Super Vision

1653 Chapter 1653 The Battle of the Holy Underground City, the Prologue!


Huge sound waves roared like a tsunami, and the crust above the Holy Underground City was penetrated, hoping that the square opposite the square collapsed suddenly, and the sun and the boulders fell together.

The crust above the Holy Underground City has a thickness of several kilometers, but it can actually be penetrated by an artillery destroyer!

Extinct, this name is enough to explain the problem.

Xia Lei hugged Kantuna Nana and flew towards the back of the Holy Underground City in a violent shock wave.The protective cover formed by natural energy is constantly worn by the shock wave of the explosion, but more energy is added to it.The shock wave of the explosion is also a kind of natural energy, and he has been familiar with it for a long time.

Pieces of rock fell down from the top of the head, some as huge as a mountain, unable to calculate the weight.Some are as dense as rain, making people unable to dodge.Conto Nana's heart was already mentioned in her throat, and she was so nervous that her breathing stopped.But no matter how strong the energy impact, how huge, and how dense the rocks fell, Xia Lei always hugged her in her arms, flying through the storm of energy and rocks.It felt like the fishing boat returned to the harbor in the storm and was blessed.

Xia Lei is her harbour, give her complete, give her peace.

The initial tension and fear disappeared, replaced by a feeling of being cared for.Kantuna Nana stared straight at Xia Lei. At this moment in her heart, Xia Lei was no longer a "pervert" or "perverted", but a man as strong as a god, and his body was glowing. The light radiating from him dispelled her darkness and brought her warmth and love.

"Don't be afraid, as long as I'm there, the cannon can't hurt you." Xia Lei found Contunana staring at him. He thought she was scared and stupid and quickly comforted her.

Kantuna Nana still stared at him, his eyes pulsating, and those big black eyes didn't even blink.

"What's wrong with you?" Xia Lei said with concern, his voice very gentle.

At this time, he has always been very gentle with women.

"Don't talk, okay?" Kantunana's voice was also very gentle. "As soon as you talk, I think of you as a pervert and pervert."

Xia Lei, "..."

There is no way to communicate.

Strangely, although Contunana said of him, Xia Lei felt that her hands held him tighter.

The energy-shock wave of the ground destroyer tearing apart the earth is exhausted, and no rock is falling on the top of the head.Xia Lei hovered in the void and looked back at the huge hole torn apart.

In the thick dust, a troop carrier flew down from the hole.Land quickly, open the hatch, and put down the Blue Moon Army soldiers and robot fighters who landed on the beach, and the humanoid fighter armor.

On the ground, a special construction machinery vehicle was parked next to the blasted passageway, and a temporary road made of steel plates was transported into the Holy Underground City.New construction machinery vehicles are constantly sprinting down the road.With a depth of a few kilometers, this is just a simple project that can be completed in a few minutes for the engineering team of Blue Moon.

"They are here." Xia Lei said, his eyes cold.

Kantuna Nana's mind returned to the "right way". She looked at the shuttle troop, the Blue Moon soldiers and combat robots who landed on the beach. Her heart was shocked.But there was no fear in her heart, because she knew that no matter what happened and no danger, the men around her would protect her.

Beep beep ...

There was a sudden noise from the communicator.

"Suya, it's me. Say it." Xia Lei took out the communicator and said after activation.

"Leader, just now ... I'm worried about you. You're fine." Suya's voice, "The Blue Moon people have come in. We are ready to fight. Are we going to attack them?"

Xia Lei said: "Keep calm, wait a minute."

"Yes." Su Ya's voice.

Xia Lei put away the communicator and said to Contunana: "After arriving at our front, you prepare the rebel soldiers to retreat, and the China and Hope are waiting for them at the predetermined location."

"How about you?" Contunana asked.

Xia Lei said: "Of course, the retreat needs the power of the break. I will take charge of the break, and I will chase you after I get it."

"But, you alone ..." Contunana's eyes were full of worry.

Xia Lei smiled, "Relax, I won't be okay. Didn't you promise me to squeeze me a little? I haven't tasted your milk, how can I be willing to die?"

"I ... when did I promise you?" Kantunana seemed to have been stepped on, and was immediately excited. "Don't talk nonsense, I have never promised you anything, let alone give you Squeeze a little! "

"Not at all?"

"Not at all!"

"Not at all, are you too stingy?"

"Let's talk again, I bite you!" Kantunana really opened her mouth and bit at Xia Lei's face.

