can, tell you some details about the Fire Phoenix, I want to know."

Su Ya nodded, "Well, of course, no problem."

At this time, the sound of wading came from one direction of the sewer, and moved quickly towards this side.

Xia Lei said: "It's the big bears, they come, or go back to the rest forest to talk about it. I don't want to be seen by them like this. I will take a step first."

When the words fell, Xia Lei suddenly disappeared into the sewer.

Su Ya froze for a moment, then moved her gaze to the zipper of her pants, her face was bafflingly red again, "I ... Am I seeing everything?"

This is a stupid question.

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