Super Vision

1706 Chapter 1706 Black Gold Secret, Death Energy!

The most mysterious metal that Xia Lei has seen is the "old alloy" of the World Box. It looks like bronze, but even if the whole universe of bronze is added together and exchanged within the framework of energy-equivalent exchange, I am afraid it will also change. Less than a piece of "ancient alloy".

The second type is the metal of the God of War suit of Holy King Blue Spirit. Although he can use its powerful energy, he still hasn't figured out what the metal that makes up the God of War suit is.

The third is the skin armor on Marma, which is a liquid metal.It was also a metal he didn't understand, mysterious and powerful.

Now there is a fourth kind, that is the black gold piled up in this warehouse.

"Hesse said that this batch of alloys will be used on the resurrection of the God Moon, and then Blue Moon will get more moon nuclear warriors. Is this black gold not only used as an energy weapon for moon nuclear warriors, but also as a composition An important component of Shenyueruyi and Moon Nuclear Warrior's body? Like protein or calcium in the human body? "Xia Lei's brain is full of conjectures, but there is no evidence to prove it.

For a time, he extended his hand to the black gold in the metal box, but instead of touching it, the natural energy extending from the palm of his hand moved closer to the black, and then slowly increased its strength to hold it. Lifted up.

Black gold did not react.

This is the benefit of natural energy. Although it is low-level energy, it is everywhere.It can be wind, air, water, dirt and rock.He uses natural energy to contact black gold, which is equivalent to using air, mud or water to contact black gold.Black gold also comes from ore, and has been in contact with air, soil and water before and after production.No matter what form it is, it is in the natural environment. Xia Lei uses natural energy to contact it, and it will naturally not have any offensive reaction.

The black gold is wrapped in natural energy, quietly suspended in the void.Others see it as a piece of black metal, but in Xia Lei's eyes it is a weird thing that emits black energy. Those black energies crawl on its surface like a snake or a frog, just A glance made him creepy.

Rune yin and yang fish start, slowly rotate, sixty-four energy runes flashing and transforming.A trace of the branding power was also quietly released from Xia Lei's cosmic branding, and then mixed in the natural energy to approach the piece of black gold suspended in the void.

Cosmic branding, branding power, Yin-Yang runefish, natural energy, and Xia Lei's super brain, this is the one time Xia Lei has used his most power to crack a thing in his life.

Can such a crack succeed?

In fact, he was not sure.

The trace of the branding power mixed with natural energy is like an assassin. It sneaks in the mist, slowly approaches the target, and then plunges into the target's body.


Suddenly suspended in the void, Black King suddenly shook violently, and almost fell free of the natural energy.

The power of branding entered the black gold and was immediately encircled by dark energy, just as the darkness energy entered Xia Lei's body and was immediately encircled by the power of branding.One of them represents light and the other represents darkness. Light and darkness cannot coexist.

The trace of the branding power and the dark energy in the black gold unfolded.The energy of the branding power is the white dragon shining in the holy light, and the dark energy is the poisonous python.The two kinds of energy entanglement at the two extremes are entangled. Under the premise that they cannot coexist, the encounter between the two will have only one result-either you die or I die!

Xia Lei's branding power is more powerful, but the dark energy in black gold is more.The battle between the two fell into a state of anxiety, and the dark energy was constantly being wiped out by the trace of the branded power energy, but the trace of the branded power energy was also weakened during the battle and continued to decay.

In the battle between the power of love brand and dark energy, the runes of Yin and Yang fish perceive and crack all the way, and Xia Lei ’s super brain is also performing high-speed analysis and calculation based on the information transmitted by that trace of power of the brand power to crack. .

After a minute, the energy of that trace of branding energy was completely consumed.

Another trace of imprinted power energy passed through the misty natural energy, plunging into black gold like an assassin ...

Five minutes passed in an instant.


The black gold ingot suspended in the void fell to the ground. Its black color was not as rich as before, and it looked like a normal black iron.In Xia Lei's eyes, the dark energy of that tooth dance claw also disappeared.

No matter how strong the dark energy is, the reserves in a piece of black gold are also limited.Xia Lei hardly killed the dark energy in that piece of black gold a little bit. Although his branding power energy won, he also felt a little tired.After all, he not only consumes the energy of branding power, but cracking the dark energy is actually the most laborious work.

However, his dedication has also achieved results.

"This dark energy turned out to be ..." Xia Lei's face was a horrifying expression indescribable in words, and his voice was trembling. "Yes ..."

"Husband." Lan Ji'er's voice came, and she came out of the control center of the industrial base.

Xia Lei did not seem to hear her voice, still staring at the piece of black gold that fell to the ground.

Lan Ji'er walked to Xia Lei's side and said with concern: "Her husband, are you okay?"

Xia Lei recovered, "I'm fine."

