Super Vision

1871 Chapter 1870 An Incomprehensible Meeting

Destroy the Moon Bridge.

"What's the important thing?" Xia Lei asked straightforwardly after seeing Hao Fang.

However, Hao Fang glanced at the direction of the hatch, and whispered cautiously: "The boss did not come, right?"

Xia Lei said: "Their training mission today has been completed. I let them go home. Tell me if you have anything."

Hao Fang said: "It's like this, I received a message, a..."

Xia Lei frowned, "Hurry up, you guy, what information?"

"The message from Lanyue is not from my wife, but from an unknown person." Hao Fang looked nervous. "That person asked to meet you. Tonight, the central square of the Holy Underground City. "

Xia Lei was stunned for a moment, and his heart was puzzled, "How can the people of Blue Moon know your information receiving system? Do you still use this method to invite me to meet?"

Hao Fang spread his hands, "My prettiest boss, I don’t know, so I was anxious to call you back. I am worried about my wife. Will it be exposed? The people from Lanyue It got my communication channel, and then this message came?"

Xia Lei frowned, and what he said well might become a fact.If the information that Hao Fang received was really because of the disclosure of Yuenu 2’s identity, it would mean that he had lost the only spy on the Blue Moon, and his plan of planning a prison riot has not yet been realized.This is not a small loss for him, and even for the entire Allies.

"My prettiest boss, what should I do? I want to contact my wife, and I want to ask what happened to it." Hao Fang begged to be authentic.

Although Haofang and Yuenu 2 are commensurate with their husbands and wives, they still need Xia Lei's nod to agree to contact them. Only he has the permission.Although Hao Fang can contact Yue Nu 2 without his permission, this behavior is tantamount to betrayal to the robot.Hao Fang was anxious to call Xia Lei back. In fact, it also had its own purpose, and that was to obtain permission from Xia Lei to contact Yue Nu 2.

Hao Fang's request was reasonable, and Xia Lei should agree to his request, whether it was for the investigation of the incident or for human considerations.But after thinking for a while, he shook his head, "No."

"Why?" Hao Fang became even more anxious, "My wife..."

This is the disadvantage of the highly evolved artificial intelligence. A large number of spirit stones have allowed its artificial intelligence to also evolve. It has the same emotions as real humans.It is worried about the safety of Moon Slave 2. It is very uncomfortable now.

Xia Lei said: "I know you are very worried about Yuenu 2 now, but you have to consider another situation, that is, it has not been exposed. The blue moon person knows how to contact you through other channels, and you give me Send a message, if you contact Yuenu 2 at this time, you may expose it that was not exposed. You should think that after Lan Sidi is dead, it is equivalent to a robot that has lost its owner, and its authority Will become lower."

"What should I do then?" Hao Fang looked at Xia Lei blankly.

"I'm thinking about it." Xia Lei said, "Tell me, the details of that information, I want to know all the details."

A holographic projection was projected from Hao Fang's eyes. It was a Chinese character message: Xia Lei, let's meet in the central square of the Holy Underground City tonight.Don't worry, this is not a fight.Don't guess the reason, and my identity, you will know when you meet.

It was signed without a name, and it didn't explain the reason and purpose of the meeting. This information came in strange and strange.

"Will it be a trap?" Hao Fang said.

"I don't know." Xia Lei said.

"Strange information, now is the stage where the decisive battle is about to break out. Who would be so boring to invite you to meet at this time?" Hao Fang said to himself, "Could it be a girl?"

Xia Lei looked at it and couldn't say anything.

Hao Fang said, "It's either a girl or a boy, will you meet?"

Xia Lei was silent for a while and then said: "From the perspective of interest, if I don't go, I won't lose anything, but I won't get anything. What I want to know most now is Shenyueruyi, Guduo and Mama's News, this may be an opportunity. Well, I want to meet."

"If it's a trap..."

"Then I will step on the trap." Xia Lei's eyes were cold, and his eyes were full of confidence.

The decisive battle is about to break out. He has prepared for such a long time and put in so much effort for the decisive battle with Lanyue and Shenyue Ruyi. If even a trap is scared and unbalanced, then how can he defeat Shenyue Ruyi and defeat it? Blue Moon?

The eternal day crossed the sky, and finally disappeared under the western horizon.The darkness returns and everything is immersed in the darkness.They are waiting for the dawn, but darkness will last as long as light.

The ruins of the holy city shrouded in the night sky were pitch black, and the night breeze was blowing, blowing through incomplete buildings, blowing through the streets full of grass and garbage, making strange night sounds.

