Super Vision

1681 Question 1681

Xia Lei's eyes locked on the troop carrier spaceship, but at a distance of several kilometers, across the night and the alloy hull of the spacecraft, he could not see clearly the people inside the troop carrier spacecraft, but he could clearly see the blue on the spacecraft. The Moon language is labeled "189th Imperial Army Transport Brigade No. 189", and there is also an insulting slogan "Human Harvester".

"Do Blue Moon people think they can come if they want to come? This is the holy land of the Yuling Clan. Although I am old, Yingling Bay will never be old!" Kou Tian's voice was agitated, and then the kind of voice appeared in his throat. Similar to dolphins.

Xia Lei quietly leaned over to Kantunana, "What is the ancestor saying?"

"He is communicating with the thousands of undead in Ying Ling Bay, and he wants to borrow their energy." Contunana said in Xia Lei's ear.

There is no undead in this world, only energy.Yingling Bay is the bone burial place of the Yuling tribe, in which lies the corpses of abilities of thousands of Yuling tribes, each of which stores eternal energy.Therefore, the sea water will be golden, so it will set off huge waves without wind, so it will give Kantuna Nana inherit eternal energy and help her lay the foundation of evolution.

The bones of Saint Thunder and Holy King Blue Spirit also contain powerful energy, and even their remnants can be preserved in the bones.In the future, if Xia Lei dies, there will be strong energy left in his corpse.Therefore, from his perspective to understand Yingling Bay, the secret of Yingling Bay is easy to understand.

This is the secret of the Yuling clan. If it was not because he was married to Xia Lei, Xia Lei also became the son-in-law of the Yuling clan. Kantunana would not tell him the secret.


The calm Yingling Bay suddenly made a loud noise, and a huge wave rose into the sky.And it is just a springboard, and the golden energy in Ying Ling Bay uses it as a carrier to rush into the sky.At that moment, it seemed that the golden tide was flying against the sky, the darkness was not there, and the lighting of the fleet's lighting was instantly dimmed.


The small troop carrier was transformed into a ball of fire in the golden energy, and then melted, and there was nothing left!

Sure enough, it is energy from the eternal day, and the Blue Moon people's alloy spacecraft can melt instantly!There was an uncontrollable excitement in Xia Lei ’s heart, “I ’m drinking Nana ’s golden milk now. If I can evolve the ability of the fish spirit family and master the eternal energy of the fire attribute, then I will face the Blue Moon ’s armored army I can't even burn my mother! "

But that golden energy doesn't stop there.

The void trembled, and the golden energy seemed to tear an invisible crack.A large mountain suddenly emerged from the crack, and hit the imperial ship headed by the fleet.

The empire hurriedly propped up the energy shield and backed away.But in the atmosphere of the Star of Hope, it can't fly like a fighter plane at all. It is equivalent to a flying steel castle, very heavy but also very clumsy.


The mountain crashed into the energy hood of the Empire, the Empire was tilted a little, and was knocked alive, but it quickly stabilized.

The mountain fell into the endless sea and set off a huge wave thousands of meters high.

Kou Tian stopped attacking, the golden energy flew back, and returned to Yingling Bay again.

When the golden energy returned to Yingling Bay, Kou Tian's body shook, and his thin body showed a sign of falling backwards.

"Old ancestor!" Kantunana exclaimed, and hurriedly stepped forward to hold her mouth.

Kou Tian's face was no longer a little golden, pale, and the last golden light was lost in his eyes, and the gray color was thicker.His eyes looked like the eyes of a dying fish, and the vitality representing vitality was quickly fading.

"Release." Kou Tian's voice was weak, "Don't let those guys see, or they will ruin the place. They haven't dared to attack here for more than a thousand years, because I'm still there. If they are sure I'm dying They will attack here without hesitation. "

Kantunana released her hand holding her back, and tears appeared in her eyes.Although she is now in the form of human being, it is the form of "land" of amphibious state, but the tears flashing from her vast eyes are faintly golden.

The milk is golden milk, and the tears are also gold. The Yulings are really descendants of the eternal god Tiapolo.

Xia Lei was originally an atheist, but after coming to Yingling Bay, he saw too many miracles, and his belief in atheism was shaken.

Kou Tian stood straight, the sea breeze blew, and his legs were shaking slightly.

Xia Lei's heart was sad.With a slight wave of his hand, a piece of natural energy condensed into a wall in the direction of his wave, blocking the whistling sea breeze.

A mountain fell into the endless sea, and the strong energy impact in the sea breeze was no longer able to bear a dying old man.The sorrow in his heart also stems from this, because he has sensed that the vitality of the mouth is rapidly draining.Vitality is also an energy, and nature is within the range of his rune yin and yang fish perception, and in his view, the time of the mouth is not much.

