Super Vision

1649 Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1649

Hei Yao is indeed a bomb. It is an energy biochemical bomb combining energy and biochemical technology. Its explosive power will not be very large. This can be calculated from the energy reserves it stores. Its explosive power and small size Naval guns are about as powerful.Its real threat lies in its biochemical warhead. Once it explodes, it releases poisonous gas, invading the human nervous system, paralyzing and driving people crazy.And poison gas will spread with the air, even if a little diluted poison gas is inhaled!

Xia Lei also calculated the diameter of its explosion, and that result also shocked and angry him. Once it exploded, half of the Holy Underground City would suffer!At that time, let's not talk about what it was like to pick up a weapon and fight against the Blue Moon, most people couldn't even get up from the ground!

There was silence in the ruins of the holy city, and the battle that just took place in the underground drainage system never seemed to have happened.

The metal box with black light lay quietly on the roof of an abandoned building, its body glowing with cold luster.

Xia Lei withdrew the trace of the branding power that invaded Hei Yao. He just used this trace of the force to invade the Hei Yao bomb, analyzed its structure, and then calculated it based on the information detected by the trace of the force. Its power.

But these are not the reasons that shocked and anger him the most. The reason why he shocked and angered was the core component of Hei Yao.That is the toxin extracted from the corpse by the Blue Moon.The reason why he knew that it was the toxin extracted from the corpse, because when his trace of invading power invaded the poisonous substance in the warhead, his rune yin and yang fish felt the soul energy of man.

But there is not a complete soul energy, but a wave of incomplete soul energy.His rune yin and yang fish have the ability to perceive and analyze energy. Under its analysis, some results of analysis have also appeared in his brain.And that was some horrible images. According to the information analyzed by the rune yin and yang fish, eyes, hearts, incomplete limbs, and twisted faces appeared in his brain, which was terrifying.

And the emotions carried by the remnant soul, sadness, despair, anger and hatred, are all negative emotions.The extreme of sadness and despair is death, and the extreme of anger and hatred is destruction.These emotions are terrible for human beings, they are soul viruses.

If you understand from the perspective of metaphysics on earth, the energy of the remnant soul in Hei Yao is "sorrow".It is a resentful bomb.Most of these complaints were collected by the Blue Moon when they killed humans and devoured human souls.

He once saw on the blue moon that Lie was eating a girl. At that time, the girl's sadness and despair, the anger and hatred in her heart, the energy was extremely negative and strong.And this extremely negative soul energy is collected and then used to create a toxin bomb by means of technology. It can be imagined for its pertinence and lethality to people.It is impossible to draw a conclusion only from the core component of Hei Yao, that is, only the Blue Moon can make such bombs.Nothing else, just because Blue Moon Talent will treat humans as food and use human soul energy to promote their own evolution.The Blue Moon people's use of human soul energy has reached the extreme, just like the use of psionic energy by the Ashimis.

He soon ended the scanning and detection of Hei Yao, because even after the horrible images appeared in his brain, he felt tingling, and the nerves had some effects, and there were signs of uncontrollability. He did not Dare to perceive and resolve the resentful energy in Hei Yao again.

After no longer perceiving and parsing the energy of resentment in Hei Yao, an idea came up in his heart, "Ahmis people are best at using psionic energy, and Blue Moon people are best at using soul energy What are humans best at? The humans on earth are best at using petrochemical energy and electrical energy, but these are not enough low-level natural energy. Humans in this world have not mastered a high-level With the energy application technology, the creator gave the Ashimis the ability to use psionic energy, and also gave the Blue Moon people the ability to use soul energy, but did not give humans the ability to use a high-level energy. Why is this? Is n’t the level of evolution enough? Or is it something else? "

Judging from the current pattern, everything is unfair to humans.

"Leader." Su Ya's voice came from behind, "How do we deal with it?"

She has already changed Xia Lei's clothes, a uniform military uniform branded Legion.Xia Lei also put back his own clothes, and her faint fragrance still remained on his clothes.

Xia Lei put his thoughts away, but his eyes did not leave the metal box with Hei Yao, he said: "This is an evil dirty bomb that the Blue Moon Man can only make. Doesn't the Blue Moon Man want to use it to attack us? How do we have to pay them back, wait a moment when I open the box, and you take the box back. There is a positioning device in this box, and the Blue Moon people use it to determine the location of the black glow bomb. I hid the bomb in a The safe place will be returned to Lanyue at the right time. "

"I see." Su Ya's mouth smiled.

After two hours.

The Fuxing Square in front of the Resistance Army headquarters building was crowded, the streets around the square were also full of people, and more people gathered here.

Kantunana's voice was repeated continuously through the radio and television system of the Holy Underground City. "Now is the time for us to survive and die. Please invite everyone to the square. This is not an exercise. This is the last chance to survive."