"You just now?" Lan Ji'er was such an ice-smart woman. Her eyes also turned to the piece of black gold. "Did you have any results?"

Xia Lei nodded.

"Tell me quickly, it ..."

Xia Lei interrupted her, "Death."

"Death?" Lan Jier froze for a moment, "Husband, what do you mean?"

There was a bit of wry smile in the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, "The secret of this metal has always been there, but we haven't seen it. The energy contained in the black gold is death energy.

Lan Ji'er was so confused, "Death energy? There is nothing left when a person dies. Only a powerful soul can leave a bit of residual energy. Is such energy possible in this metal?"

Xia Lei said: "This universe has light and darkness, everything is born, everything dies, there is life and death. Vitality is the energy of life, is there no energy after death? As far as matter is concerned, we can see and touch The matter we touch has antimatter that we ca n’t see and touch at the same time. Everything has an opposite side, and there is no single thing. ”

"I still don't understand."

"I'm going to give you an example and you will understand." Xia Lei said: "The Blue Moon people madly arrested humans and transported them to the Blue Moon for slaughter, in order to provide the death energy I said to God Moon Ruyi . Material and energy are actually convertible. We humans use crude oil to produce fuel oil, and then convert the energy of fuel oil into power. The Blue Moon people capture human slaughter, which converts human vitality into death energy, thereby helping Shenyue. Like a resurrection. "

"I understand a little."

Xia Lei continued: "The Blue Moon people take humans as food, and they can even eat your Ashimis. They also need this kind of energy because they ..." After a silence, he said, "Because they It is a species from dead space. "

Lan Jier suddenly froze on the spot.

Xia Lei said: "The Blue Moon people do not have land and will not cultivate. Their food is other creatures. Humans have strong reproductive capacity and a large number, so they are their preferred target."

He suddenly remembered his world, the earth.

On Earth, the crisis that belongs to humanity on earth has actually begun.Yisitabu used energy rods to send signals to summon her kind to go to earth, and she also built a "pure hunting ground" on the earth to lay the foundation for her clan landing!

Once the ethnic groups of Yisitabu go to earth, then the earth will become the next "Star of Hope"!

"These ..." Lan Jier bit her lip lightly. "Are these all true?"

Xia Lei said: "This is my analysis after cracking this piece of black gold. I dare not say that it must be so, but I have an intuition that most of my analysis results are real."

"No wonder the Blue Moon people have been madly arresting humans recently, because Shenyueru's resurrection requires a lot of death energy like you said." Lan Ji'er said: "According to your analysis, hundreds of thousands of people can make Shenyueruyi Resurrection, how terrifying is the death energy in him? We ... "

She couldn't speak anymore, her heart was full of fear.

This is also what Xia Lei feared, but his face did not show, "My understanding is the queen bee, I have heard from the mouth of Hessen, once the moon is resurrected, Blue Moon will get more Moon Nuclear Warrior. This is a clue that can be analyzed. If it is not a role like Queen Bee, how can Blue Moon get more Moon Nuclear Warriors because of the resurrection of God Moon Moon? "

"You mean ... Shenyue Ruyi is a woman?"

"No, the queen bee's statement is just a metaphor. I don't know what Shenyue Ruyi looks like, but the answer may be revealed soon. I have a hunch that the time I met him is getting closer and closer." Xia Lei said he was worried.

With his current strength, can he defeat Shenyueruyi?

He didn't know at all.

"Husband." Lan Ji'er suddenly got into Xia Lei's arms, and hugged him tightly. "I'm so worried, I'm so scared, it's better ... let's leave this world, we have the moon No., we can go to the distant interstellar, avoid the blue moon people, avoid the god moon. "

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "You think the question is too simple, I can't hide it."

With the mission on his body, how could he escape it?

What's more, he represents the city of origin. The city of origin can arbitrarily travel through any space of the universe. Where can he hide without the city of origin?

The result of the failure of that mission is perdition, not only him, but the entire human race will be buried with him. How could he let his wife and children on Earth experience such a disaster?

"Can't we escape? I want to live that simple life with you, don't war." Lan Ji'er's voice was soft and sad.

Xia Lei said: "We can't escape, and face all this bravely, you are the queen of the Ashimis, and your clan needs you too."

"I ... but can we defeat Shenyueruyi?"

"You have to fight if you don't win, and I have hope with your help."

"What can I do for you?"

Xia Lei was silent for a while and said daringly, "That ... I need Kantunana's milk."

"Ah?" Lan Jier suddenly petrified in Xia Lei's arms.

This matter will have to be raised sooner or later, and it is an opportunity in front of me, so if he knows that it will overturn Lan Ji'er's vinegar jar, Xia Lei still has to put forward the stubbornly.

"Wife, I really need her milk."


Xia Lei, "..."

Proposing does not mean solving the problem. It takes a lot of effort to solve the problem.

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