Super Vision

1831 Chapter 1830

The eternal day slowly sank into the horizon, and the darkness returned to the earth.

Xieyue landed from the sky, the hatch opened, and a slim figure walked out of the cabin surrounded by a group of guards.

A row of Evil Moon Legion soldiers standing on the sand respectfully stood at attention and saluted, and their voices were uniform, "My Lord Minister!"

Lan Sidi said: "I received the information, saying that you found a special situation. What did you find? I also asked me to run. If there is no valuable information, you know what you will face."

A line of evil moon warriors look at me, I look at you, all of them look confused.

Lan Sidi frowned, and her voice turned cold, "What's the matter? You didn't send the information I received?"

"My Minister, we did not send information." The team leader said carefully.

"No?" Lan Sidi frowned even higher.

The captain of the team faced his players and said sharply: "Which of you sent the information?"

One by one Evil Moon Warriors shook their heads.

The captain of the team turned to face Lan Sidi again, and said cautiously: "My lord, neither I nor my people sent you information. Could it be the information sent by the team from other places?"

Lan Sidi said, "I'm sure it's this place, our own communicator. That guy said there are important discoveries, let me see for myself." She suddenly realized something here, and then turned and walked towards Xie Yue Go, "Get out of here now!"


A ball of flame suddenly appeared in the hatch of Xieyue, and a crew member rushed out of the hatch. His body was full of fire, "There are...enemy..."

Unfortunately, before he could finish a sentence, he fell to the ground and never got up again.

"It's him!" Lan Sidi suddenly roared: "Ready to fight! Contact the military!"

These are two commands, both commands were executed, and when her voice fell, there was no delay of one second.

"Oops! No signal!" An evil moon warrior held up his communicator, his voice was full of nervousness, "This place is shielded by some energy field!"

"It's him!" The captain of the team suddenly pointed in a direction, "He...he is there!"

The soldiers of the Evil Moon Legion have the ability to perceive energy fluctuations, so that they can determine invisible targets.As the strongest among this group of evil moon fighters, the team leader's ability in this aspect is particularly outstanding.But a second later, he realized that the energy fluctuation he perceives was actually a war knife, not a lively target.


The blue frost blade suddenly flashed out of the void, dragging a ray of golden flame, and instantly cut the team captain's neck.

The blue blood sprayed, and the head of the team leader flew up.But at a higher position, his eyes on his head couldn't see anyone.His headless body and the sand under his feet were the last things he saw.

Cut off the team leader's head, the blue Frost Blade suddenly disappeared.It is like a blue ghost, only seen when it comes out to kill.

"Sacrifice!" an evil moon warrior roared, his body quickly entering a state of mutation.


In the sound of breaking through the sky, the blue frost blade emerged from the void again.


A weird voice burst out from the body of the Xie Yue warrior who was entering the state of sacrifice, and his body was split in two in this voice!

Sacrifice, that is the strongest state of Xie Yue warrior, at the cost of life in exchange for powerful combat power.However, the assassins of the sneak attack obviously won't give these evil moon soldiers of the evil moon legion a chance to sacrifice, they will sacrifice, but not in a state of sacrifice, but die under his hands!

The blue Frost Blade disappeared again, and when he appeared for the third time, another Xie Yue warrior who was entering a state of sacrifice was cut off and fell on the sand.

"Protect me!" Lan Sidi panicked, and rushed towards the burning Xie Yue.For her, Xie Yue, which could explode at any time, was safer than staying in the desert.

A large group of guards surrounded Lan Sidi, and then retreated to Xieyue.Behind them, the soldiers of the Evil Moon Legion fell down, and they didn't even have the ability to fight back.

This is not a fight, this is a slaughter.

Half an hour ago.

A communicator affiliated with the Evil Moon Legion was urinating at the foot of a sandy mountain, still humming the blue moon tune.However, before he finished pouring a pee, a blue war knife suddenly stretched out from behind and placed it gently on his shoulder.The sharp blade is attached to his neck, and a slight movement will cut his neck!

"You are looking for me, aren't you?" A man's voice came from behind the communicator. It didn't feel like a man threatening someone with a knife, but an acquaintance was chatting.Moreover, the language used is very standard Blue Moon.

The signal soldier carefully tilted his head back a bit, and then from the corner of his eye he saw the man standing behind his side.It was a human youth.Seeing the face of the human youth clearly, his urine instantly lost its original direction and all peeed on his pants and shoes.

This young man is the number one public enemy of the entire Blue Moon, the leader of mankind, Xia Lei.

