Super Vision

1682 Chapter 1682 Dual-Core Evolution!


Another flash of lightning ripped through the night sky, and the snow-filled electric awn instantly illuminated the night sky, but it was only a second, and the world was immersed in darkness again.The bean-sized raindrops fell from the sky, but could not drip through the natural energy shield supported by Xia Lei.

"Xia Lei!" Mother's voice came again from the night sky, louder than thunder, "Blue Moon's sky eyes have seen you, you mouse, dare you fight me?"

"She is a mouse!" Kantuna said angrily: "That bitch woman, I will kill her someday!"

Xia Lei grabbed her hand, "Remember me, don't face her alone. She is the second woman in Lanyue after Shenyueru, she lives more than a thousand years. Whether it is strength or experience, you None are her opponents. "

To wake up Yu Ling's bloodline and become Yu Ling's ability, Kantunana is the time when confidence bursts.Xia Lei had to pour a cup of cold water on her, otherwise she would act recklessly one day when she faced Marma alone.With Marma ’s millennium evolution, horrifying experience, and the energy transmission of the Blue Moon Sky Screen, she is simply not Marma ’s opponent.

Although Kantunana felt a little dissatisfied in her heart, she knew that Xia Lei was caring for her and protecting her, and she felt a touch of warmth in her heart.

Facing the sarcasm and excitement of Marma, Xia Lei remained calm and gave Conturana a word of comfort, and he did not respond.His brain is also running very fast, calculating and analyzing the current behavior.

It is this calculation that he is very optimistic about the situation in front of him.

This is an island, there is no room for him to avoid the intensive bombardment of naval guns and fighters, and if he goes to fight, he will face the blue moon fighters like a swarm of bees, and dozens of air warships.And this is still in the case of removing the Marma and Moon Nuclear Corps.The leader of the Moon Nuclear Corps, Master Ghost, has been wounded for so long. With Blue Moon ’s medical cabin technology, he may have been cured long ago, and he may even be reborn.If you add a ghost master, no matter how hard he tries, he will not be the winning side.

But the limited combat space is not the real factor that makes him feel overwhelmed. The real factor is Contunana.Although she has awakened the blood of Yu Ling, she has also inherited the eternal energy in Ying Ling Bay, but she is just a recruit in the world of abilities, and her combat power is really limited.Once the war begins, she will not only become his right-hand man, but will become his burden.With the cunning of Marma and Ghost Master, how could she contain and threaten him without attacking her?

No matter how it is analyzed and calculated, Xia Lei only gets one result, that is, this time he can't go to war, he has to leave.But he could not speak for him because he had to take care of Kantunana's feelings.

Xia Lei's eyes moved to Koutian's body again.

Koutian is an existence that has lived for more than eight thousand years. Having seen too many, how could he not understand the meaning contained in Xia Lei's eyes, he followed and said: "Kona, if you still When I am your ancestor, you will take your husband away now. "

"Old ancestors, but ..." Contunana simply did not want to leave at this time.

At this moment, a bright beam of light fell from the sky again.

That was the fleet's ground destroyer gunboat, which was descending quickly from the center of the fleet.The huge barrel under the ship's head also shone with white energy light, and it was gathering energy quickly.

The fighters were dispatched, and hundreds of thousands of fighter bees generally flew down to Yingling Bay.

Commander Marma, Master Ghost, and the men of the Moon Nuclear Corps may be in a fighter plane.The goal is nothing but Yingling Bay with only one fish spirit, and there is no need to dispatch army troops.And those fighter planes and ground destroyer gunships are just a deterrent, used to put pressure on the mouth.

"Go!" Koutian couldn't hold his breath anymore, he slammed Contunana, "Take your husband out of here, you have to remember, you are the hope of the Yulings! If you die in Here, we are really finished! "

Kantuna Nana suddenly knelt down on the ground and threw a head to the mouth heavily, "Old ancestor, survive, you want to see my child born."

There was a smile on Koutian's mouth, and he nodded.This is a promise, but it is a promise that cannot be fulfilled.

Xia Lei lifted Kantuna Nana, "Go."

Kantunana suddenly hugged Xia Lei's waist and kicked her feet on the ground. She and Xia Lei's body flew towards Yingling Bay down the hillside.


A golden splash spattered, and Kantuna and Xia Lei were submerged by the golden waves.

As soon as he entered the water, Kantuna's body began to mutate.She was originally wearing pants, but the pants were instantly stretched out by golden fishtails.The clothes of her upper body are still preserved, but there are also many places that have been broken.Entering Yuling's form, her body length is at least three meters, and the clothes on her are obviously unstoppable.

