Super Vision

1652 Question 1652

In the resistance headquarters building, a holographic projection projected from the air.In that holographic projection, the battleships of one ship are pressed down from the sky to cover the sky.Hundreds of thousands of fighter planes escorted the image like a swarm of bees flying.One troop-carrying spacecraft flew out of different warships and flew towards the ruins of the holy city.

On the ground, Blue Moon's ground troops advanced rapidly, and the tide of energy tanks, chariots, combat robots, and giant fearless fighter armor flooded the holy city ruins.

This is an image taken by a surveillance camera installed by the rebels in the ruins of the holy city, which gives a mountain-like pressure.Seeing this image, Kantuna Nana squeezed a sweat.If it were not Xia Lei who transferred the people in the Holy Underground City ahead of time, as well as the vast majority of the soldiers, she might be under more pressure at this time.

She moved her gaze to the silver metal box placed in her office, hesitated or said, "Thunder, will Blue Moon people really come in?"

Xia Lei turned his gaze to Kantunana ’s face, “They will definitely come in. No one will believe that we can remove all the people in the Holy Underground City in such a short time. So, even after coming in Without seeing people, they will continue to advance here, looking for the people we have hidden. This box has a positioning device, Lan Siti used it to hold the black blaze bomb, which is a kind of human nervous system. The bomb is very evil. The Blue Moon people use Hei Yao to deal with us, this box will make them feel Hei Yao is beside us, and we are working on it. I guess Mama ’s plan will not be complicated, she will detonate Hei Yao, and then send ground troops into the Holy Underground City. "

"Where is Heiyao really?" Contunana asked.

"Just among the ruins of the Holy City." Xia Lei said.

"If your speculation is true, Marma will detonate Hei Yao first, and then send ground troops into the Holy City. But if you put Hei Yao in the ruins of the Holy City, she will find that there is fraud when she detonates. ? "

Xia Lei reached out and pulled out an electronic device from his trouser pocket, and the indicator light on it flashed a faint blue light.

"This is ..." Contunana's eyes were full of confused light.

Xia Lei smiled, "This is Hei Yao's detonating device. Without it, Muma can't detonate Hei Yao. But once Mma detonates Hei Yao, I will know. I will make a little equal amount of noise for her, Make her believe that Hei Yao has exploded. In this way, the Blue Moon's ground troops can't wait to come in. "

"You're really cunning!" Maybe it was because Xia Lei had led her thinking around such a big circle, and she was a little annoyed in Xia Lei's heart. Kang Tunana punched Xia Lei's chest with a punch. "What else do you have?" The plan? Tell me once, okay? What do you mean by squeezing a little bit more?

Xia Lei's eyes swept over her towering granary and summoned the courage to say, "When will you squeeze me a little bit?"

Kantunana froze for a moment, and a blush suddenly appeared on her cheek. She punched Xia Lei again with a punch, "You want to be beautiful! No way!"

Beep beep ...

The communicator made a sound.

Xia Lei took out the communicator, and it was Suya who requested communication. He activated the communicator, "Suya, it's me, let's talk."

"Leader, I have done as you requested." Su Ya's voice.

Xia Lei said: "Very well, retreat to the intended location."

"Yes." Su Ya's voice.

Xia Lei put away the communicator.

In the holographic projection, a shuttle-shaped special warship suddenly appeared. The location where it entered from space was the central location of the Holy City, and the corresponding location was also the central location of the Holy Underground City.

This special warship is a blue moon destroyer gunboat.

Judging from the pictures taken so far, everything is within Xia Lei's expectations.

Kantunana couldn't help but glance at Xia Lei with the afterglow of the corner of his eye. This man, who controls everything like a god, had a mysterious appeal in his body.

The destroyer of the Earth destroyer was oppressed towards the center of the holy city, and the muzzle of the huge energy naval gun at the front of the bow faintly saw white energy light.That's when the destroyer is charging the destroyer.

However, the anti-ground gunship fired a shot, and the detonating device in Xia Lei's hand suddenly lit up a red indicator light, and then the second one.

Xia Lei suddenly reached out and grabbed Kantuna's waistline, then jumped towards the window.

It was time for someone to hug him in his arms and hit the window. Contunana reacted and panicked, "You want to ..."