If it is not for this reason, the mountain that appears on the sky may not be a mountain, but an array of mountains!

The attack just now seemed to be a harbinger of exhaustion, but the attack was actually unsuccessful.

But even without success, Ke Tian still calmed the Blue Moon fleet.The Empire did not send any troop spaceships down, and even the one that had just been destroyed might be the one who came to negotiate.If this fleet is going to attack, it will not be a troop carrier, but a cluster!

Temporary calm, it was only Blue Moon's fleet analyzing and judging the situation.

"I thought I could hold the day when your first child was born, but ..." Kou Tian's voice was full of sadness, "But the great eternal god Tiapolo is calling me. I 'S soul is going to the Temple of Eternal Sun, and my body will stay in Yingling Bay. "

"No, ancestors, you won't die, you won't ..." Two golden tears rolled down the corner of Kantunana's eyes.

"Don't cry, Yu Ling's tears are the pearls of the sea, you can't just cry casually," Koutian said.

Xia Lei reached out and wiped the tears off Kantuna's eyes with his hands.

A strange smile appeared on the corner of Koutian ’s mouth, “Kona, your husband said well, there is a time when all things have an end, and there is no eternal existence. I am afraid that the day of the end that belongs to me has already come, I avoid No, I do n’t want to avoid it. I have lived for more than 8,000 years, and I have seen too much life and death. Death is just a ritual for me, a ritual of return. "

Kantuna Nana bit her lip without letting her tears flow down.She is actually the saddest person. She has just become a member of the Yuling clan, but the best one for her is also the only one of her kind that she has seen but will leave her forever.The loneliness of losing the last loved one is sometimes more uncomfortable than death.

"I have no regrets." Kou Tian said: "I waited for you, Kona, you are now the owner of Ying Ling Bay. Before I left, I could find a successor. This is already a gift from the great Tiapolo, I You should be content, and you should be content. "

Contunana nodded.

"Seeing that you can marry a good husband, I am happy for you. Promise me, and have more children with him. As many as you can, you must have as many as you can. This is not for yourself, this is for our fish spirit family. You can Promise me? "Koutian looked at Contunana, her eyes full of expectation and hope.

Contunana nodded again.

"Then I'm relieved." Koutian's eyes moved to Xia Lei again. "Xia Lei, the leader of humanity, promised me not to betray your marriage with Kona, you must treat her well, you can promise me ?"

"I promise you." Xia Lei nodded heavily.

"Hahaha ..." Koutian smiled.There was no fear of death in his eyes, but a little bit of expectation.

To face death in this form is the mind of a wise man.

It was at this time that the voice of a woman came from the depths of the sky, using the Blue Moon language, "Patriarch Kou Tian, ​​your life has come to an end, why not do this pointless persistence? Take that world The stone is for me, I do n’t want to destroy your Yuling Clan ’s last pure land. "

This is Marma's voice, and Xia Lei is very familiar with it.

Kou Tianzhensheng said: "A thousand years ago, even your King Shenyue Ruyi failed to take the world stone from here. You thought that you and your fleet could take that world from Yingling Bay. Stone? "

"A dying fish spirit, you can't scare me!" Mother's voice.

"Then you come! I want to know if my dying fish spirit can destroy your fleet!" Koutian's voice shook the night sky, extremely powerful and powerful, and there was no sign of dying at all.

But Xia Lei could feel that he was burning his last vitality!

"Huh! You regret it!" Mother's words changed sharply, "Xia Lei is here, is he?"

Koutian and Kantunana's eyes suddenly gathered on Xia Lei.

"Lanyue's sky eyes are very powerful. Didn't she see us?" Kantunana said with surprise.

Xia Lei said: "All Blue Sky's sky eyes can see is the energy mist, don't you forget? The spaceship Hope of the Sky Bead Academy is protected from being detected by Blue Moon because of the remains of Saint Lei. As we approached the Holy Thunder, I could n’t be detected in the blue moon ’s eyes. My naked eye could n’t see the mother, and she could n’t see me. ”

"That means she can't see the situation on the island now?" Kou Tian's voice.

Xia Lei nodded, "She is trying, she can't be sure I am here."

Kou Tian suddenly said: "Since this is the case, then you will leave here!"

"What?" Charley suddenly froze on the spot.He often hasn't escaped and fled, and Ke Tian's letting him leave at this time is undoubtedly making him a deserter who abandoned his allies!Not to mention that the ally of Koutian is the ancestor of his newly married wife Kantunana!

"We can't leave!" Contunana anxiously refused categorically.

"Are you going to make me die worthless?" Kou Tian's face was full of anger, "Go! Kona, take your husband out of here!"

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