"Want to survive?" Xia Lei asked.

The correspondent nodded, his voice trembling, "No, don't kill me... I, I just got married, and my wife... is pregnant."

"Congratulations." Xia Lei said.

The Blue Moon Signal Corps didn't know what to say.Putting a war knife on someone's neck, and then congratulating them, is this the style of the number one public enemy of Blue Moon?He didn't know, he didn't want to know, he would rather not come to the Great Maha Desert than be sent here to carry out this damn task.

"It's easy to survive. Do what I say, are you willing to do what I say?" Xia Lei said.

The Blue Moon correspondent hesitated for a moment, but did not make a decision.

Xia Lei's hand pressed lightly, and the blade of the Frost Blade cut through the neck of the Blue Moon Communicator, and a burst of blue blood suddenly poured out.

"Think about your pregnant wife, and your unborn children, don't you want to see your children?" Xia Lei said.

"I..." The Blue Moon signaler bit his lip and nodded, "I promise you!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, "Very good, now take out your communicator and contact Lan Sidi directly to tell her that you have found important information, and ask her to come down and confirm it immediately."

"She, she won't believe me." The Blue Moon signaler suddenly became nervous.

Xia Lei said coldly: "Then say goodbye to your wife and children."

"No, no, I'll contact her right away!" The Blue Moon Communicator hurriedly took out the communicator, and then began to connect.

Xia Lei removed the Frost Blade in his hand a bit to reduce his pressure.

The communication request was quickly approved, and Lan Sidi's voice came from the communicator, "What's the matter?"

The Blue Moon Communicator took a deep breath, "I am the Blue Wolf corps communicator. I found a very important piece of information..."

"What information?" Lan Sidi's voice was filled with excitement.

"I can't describe it, but it is very important... Your Lord, you better come down and see for yourself..."

"Asshole! What can't be described? Tell me immediately!"

The Blue Moon correspondent said: "There is no time! Your Lord Minister, I'm going to trace now...Please come down as soon as possible!"

Xia Lei suddenly reached out and interrupted the communication.

"I, I have done what you said, please..." The Blue Moon Communicator looked at Xia Lei with pleading eyes, "Please let me go."

Xia Lei said indifferently: "In Lanyue, I have seen many human beings, old people and children, men and women who begged you for your mercy, but what was their final result?"

The Blue Moon signaler suddenly realized something, and he ran away.

A group of golden energy flames shot out from Xia Lei's palm, and instantly swallowed the Blue Moon communicator.The Blue Moon Communicator didn't even have time to make a scream and turned into a piece of fly ash. As soon as the wind blew, nothing was left.

The golden energy flame can melt even the alloy of the spaceship, even the rock can turn into magma, let alone an ordinary Blue Moon signaler?

Xia Lei showed no mercy or sympathy to the Blue Moon people.Thinking of the human beings who were insulted and killed on the blue moon, thinking of the human dungeons that were destroyed, and the human beings who have been tortured by war and displaced, what qualifications does he have to be a saint and forgive a certain blue moon person? ?

This is why Lan Sidi came down from Lanyue, a piece of information that made her feel strange and incomplete.How could she, eager to build meritorious services in front of Shenyue Ruyi, miss the opportunity to obtain some important information?

Now Lan Sidi regrets it, but there is no regret medicine in this world to buy.


A golden energy flame swept from behind, and dozens of guards fleeing with Lan Sidi were swallowed by the flames and burned to fly ash in an instant.

Lan Sidi stopped because she knew it was useless to escape.She slowly turned around, and in her sight, the entire Evil Moon Legion team had disappeared, and there was no one who could fight for her.

A human youth slowly appeared in the void, it was Xia Lei who was carrying the Frost Blade.He was tall, sturdy and well-proportioned, and he also had a handsome face that even the Blue Moon people looked at. This made her unable to associate him with the role of a cold-blooded butcher.But it was such a human youth that made her extremely frightened, even her legs were shaking.

"Lan Sidi, we meet again." Xia Lei walked to Lan Sidi with a nice smile on his mouth, "I have something to ask you for help. I wonder if you are free?"

"Lan Yue is watching here!" Lan Sidi suddenly mustered up the courage, and she shouted at Xia Lei: "Go away, before the Moon King and Mother are here!"

Xia Lei shook, reached out and grabbed Lan Sidi's hair, and then pulled her hair towards the Abyss of Annihilation, "I was thinking of them coming down."

"Let go of me! You bastard!"

Xia Lei hit Lan Sidi's head with a fist, and she suddenly became quiet.

The counterattack has begun!

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