The glass window was smashed, and pieces of glass and pieces of wooden panes fell to the ground.Xia Lei and Kantunana who jumped out of the window did not fall, but were suspended in the void.It was not the bodies of Xia Lei and Kantunana that slammed open the windows, but the natural energy he condensed instantly.And that energy is now a floating board, carrying Xia Lei and Kantunana.

The function of the energy wing is to enable Xia Lei to fly fast. When fast flight is not needed, the energy floating board is a better choice.Moreover, it is a sharp weapon for girls.

The energy floating board instantly rose to a height of 100 meters, and the resistance headquarters building also became low in Kantuna's view.But there was nothing under her feet. Out of instinctive tension and fear, she subconsciously hugged Xia Lei's waist and dared not look down underground.

She is not a patient of fear of heights, nor is she a timid person, but she has nothing under her feet but is suspended in a height of 100 meters above the ground. He fell and fell to his death.

The detonator in Xia Lei's hand lit the fifth red indicator light, which was also the last indicator light.


A violent explosion suddenly shattered the silence of the Holy Underground City.A burst of fire burst from the bottom of the rebel headquarters building, accompanied by violent energy release and vibration.

Rumble ...

The entire headquarters of the Resistance Army collapsed.

Thick smoke spread in all directions, like a tsunami sweeping all over the place.

The smoke spread upward under the impact of the impact, and in a blink of an eye, the place where Xia Lei and Kantuna Nana were submerged.But no dust can invade Xia Lei and Kantunana. Although the two people are surrounded by smoke and dust, there is a clean and dust-free space around them.

It was not until this time that Kantunana recovered, but her voice was still full of horror, "You, you blew up the resistance headquarters building?"

Xia Lei nodded, "That metal box is in the Resistance Headquarters building. If I don't blow up the Resistance Headquarters building, how can I convince Marma that Hei Yao has exploded in the Holy Underground City?"

"Did you just talk to Suya, was it the bomb she dropped?" Kantunana remembered the matter.

Xia Lei nodded again and said with a smile: "She did a beautiful job."

"Ouch!" Xia Lei yelled in a pretentious pain, and then the energy board under his feet suddenly disappeared, and he and Kantuna fell down from a height of 100 meters.


Although she opened the road to evolution, her abilities have not yet manifested. At this stage, she is not yet an ability person, only an ordinary woman.And an ordinary woman fell from a 100-meter-high sky, and it was already a sturdy woman without scaring her urine.

"I'll be your meat pad! I die, and you can't die!"

"You ..." Kantunana was touched for a moment, but she reacted with it. At a height of 100 meters, she and Xia Lei added together at least nearly three hundred pounds. Such a heavy weight is two seconds. The clock will hit the ground, and he still has time to speak so touching?Then she found that although the smoke was rolling around her, there was no dust intruding around her and Xia Lei.

Xia Lei is also in control of everything, including his and her "fall crisis."

"Hold me tight!" Xia Lei's voice was far-fetched, very sensational.

A very strange voice was passed between the two, and then it was a man's weird voice, which gave a heart-rending pain.

"You ... did I hurt you?" Contunana suddenly became nervous, and she felt a little guilty in her heart.

Xia Lei's expression was extremely painful, "Nonsense, if you become a man, I will try!"

"Sorry, I ..." Contunana was a little nervous.

There was a hint of secret smile in Xia Lei's mouth.His body has evolved to the point where the energy shells will not blow up. What is the impact of a woman's knee?Not to mention that part, even if you poke his eyes with your fingers, the injured ones are definitely your fingers, not his eyes.

The reason why he is called pain and pretends to be painful, but he just wants to wake up her motherhood, caring about him nervous.

But Kantunana is not an ordinary woman after all, and Xia Lei's acting skills haven't been able to deceive her in three or two times.

"Well, shall I knead it?" Kantunana stared at Xia Lei, her eyes full of concern.

"That's not good? But ... um." Happiness came too suddenly, Xia Leiqiang endured the urge to cheer and gave the rebel commander such a reply.

"Why don't I blow it for you, blowing it might make you more comfortable." Contunana said, she still had so much concern in her eyes.

Xia Lei froze, feeling wrong.

This time, Xia Lei did not respond.He didn't hurt at all, but he was sad about his acting skills.


The top of the entire dungeon trembled, and huge rocks fell from the top of the head.

The Blue Moon's ground destroyer gunship fired.

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