Super Vision

1830 Chapter 1829 Love Boat

a week later.

Along the endless sea, in a basin surrounded by sandy mountains.


A clear stream of water rose from under Xia Lei's feet, and then flowed towards the bottom.With the clear water, yellow and blue sand grains, and the excited Rizhi people, a picture of life and creation was suddenly revealed.Not to mention beauty, but it has a power.

"Long live the Apostle!"

"Great Tiapolo!"

There was a cheering sound in the basin surrounded by sand hills.

"Hush!" Xia Lei made a silent gesture, and then pointed to the sky again.

A large group of soldiers from the Sunrise Tribe suddenly closed their mouths.

Xia Lei moved to another place, then squatted down and stretched his palm to the sand under his feet.A golden energy flame was released from his palm.Under his hands, the yellow and blue sand particles melted quickly, forming a "pipe".In this process, those blue sand grains containing low-level eternal energy continue to fly to the golden energy flame, and then turn into magma, solidifying the pipeline and providing "fuel" for the golden energy flame.

More than ten minutes later, another stream of clear water gushed out of the sand.

The Sunrise Tribe was destroyed. To rebuild the Sunrise Tribe, we must first have a water source.The basin surrounded by the sand hill is the address of the reconstruction tribe Xia Lei chose for the sunrise tribe.This place is very close to the endless sea, and the terrain is lower than the sea level of the endless sea, so it is impossible to have no water underground.

The sea water of the Endless Sea leached from the underground vines, and after being filtered by the sand, it is no longer sea water, but fresh water.In addition, if the tribe is rebuilt in this place, the people of the sunrise tribe can go fishing in the endless sea and solve the food problem.

The most important thing is that the sand hills here are different from the sand hills in the center of the desert. They are weathered from normal mountains, and their interiors are hard rock structures.The people of the sunrise tribe can build their residence in the hillside, so as to avoid the monitoring of Blue Moon.

With these conditions, this basin has become the best place for the people of the sunrise tribe to rebuild the tribe.

"My day, you gave us hope." Tia Sama came from behind, hugged Xia Lei's waist and pressed tightly to his back, her voice full of reverence and flattering It means, "How do you want me to thank you?"

Xia Lei smiled and said, "Just give me a little milk."

Tia Sama walked around in front of Xia Lei, reaching out to pick up her linen clothes.

Xia Lei hurriedly grabbed her hand, "You forgot what I said again. You can't show your body when there are people."

Tia Sama suddenly looked at the group of soldiers from the Sunrise Tribe who followed, and said fiercely: "What are you guys looking at doing? I want to breastfeed my Riwa, and turn me around!"

Xia Lei, "..."


All the soldiers of the sunrise tribe turned around.

A young man’s movements were slow for half a beat, and a middle-aged man next to him slapped the young man on the back of his head. "The Apostle wants to eat milk. What do you think? Offending the Apostle is tantamount to offending the great Tiapo Luo!"

The young man clutched his head and turned around aggrieved.

In the next second, Tia Sama did what she just wanted to do, and then she said to her Niwa, "My Niwa, I didn't bring a jar, I can only do this."

Xia Lei glanced at the soldiers standing in a row with their backs facing the sunrise tribe here, and then glanced at his longing Zinni again, and he suddenly felt a feeling of not knowing what it was. But this does not prevent him from bowing his head.

A man cannot bend his waist for five buckets of rice, but he will bend his waist for poisoned milk.

The young man's head was tilted back quietly, but before he could see anything, a large slap of a fan fell on the back of his head.

"I'll go to eat your sister's when I go back. You can see it that way," said the middle-aged man who beat him.


Clear fresh water rushed, and the sand in the basin was soaked with water and turned into puddles.Under the water pressure of the endless sea, a small freshwater lake will soon appear in this basin.

Xia Lei sorted out the linen clothes for Tia Sama, "My Zini, take your tribe here to rebuild the Sunrise Tribe. I have to go to the Abyss of Annihilation. Wait for me here."

Tia Sama's expression dimmed suddenly, but she bit her lip and made a compliant decision, "Well, I'm waiting for you here. You must come back alive."

"I will be fine, your milk has given me the same detoxification ability as you." Xia Lei said.

"When will you leave?"

Xia Lei thought for a moment, "Tomorrow morning, I want to spend one more night with you. You can also prepare some dry food for me, and I will eat it on the way."

Tia Sama got into Xia Lei's arms, "I will wait to find a water bag."

She knew exactly what the dry food Xia Lei wanted.

