Super Vision

1872 Chapter 1871 The crocodile's tears

A blue moon woman who has lived for more than a thousand years has evolved to a very high level. How could she get sick?Although Xia Lei said this to her, he himself believed that she was definitely not mentally ill.He was still worried that this was a trap just now, but he knew that he had no premonition of a crisis.In short, he was really confused by his mother this time.

"You are right, we are enemies, and they are the kind of enemies who live and die." Mother Ma's tone was flat, "but this time I don't want to be an enemy with you, but don't get me wrong, we can't become friends."

"What do you want to do?" Xia Lei said, "I don't have time to talk nonsense with you."

Mother Ma suddenly pointed back at the small troop carrier behind her, "There is a mother and son on the spaceship. I want to save them, so I brought them down from the blue moon."

Xia Lei was stunned for a moment. The cosmic imprint also released a trace of imprinting power at that time, and instantly penetrated into the small troop carrier.At the same time, his mind constructed an image of the inside of the troop carrier based on the information fed back by that trace of branding power.

There were no soldiers and no combat robots in that spaceship, but there was a pair of mother and child.A woman in her twenties, and her child, a little boy about three years old.The woman held her baby tightly in her arms and refused to let go, as if she was afraid that she would lose her baby once she let go.The little boy fell asleep lying in his mother's arms, with a mouthful of salivation.His mother's arms are the safest and most comfortable place in the world. He is so peaceful and peaceful, without a trace of fear.

"I didn't lie to you." Mother Ma said.

Xia Lei revoked that trace of branding power. He looked at his mother and was stunned for a while before he said a word, " just said you wanted to save that mother and her child?"

The mother nodded, "Yes, this is my wish. I want you to do me this favor. You take the mother and child away, settle them down, and let them live. Would you like to do me this favor? ?"

This is the wish of the mother.

"Why?" Things were so clear, but Xia Lei couldn't believe it.

"Not why." Mother Ma said.

Xia Lei said: "You Lanyue people regard human beings as food, you can insult and kill them at will, but now you bring a pair of mother and child to me and say you want to save them. How can you make me believe you?"

Mother Ma was silent for a while and said: "I once saw a mother and son in a prison in Lanyue. At that time, Lan Sidi was about to order everyone in the prison to be killed and provide energy to the Moon King. At that time, I saw the young mother and her children... I don't know why, I sympathized with them and wanted to save them, but..."

"But you didn't save them, did you?" Xia Lei guessed the ending, "You watched them die."

Mumma nodded, her eyes a touch of guilt and regret.That incident seemed to be nothing at the time, but it lurked in her heart like a virus seed.As time went on, the area it infected became larger and the symptoms became more obvious, and she became more and more uncomfortable.

"Ha ha ha..." Xia Lei smiled.

Mother frowned, "What are you laughing at?"

Xia Lei said: "I figured it out. You want to save the mother and son. At that time, you only need a word to save them, but you chose to remain silent and watched the mother and son die in front of you. This incident has become your demon, it is affecting you, and your conscience is also condemning you. So you found a pair of similar mothers and sons, then called me here and asked me to take them away. You have lost your mind. You want to use this method to unlock the demon in your heart, right?"

Mother's lips moved, but she said nothing.

Xia Lei continued: "You make me feel ridiculous and pathetic. Do you think you can unlock the demon in your heart by doing this?"

"If you don't want to help me, just get out!" Mother Ma's voice was angry.

Xia Lei smiled, "Such a small matter makes you lose control of your emotions. The influence of the demon in your heart on you is really not small. I can help you, I can take away the mother and child, and give them a stable life. surroundings."

The mother was silent for a while and then said, "Thank you." After a pause, she added, "For the first time in my life, I would like to say thank you."

Xia Lei said: "This is the first time to save mankind?"

Mother Ma nodded, she avoided Xia Lei's eyes.

"I also say thank you, but this is not the first time I have said thank you to someone." Xia Lei said.

Mama snorted softly, "I don't need it."

"Whether you need it or not, I have to say thank you to the mother and son, but..."

"What do you want to say?" The mother's eyes moved to Xia Lei's face again.

Xia Lei said, "But don't you think the whole thing is your wishful thinking?"

"What do you mean?"

"You saved the mother and son, you called them to me, I took them back to the resting forest, and then gave them a home to help them settle down." Xia Lei said: "But when you were driving the spaceship to attack humans, How are you sure that your cannonball will not blow up her house and kill her and her children?"

Mother was silent again.