A figure fell from the sky, and when it stepped on the ground, the ground trembled, and countless cracks spread out from under his feet, and each one was very eye-catching.

Xia Lei came, but the person who asked him to meet was nowhere to be seen.

The central square of the Holy Underground City, its location is in a vertical line with the center of the ruins of the Holy City.During the Battle of the Holy Dungeon, Blue Moon’s ground-killing artillery blasted open the crust, creating a vertical passage to the central square of the Holy Dungeon.It is at the end of this street. It is a huge hole. When the night wind blows, it makes a whining sound, and it feels like a direct entrance to hell.

Xia Lei stood in front of the hole blasted by the ground-killing gunboat and looked down.The ground is dozens of heights from the central square of the Holy Underground City, but even at this distance, his eyes can still vaguely see the scenery on the central square.There lay scrapped chariots, tanks, and huge rock fragments.Those were all planned by him. In that battle, he used almost all the explosives and explosive devices in the holy dungeon. It was he who blew up the holy dungeon, but he saved the people in the holy dungeon.

Xia Lei raised his head and glanced at the sky. The sky was dark and deep, with only a few stars shining slightly.No aircraft flew from the sky.He hesitated, then jumped down


A huge rock shattered under Xia Lei's feet, and the fragments of the rock were generally shot everywhere.

A hard landing at an altitude of tens of kilometers, Xia Lei never dared to try easily before, but now he has no pressure.At the moment of landing, the bones of his legs burst out with chalcedony-like energy light. At that moment, his bones became the hardest in the world, invincible!

After more than a month of high-intensity evolutionary improvement, the three cores have become unified, and the bones of his whole body have also evolved to a new height.If you use a percentage to describe it, then his bone crystallization degree has reached 95%, only a little short of being able to catch up with the evolution of Sheng Lei that year.

The high degree of crystallization of the body's bones allows him to withstand higher-intensity shocks, jumping from a height of tens of kilometers, which is just a piece of cake.Now even if his body is facing a one-ton meteorite that has fallen from space, he doesn't need to dodge, he can hit it with one head!The broken one is definitely a meteorite, not his body!

Airborne in the central square of the Holy Dungeon, Xia Lei awakened the rune Yin and Yang fish, and the range of energy perception quickly spread to all directions.After a few seconds, he suddenly turned around and his eyes moved to one direction.

There was darkness in that place, and it was not normal darkness, and his vision couldn't enter that area at all.He perceives it coming out because the rune Yin Yang fish perceives the existence of strong dark death energy.

The person who asked him to meet here had already been there, in that dark area.

Xia Lei walked to the area and said, "Come out, I'm already here, don't hide like a mouse."

"You surprised me." A familiar voice came from the dark area.

Xia Lei was stunned for a moment. He was familiar with the voice. The person talking to him was the mother, and he almost knew that it was her voice without distinguishing it.He had guessed many Blue Moon people who might have invited him to meet here, but he had never guessed the mother.The decisive battle between the human-dominated Allies and Blue Moon could start at any time. As the commander-in-chief of Blue Moon in such a sensitive time period, how could Mother invite him to meet here at this time?He couldn't figure out this problem.

The dark energy mist quickly disappeared, and the tall but sexy figure of Mamana emerged from the normal darkness.Behind her is a small troop carrier.

The Rune Yin Yang Fish started to operate again, and the range of perception quickly spread.

"You don't need to detect anything, I'm the only one." Mother Ma said indifferently: "I don't want to make this meeting very nervous, can I?"

Xia Lei was stunned for a moment, and then stopped the rune Yin Yang fish detection.

Mother Ma walked towards Xia Lei, without a weapon in her hand.

Xia Lei said: "I don't understand why you want to see me? You are not my opponent now. It is not difficult for me to kill you. Are you afraid that I will kill you?"

Mother Ma stopped and kept a distance from Xia Lei, her face was calm, "You are very strong now, you can indeed kill me. But do you think I will be scared?"

Is she scared?

She is here, standing in front of Xia Lei, this is the answer.

"What do you want to talk to me?" Xia Lei said.

"I have a wish, and there has been no way to complete it. I want you to help me complete it." Mother Ma said.

"Hahaha..." Xia Lei couldn't help laughing, "We are enemies, and we are your enemies, do you think I will help you fulfill any wish?"

Mother Ma didn't take Xia Lei's ridicule to her heart. She said indifferently: "I still have some confusions. I want to have a peace talk. I hope you can help me solve those confusions in my heart."

"Aren't you sick?" Xia Lei raised his finger to his head: "I'm sick here."

Mother Ma's face is still calm, her eyes are very special.

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