The eternal day disappeared on the western horizon, darkness spread across the sky, and the world was gradually immersed in darkness.

On a beach in the Endless Sea, under a row of palm-like trees, a woman with a tail stood nervously in the sea, afraid to go any further.Her tail was raised high, for fear of being wet by the sea.In front of her, her sun was beckoning to her.She wanted to go, but she didn't dare.

"Haha! I didn't expect you to be incapable of water." Xia Lei said with a smile.

"I am a woman born in the desert." Tiasama looked nervous, begging: "Wow, my day, can I not wash it? Let's go to the shore, the sea makes me nervous."

Xia Lei suddenly dived into the water and disappeared.

Tia Sama became even more nervous, "Wow, Ray? Where are you? You are coming out... Yeah!"

Without finishing a sentence, she exclaimed, and she fell into the sea.But in a blink of an eye she emerged from the sea again, but instead of standing in the sea, she sat on Xia Lei's shoulders.

Xia Lei carried Tia Sama to the depths of the sea.

Tia Sama hugged Xia Lei's head tightly, and his legs were clamped tightly around his neck, for fear of falling off his shoulders, "Wow my day, you are going to take me there. Huh? I'm afraid, shall we go back?"

People who can't swim are afraid of the sea, and there is nothing wrong with that.

"I want to give you an unforgettable evening." Xia Lei said.

"I can't forget, my good day, let's go back. I'm used to being in the sand, in the sea, I, I can't serve you." Tia Sama's voice trembled.

A smile appeared at the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, and he raised a finger in one direction, "Look."

Tia Sama looked along his fingers, but she only saw the surging sea, where there was nothing but sea water.But just when she was about to say something, a huge block of ice suddenly appeared in the sea.

"Wow..." Tia Sama opened her mouth wide.

Xia Lei lifted his hand up, crashing, and another huge block of ice appeared in the sea, and it was standing upright.


Pieces of ice tens of meters long and tens of meters wide popped out of the sea water, and then they were spliced ​​together.A few minutes later, a huge ice palace suspended in the sea was born.The sea holds it up, and it sways in the sea.

Xia Lei's feet floated up from the sea, and then walked to the ice palace.At his feet, steps made of ice cubes emerged, extending to the gate of the Ice Palace.

Tia Sama's eyes couldn't blink, she felt that she was in a fairy tale world, she was riding her prince into her palace.

Xia Lei carried Tia Sama into the Ice Palace. An ice bed appeared out of thin air in the crystal palace, just as he and Tia Sama came in.He put Tia Sama down, with a gentle smile on his face, "My Gini, do you like it?"

Tia Sama came back to her senses, she nodded vigorously, "Yeah! I like it, I have never seen such a house." Then, she got into Xia Lei's arms and kissed him. "Thank you, my day. You are the best gift the great Tiapolo gave me. You don't have to give me any more gifts."

Xia Lei held her face with a gentle voice, "You are also the best gift God has given me. You have shown me the hope of accomplishing that mission. As long as you are happy, I will do everything for you."

Tia Sama's heart was touched, and a heart was melted into a mess. She uttered a loud cry and buried her head in Xia Lei's arms.

Xia Lei didn't make her happy, what he said was true.When he came to the Great Maha Desert, his biggest gain was actually the poisoned milk of Tia Sama.The brand of his body, his detoxifying energy, and his ability to absorb the low-level eternal energy in the blue sand grains are all derived from Tia Sama's poisonous milk.Her existence is the same as that of his other four wives, and she is so obedient and well-behaved, and extremely satisfying. How could he not like such a woman?So, he wanted to make her happy.

"Wow my day." Tiasama's voice is low, "I rode you just now, now you ride me. It's a bit cold here, I need to move."

Xia Lei, "..."

The tribe Zini is so direct and full of tribal style.

Xia Lei picked her up and walked towards the ice bed...

The stars in the sky flickered, and the endless sea was surging, like an endless blue canvas.An ice palace swayed, swayed to the distance, and then floated back from the distance.The boat of love, shake it when you say it.

A group of fish gathered beside the Ice Palace, looking curiously.Suddenly, a strange voice came from the Ice Palace, and a group of fish was frightened and turned and ran.This situation occurs more than once, it appears over and over again.

As night passes, the sky reappears on the eternal day.


A sound that broke the sound barrier blew up in the sky.

Xia Lei flew in the direction of the Abyss of Annihilation at several times the speed of sound.

This time, he must figure out the secrets in the Abyss!

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