Xia Lei subconsciously hid, but after he hid, he realized that Kantunana said that he wanted to bite him, but he didn't open his mouth, nor did he show his teeth.Suddenly realizing something, he scolded himself as "pig head".Then he took the initiative to straighten his face, then said: "I can't do it, you will bite me, you try a bite!"

After he finished, he raised his lips, waiting for Contunana to "bite" him.

Kantunana suddenly opened her mouth, biting on Xia Lei's ear.

If Xia Lei used the power of branding to protect his ears, he might hurt Kantuna's teeth.Such a beautiful woman wouldn't be good if several teeth were shaken off.What's more, he also wanted to drink other people's fish spirit milk.Therefore, when he saw the white teeth of Kantuna Nana bite over, he could only suffer hard, so ...

"Ouch!" A screaming voice came from Xia Lei's mouth.

In fact, it didn't hurt at all. His physical strength had already evolved to a perverted state.More importantly, Kantuna Nana's appearance was fierce, but she didn't make any effort.

"You pretend to be like it." Kantunana loosened her teeth, and Xia Lei's wet ears made her cheeks hot.

Xia Lei flew to the rear holding Contunana, and said with a smile: "You are prejudiced against me, so, wait for the battle to end, we will find a place to talk about it."

Kantuna Nana didn't give face at all, "Talk to you, don't think I don't know that you want to soak me and want to drink my milk. Now that I'm okay, what did you do? Now regret it? You even I will regret the intestines and I will not milk you! "

Xia Lei, "..."

In the positions formed by the elite of the rebels, the branded legion and the black market major league, the soldiers stared nervously at the direction of the hope square.In that place, the locusts of the troop carrier generally flew around.On the rock walls, temporary roads made of steel plates have been thrown onto the ground of the Holy Underground City, and one after another, energy tanks and chariots continue to drive down.There are also combat robots and large destroyer fighter armor, which constitute a torrent of steel.These are all factors that make the warriors of humanity nervous and worried, but when they are nervously thinking about whether they have the chance to leave the battlefield alive once the war starts, a figure suddenly flew from the position.

To be precise, it is not a figure, but two people entangled together.


"Commander Conto!"


"I am dizzy, what time is it, they are still so romantic!"

"I bet the leader and our commander must have done it in heaven."

"Hush ... you want to die!"

There was a mess of discussion on the position.

Xia Lei held Contunana down from above the position. The soldiers were just talking about what they were thinking about, and these were actually in his grasp.But he pretended not to know. After landing, he released Kantuna Nana and said seriously: "Warriors, be prepared for battle, our enemy is coming!"

A strange smile hung on each face.

Conto Nana seemed to feel that the atmosphere was a little wrong, and hers was quietly red again.But what can she say to the warriors who stand on this position one by one for humanity?

Xia Lei issued an order, "After five minutes, no matter who you are, all will retreat and go directly to the place where you booked to board the Huaxia and Hope to return to the base of the Tianfu country."

"Leader, do you only play for five minutes?" Su Ya's voice was a bit confused and worried.

Xia Lei said: "Yes, you only play for five minutes. Try to fire in these five minutes, how much you can kill. But after five minutes you must evacuate as quickly as possible. I will give you a break."

"But ..." Suya said anything else.

Xia Lei interrupted her, "This is an order!"

Su Ya closed her mouth tightly.,

Xia Lei said: "Now everyone is ready to fight."

All the fighters returned to their respective positions and entered the state of battle.

"Open fire--" Xia Lei roared.


An old energy cannon roared and sent out an energy cannonball.

The energy shell whistled to the Plaza of Hope, and then fell to the center of the Plaza.A dazzling glare suddenly bloomed, the fragments of the body of the Blue Moon Army soldiers, the fragments of the fighting robot and the fighter armor also flew together.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Boom ...


Different weapons and different ammunition raindrops generally flew to the Plaza of Hope.Some troop carriers that are unloading people and equipment have also suffered. They have been smashed into pieces before they can unload people and equipment.

The harsh alarm sounded.

After a brief confusion, the Blue Moon Army soldiers rushed here under the cover of the armored forces.

Within two seconds, the Holy Spirit's armor appeared on Xia Lei's body, along with the Fire Emblem Shield and Frostblade War Sword.This is his strongest state, and the battle that belongs to him is coming.


A dashing energy tank shuddered and fired a shell at the position over there.

"Get down!" A commander of the rebels shouted.

But at this time, Xia Lei's feet kicked on the ground, and the whole person shot like a cannonball out of the position. His flight track was facing the energy cannonball!

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