She didn't give the reason why she gathered at the square, but the people in the Holy Underground City still scrambled to come, because there was a place in her words that made people worry and scared-this is the last chance to survive.

Who wants to miss the last chance to survive?

In the office, Kantunana looked at the crowd at the end of the window and couldn't see the end. Her heart was full of worries. "Is the method you said possible?"

"Are you saying the star gate of the Ashimis?" Xia Lei also stood in front of the window and looked at the crowd of people outside the window. His heart was actually under a lot of pressure.After all, he and Lan Ji'er haven't used it after rebuilding Star Gate. In case something goes wrong, it's not about the lives of one or two people, but the lives of dozens of millions!This pressure can be imagined.

"Yes, why hasn't your wife, Achim, come yet? Can she do it?"

Although Xia Lei's heart was full of worries, he couldn't show it. His face remained calm and confident. "Relax, she can do it. The time is almost up, I think she should be coming soon." "

Beep beep ...

There was a sudden noise from the communicator.

Xia Lei took a look at the communicator and then smiled a little, "Look, say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here."

Contunana suddenly froze for a moment, "Fuck Fuck?" Then there was a hint of contempt in her mouth, and her eyes were full of disgusting light, "Fuck Fuck, really a nickname that can only be taken out of perversion, blue Ji'er is your fuck, I know, but you don't have to say it in front of me. "

Xia Lei, "..."

He just casually said a saying from the earth. He didn't think much at all, but he didn't expect Kantuna to have such an interpretation.His heart was depressed. What did Cao Cao say?Who in this world knows who Cao Cao is?And the words are common to humans in both worlds!

He connected the communication, and Lan Ji'er's voice came out from the communicator, "Her husband! It's me, I'm here!"

The voice is clear and crisp, full of intimate and missed flavors.

Before Xia Lei had a chance to say a word, Kantuna Nana got close to him and listened with a pair of ears.

Xia Lei was a little speechless, he simply turned on the speaker mode, and then said to the communicator: "I am at the headquarters of the Resistance, let Shanpu and Hefang take you over. By the way, did the things bring? "

"Brought, how dare I not do what you told me? I am so good, how do you reward me?" Lan Ji'er's voice, with a hint of wife spoiling her husband.

Xia Lei glanced at Contunana.

Rather than leaving without interest, Kantuna Nana said aloud: "Those fluffy words, do you think I want to hear them? This is an important matter that affects the people of the holy underground city, I have to know the details of the plan? It ’s okay, you Talk to you, it ’s good when I do n’t exist. "

Xia Lei, "..."

"Huh?" Lan Jier's voice, "husband, is Kantunana by your side?"

Xia Lei said daringly: "Well, she is by my side. I told you, I am at the headquarters of the Resistance Army."

"Huh! Some people are really boring, eavesdropping on the conversation between husband and wife." Lan Ji'er's voice.

"Some people are not important? At this critical juncture, they are still spoiling men." Kantunana confronted each other.

"I have a man coquettish, what's wrong? You don't even have a man who can coquettish, don't you feel sad?"

"Ouch, three women and one man, I think it's embarrassing to think about it, what are you so proud of?"

"Are you envious and jealous? You don't even have a third."

"Am I rare? I want a man, and the man who pursues me can go from the holy dungeon to the rest forest!"

Xia Lei couldn't get in the mouth of the two women.His head became bigger and bigger in the quarrel between the two women, and it hurt more and more.

As early as in the deserted underground city, Contunana and Lan Jier had the relationship between the needle tip and Maimang.At that time, Contunana showed him his favor, but he refused.Now he is married to Lan Ji'er, and he also took Bai Ling and Li Ru Ru Shui.But this is not the most troublesome place for him. The most troublesome place is that he still wants to drink Kantuna's fish spirit milk!

This difficulty ...

After two minutes, Xia Lei couldn't bear it anymore. He quickly stepped back, avoiding Kantuna's mouth, and said quickly: "Wife, I'm waiting for you at the headquarters of the Resistance Army. We will talk about something else. , Just like that, bye. "

"No, kiss me." Lan Jier's voice.

Xia Lei gave Kantunana a subconscious look. Wasn't Lan Ji'er explicitly stimulating Kantunana?If this bite was kissed in front of Kantuna, he had to increase the difficulty factor of drinking Yuling milk again.

"Why? Don't you want to kiss me?" Lan Jier's voice.

wave!Xia Lei dared to kiss the communicator.

"Hello, you are so nice, goodbye." Lan Jier ended the communication over there.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "I'm for the people of the Holy Dungeon. You think, I can't offend her at this time? We have to count on her to build the Star Gate and transfer the people of the Holy Dungeon to the rest forest. "

"I understand you." Contunana said.

Charlie suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, "Just understand."

"But what does it matter to me?" Kantunana said lukewarmly: "She is your fuck, you will drink your fucking milk in the future."

Charley suddenly froze on the spot.

But if you knew today, why did you have it?

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