At the moment like water, a mass of golden energy had wrapped Xia Lei to protect him.This group of golden energy came from Kantuna Nana. After entering the fish spirit state, she took Xia Lei to swim to the same underwater channel as Ying Ling Bay and the sea.


The ground destroyer fired.

The whole trail trembled, and the golden water in Ying Ling Bay shook violently, setting off waves that were dozens of meters high.

A mountain peak was razed to the ground, and a large pit hundreds of meters deep appeared in the place where the mountain was supposed to be!

One shot of the Blue Moon's ground destroyer can tear the crust between the Holy City and the Holy Underground City. It is a crust composed of rocks and mud with a thickness of several kilometers. Its power can be imagined.However, this artillery was obviously still a deterrent. It did not shoot at Yingling Bay, but blasted a mountain.In terms of power, it can charge up to 50% or less.

The energy in the golden seawater was turbulent, and Xia Lei saw a golden bone.He also saw the golden tears left from the corner of Kantuna Nana, her sorrow, he understood.

The channel connecting Yingling Bay and the sea is in front of you.

Kantunana looked back. She seemed to want to take a look at Koutian's last look, but she was obviously unsuccessful.She bit her lip and held Xia Lei tightly, her long fish tail swinging, and quickly swam towards the underwater passage.

But at this moment, the body brand that disappeared before suddenly burst out and rotated gently.In its central position, there is a hint of golden energy entrenched in it!

"What's going on?" Xia Lei's heart was horrified.

When the ontology brand disappeared, he guessed that the degree of evolution was not enough, and his ontology brand was not enough to exist for a long time.And with that trace of golden energy, it may have just passed through his body and left Ying Ling Bay.There is also a possibility that it is absorbed by the deity's brand, but if it is absorbed, it should also disappear. How come it appears together with the body's brand?

The core of his soul is the cosmic brand, and the core of the cosmic brand is the yin and yang fish composed of energy runes.Now, because of the role of the golden milk, the once-disappearing Qi Hai Dan Tian actually smashed and evolved into an ontological imprint.But this is not the most magical. The most magical and unsolvable nature is the golden energy absorbed by him last night. It is actually combined with his body brand, and the position is also the core of the body brand!

Before coming to Ying Ling Bay, he only had the brand of the universe at the core of his soul, which was a "single-core CPU."Now, he has evolved the ontology brand, plus a "single-core CPU", then he is a dual-core evolution!The body and soul are in a state of balance and perfection, and a new path of evolution has been paved in front of him, just waiting for him to explore.

In fact, if the rune yin and yang fish composed of energy runes are counted as a core, and the mysterious energy from the eternal day is also counted as a core, he is not only a dual-core evolutionr, but a quad-core evolution. By!

The body's imprint broke out, and the golden energy dragon generally entangled in it. The combination of the two slowly rotated, just like the body's engine.

Just as the heart needs blood, the body's "engine" that imprints this body needs fuel.Xia Lei didn't realize what fuel is not fuel, but the next second after the body's brand erupted, the suction force generated by its rotation pulled the golden energy in the Yingling Bay, and the tide generally flowed to him. Come, enter his body, enter his body brand!

At that moment, it was as if the whole person had been cast into the furnace, and it was hard to bear the burning pain.

"Ah--" Xia Lei couldn't help but screamed. His eyes were black and he passed out.

But although he fainted, his body still absorbed the golden energy into a vortex.

"Husband? What's the matter with you? What happened?" Contunana's voice was very surprised.But she did not dare to stay in the slightest, she rushed into the underground water channel holding Xia Lei.

But the golden energy in Yingling Bay chased her and Xia Lei into the underground waterway.The seawater of the underground water channel was originally normal seawater, but in the blink of an eye, it was rendered golden by golden energy, and the golden light was brilliant!


Contourana held Xia Lei out of the underground water channel and into the endless sea.Just as she rushed out of the underground tunnel, the golden energy of Ying Ling Bay disappeared.But it's not that the golden energy can't catch up, but it's all absorbed!This is not her guess. She glanced back. Her eyes crossed the underground waterway into Yingling Bay, but the water in Yingling Bay was no longer golden!

"You ... what did you do?" Contunana froze for a while before making such a statement.

Xia Lei did not respond at all. His skin was hot, and his skin was no longer the normal white color, but the color of blood red and gold mixed together.


A violent explosion sound came from the direction of Yingling Bay, and the fire burst into the sky. The energy shock wave of the explosion stirred the sea water and set off a huge wave hundreds of meters high!

"Old ancestors, you must live!" Kantunana bit her silver teeth and hugged Xia Lei to the deep sea.

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