Super Vision

1705 1705 Gold Fuel

Heart of ice, industrial base.

After Lan Ji'er left, there was silence in the warehouse. This was the environment Xia Lei wanted.It was something he wanted to do early in the morning to prepare new mixed milk, but there were always things like this to interfere, so there was no chance.

The blue metal ball appeared in Xia Lei's hands, and a second later a blue helmet appeared in the void.All this is like juggling.

Xia Lei reached out and took out a milk bottle from the helmet. The bottle was filled with a full bottle of Kantunana's golden fish spirit milk.Before he opened the bottle, he could see the golden liquid inside, which was not only delicious but also beautiful.

This is the reason why Xia Lei broke Lan Ji'er apart. What he wanted to blend was Kantuna Nana's golden fish-spirit milk. If this golden milk was seen by Lan Ji'er, then he must not overturn the vinegar jar , Tumultuous?

Man, there is always a little secret, and the helmet of Holy King Blue Spirit is a good place for him to hide the little secret.Only the blue metal ball can be used by him, not even Lan Ji'er.

The second and third bottles of milk also emerged from the holy king's blue spirit helmet. They were the scented milk of Bailing, the pure milk as strong as water, and the ashim that was just squeezed from Lan Ji'er. Princess Blue Milk, there are four kinds of milk around him.

All the materials are ready, the next work is just blending.Mixing different milks together to get the milk you want, this kind of thing has long been familiar to Xia Lei. He is the most experienced milk nurse in the world.

Blending the fragrance of Bailing with pure water like milk will result in super milk, but the milk of two human wives cannot be mixed with the milk of Lan Ji'er, otherwise it will not be for him. The benefits are super milk, but poison milk.This situation was known to him early in the morning, so there is no need to use this wrong formula to blend poisonous milk.

Do not say poisonous, the key is to waste materials!The milk of the three wives is precious, how can he be willing to waste it?Therefore, this time he only set two plans for blending, that is, to blend Kantuna Nana's milk with Bailing and water as strong as water, and then Kantuna Nana and Lan Ji'er.

Rustle ...

The sound of liquid flowing against the wall of the bottle came from the metal feeding bottle, which sounded like a natural sound to Xia Lei.He shook the bottle with a smile, his tongue sticking out from time to time to purse his lips.His milk bug was about to crawl out of his throat, and he said to himself while shaking the bottle, "Nana also has human blood and genes. Her milk should be able to blend with Bailing and water-like milk. A new breed of super milk, right? I wish I could succeed, ha ha ha ... "

A minute later, Xia Lei carefully opened the lid of the metal feeding bottle, and his eyes swept into the bottle at that time, without delay for a second.

The three-in-one milk in the bottle turned into yellowish milk, which made Xia Lei slightly stiff, but only for a moment.The golden and white liquids blended together, the erotic color became lighter, and the white color became transformed. It is not strange that the three-in-one milk in the bottle became pale yellow.

Although the color of the new three-in-one milk is strange, it has a strong fragrance, just like the taste of seafood stewed with hundreds of flowers.If the painter was to describe this taste, he would probably paint a blue and beautiful bay, and then check it. Next to the bay, draw a green meadow full of flowers of various colors, and finally draw a bend on the grass Qingquan.Representing his three wives with different elements, Kantuna of the sea, scented spirits, and water as pure as water.

"What a magical scent, I don't know how it tastes ..." When this question just came out of his head, Xia Lei had already poured a three-in-one milk into his mouth.

The entrance is silky and tender, the lips and teeth are fragrant, not only the deliciousness of seafood, but also the fragrance of flowers, and the clarity of mountain springs, the taste is simply delicious in the world!

"Good milk!" Xia Lei could not help but praise, this beautiful taste even made him forget the real purpose of blending this three-in-one milk.

After two seconds.

"Oh ... Pooh!" Suddenly a sudden pain in the stomach made Xia Lei's throat spit, and a sip of blood spewed out.

The power of branding starts instantly, breaks down toxins, and repairs the injured stomach.In just a few seconds and ten seconds, all the toxins and the trauma suffered by Weibo have returned to normal.

Xia Lei was still dumbfounded there. Such delicious milk was actually poisonous milk!And the toxicity is stronger than the three-in-one milk he blended last time!As a matter of fact, if it were not for him that he had the immunity and detoxification ability of the sky, and the ability to repair wounds by himself, if it was replaced by an ordinary person to drink this mouthful of milk, I am afraid that he had already reported to God at this moment.

"Why is it poisonous? Isn't Nana half human?" Xia Lei was in a depressed mood, but the result in his heart was actually not so unexpected.

Yuling is a powerful race that once dominated the world. It is more advanced and powerful than the Aximis. Kantunana awakened Yuling's bloodline and evolved into Yuling. He used his three-in-one It's no surprise that milk has a stronger toxicity.