"Also, the mother and child in the spacecraft are not the mother and child you want to save. No matter how similar the mother and child are to the mother and child, they are different people after all. On the blue moon, there are still mothers and children like this. How much? You saved this mother and son, but let your men kill thousands of such mothers and sons from the Star of Hope. Don't you think your kindness and hypocrisy are ridiculous?"

"Enough!" Mother Ma shouted from Xia Lei: "Don't talk about it!"

"I just said that you are so uncomfortable. In the future, when you face those unarmed human women and children, and the elderly, how will you feel?'

"Stop talking!" Mother Ma covered her ears, but this was an act of stealing her ears.

"Okay, I won't say it. I'll do you this favor, and you will do me a favor. Tell me, what is the situation of Shenyue Ruyi now?" Xia Lei looked straight at her mother, not letting go of any subtleties. The look changes.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Mama's mouth, "Do you think that if you do me this little favor, I will betray the Moon King for you?"

"This is not a betrayal, just a casual chat." Xia Lei said.

"That's impossible." Mother Ma turned and walked to the troop carrier.

The mother and son were taken out.The young mother shivered, but still held her baby tightly in her arms.

"Go, follow him." Mother Ma said: "He is the leader of your humanity. He will take you to the Rest Forest. You and your children are safe and free."

The young mother looked at Xia Lei in amazement, unable to believe what the mother said.

Xia Lei nodded to her, and said gently, "Don't be afraid, she is right, I am Xia Lei, I will take you to the Rest Forest, you and your children are safe."

Hearing Xia Lei's words, the young mother came back to her senses. She threw her legs like Xia Lei ran over.

"We have never seen each other alone. The next time I meet you on the battlefield, I won't be merciful." After leaving this sentence, the mother turned and walked towards the small troop carrier.


A strange voice suddenly came from the void.

Xia Lei suddenly moved his eyes to the sky, and the golden light of energy instantly radiated from his body.The dark central square was suddenly golden, like a human-shaped star!

A black stream of light fell from the sky, but it was not Xia Lei who instantly reacted and entered a fighting state, but the young mother and son.

The black streamer instantly plunged into the young mother's body, and the young mother froze suddenly, motionless, like it was made into a wax figure.

"No—" Momma roared.

Xia Lei's eyes locked on the young mother.

The young mother suddenly moved. She stood up straight and looked at Xia Lei. Her eyes were rapidly turning black, and a wicked smile appeared at the corners of her mouth, "Jie Jie Jie..."

Just this laughter was a business card, and the black streamer that plunged into the young mother's body was Goodo.

Just amidst Guduo’s weird laughter, the child in the young mother’s arms quickly "withered", and the sleeping child turned into a shriveled corpse in the blink of an eye, as if it had been dug out from an ancient grave Mummy.

The runic yin and yang fish in Xia Lei's body entered the combat mode, and the range of perception spread to the sky and underground in all directions, the speed reaching the extreme.He was not worried about a Gudo, he was worried that Shenyue Ruyi was also nearby. If so, he would face Lanyue's strongest trio alone, which was extremely dangerous for him.

"No need to probe." Guduo's voice came from the young mother's mouth, "The Moon King has no time to come here to catch the rape, Jie Jie Jie..."

Xia Lei did not perceive the existence of Shenyue's power, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Then you are in the wrong place."

"You are really capable." Guduo's voice was full of sarcasm, "Mama is our blue moon millennium old maiden. She has never thought about any man, but she actually came here to meet you."

"Guduo!" Mother Ma said angrily, "You shut up!"

"It's you who should shut up!" Guduo suddenly threw the mummy child at his mother, almost roaring: "You dare to betray the Moon King!"

The corpse hit the mother's body, then turned into a gray-black powder, and Yang Yang dropped to the ground.

Mother Ma seemed to have been stabbed in her heart, but she realized her troubles after that, and she argued: "I didn't betray the Moon King! I just..."

Guduo sneered, "What are you just? Can't tell?"

Mother Ma shouted at Guduo: "I just want him to take the mother and son back. I didn't betray the Moon King!"

"Jie Jie Jie..." Gu Duo smiled, "Who can you fool with such a lie? I think Xia Lei brought you a snack to please you, and then you plan to deal with the Moon King and Blue Moon together! traitor!"

"You lied!" Mother Ma was nervous.

"You're scared, I was right, didn't you?" Guduo's gaze shifted to Xia Lei's body again. "Let's say, what have you planned with this thousand-year-old virgin?"

Xia Lei walked to Guduo.

He didn't need any explanation for Gudo.

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