The small half-bottle of three-in-one milk was in his hand, and the fragrance it exuded was very tempting, but Xia Lei dared not drink it again.He gritted his teeth, poured the milk from the bottle on the ground, and then threw the bottle.

Next, he mixed Lan Ji'er's milk, Kantunana's milk, into a milk bottle, gently shaken it, and began to blend in with the new 2-in-1 milk.

A minute later he opened the milk bottle and a salty smell came out.The taste suddenly made him frown, because it tasted like ... He couldn't say it.

But even for the unpleasant smell, he took a sip of his scalp.The entrance is also a salty taste in two in one, the taste is like cooking fish with water, and then put a lot of salt.

"How can there be salty taste?" Xia Lei was a little confused, because no matter whether he went to drink Kantunana's milk alone or Lan Ji'er's milk alone, he didn't have a bit of salty taste, it was all delicate and delicious. The salty taste of the best milk, you can put the milk of these two interracial wives together, how can it be salty?

This is really a strange thing.

However, some things that look bad and smell bad are definitely good things.

boom!Almost at the moment when the salty two-in-one milk entered the stomach, the imprint of the body lurking on the golden line of the body suddenly appeared!

The imprint of the body exploded from a point, and instantly became the size of a thumb. The golden light was brilliant, and the energy of the salty two-in-one milk was absorbed quickly and greedily.Every time it absorbs a little, Xia Lei can feel that it is getting stronger and bigger!It feels like a seed is taking root and is about to grow into a towering tree, covering one side!

"This ..." Xia Lei was stunned. His feelings could not be described in words.

In Ying Ling Bay, he got the stone of the world, but the biggest gain for him was the evolution of the ontological brand.However, in the endless sea, the brand of his body disappeared, and then no matter how he sensed to wake up, there was no response.Kantuna Nana's Golden Fish Soul Milk does indeed have a tonic effect on the body's brand, but the effect is very slight, and it has not been able to wake it up.But now he just drank a salty two-in-one milk with a bad smell and a bad taste, and his body brand was awakened!

Unpleasant and unpleasant, sometimes it's really good.

Xia Leiqiang endured the excitement in his heart, and poured the rest of the salty two-in-one into his mouth with his neck, and swallowed it in one bite.

The burning sensation spread rapidly from his stomach to his whole body, every blood vessel is even a cell!Immediately afterwards, this sensation escalated into a burning sensation. She felt that her entire stomach and even her entire body were grilling in the fire.

I don't know how it happened. A thought, or instruction, came out of his brain.At that moment, two flames burst into his palms!

The golden flame jumped slightly and was dazzling.

He could feel the moisture in the air evaporating quickly, but his palm didn't feel burnt at all.It feels like the big tree is rooted in the soil, and the soil can't feel the weight of the big tree.

Xia Lei suddenly pushed the energy flame in his hand to an alloy floor next to him. He didn't do anything. The alloy floor quickly turned red, and a hole was melted in an instant!

If this temperature is measured with a measurement tool in the metallurgical industry, how many degrees should it be?

But Xia Lei knows that its real power is not really how high its temperature is, but that it is the purest fire attribute energy!

Xia Lei immediately entered the state of inner vision, at which point everything was clear.

It is the golden energy that resides in the brand of his body that is controlling the flame!

It comes from the eternal day, and the eternal day is the source of all the fire energy in this world.In the most popular way of saying it, it is the father of all fire attribute energy!

In the brand of the body, the golden energy danced gently, like a golden dragon swimming around in the brand of his body.The heat generated by the absorption of the two-in-one milk in his body should not be quickly removed, and then converted into an energy flame to be released from his palm.

There is no doubt that the two-in-one super milk blended out this time not only awakened his body brand, but also brought him a new ability. From now on, he will be able to use fire attribute energy like Kantunana. attack!Or, burn a stone bowl for drinking milk.

After a minute, the golden energy flame disappeared.The "milk strength" of the new 2-in-1 milk has almost disappeared, but this time the body brand that has emerged has not disappeared. It is still only suspended on the golden line of his body, slowly creeping, releasing nourishment His flesh and blood enhances the crystallisation of his bones!

The new two-in-one milk is more like a kind of "fuel". Adding this kind of fuel can burn it, and by the way, it will strengthen your body.However, although the "fuel strength" of this fuel is strong, it can be effective for a short time.

"It seems that if I want to use the energy flame attack in the future, I still have to bring a few bottles of fuel. Well, this two-in-one milk requires gold fuel!" Xia Lei took a new breed of super milk that he blended out. Very appropriate name.

Then, his eyes moved to the black gold in the metal box, and the new problem was again in front of him. What secret was hidden in this black gold?

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