Super Vision

1874 Chapter 1873 Nirvana Fire Phoenix

Guduo appeared, and the hole on his chest contained not only bright white energy light, but also a cloud of golden energy light.The pure healing energy cannot make him scream, only the eternal energy of the nemesis energy of the dark death energy can kill him!

"You..." Guduo looked at Xia Lei, his voice filled with horror, "How could you... be all right?"

He doesn't seem to care about the injuries on his body. What he cares about is why Xia Lei was not only okay after he succeeded in a sneak attack, but was able to attack him!

A hint of contempt appeared at the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, "Didn't you say that you want to kill me and you are enough? Come and kill me, I will let you kill."

"Mother! What are you waiting for?" Guduo roared at her, his chest trembling violently, and the black death energy frantically swallowed the healing energy and golden eternal energy that Xia Lei had penetrated into his body. .

Energy damage is healed with energy, which is much faster than the speed at which flesh and blood are injured.This is also the horror of the pure energy body. If it were a flesh and blood body, Xia Lei's chest punch would have blasted the heart and killed the person, but Guduo could recover in a very short time. !

A month after the nuclear warrior landed on the ground, Xia Lei was surrounded by a circle.

Although the mother didn't dig a hole for Xia Lei, Guduo who followed her had dug a big hole for Xia Lei.

Mother Ma, Guduo, plus hundreds of months of nuclear warriors, although Xia Lei injured Guduo, he fell into a dangerous and passive situation in a blink of an eye.

"Mumma! Are you really going to betray the Moon King?" In just this little time, the energy damage on Guduo's body had been cured.His total energy may be weakened, but it is not visible at all.

"Ah--" Mother Ma roared and suddenly rushed towards Xia Lei.

Betraying the Moon King, this was really a decision she couldn't make.

If you can't betray the Moon King, you can only kill Xia Lei. She has already made a decision, but this decision was made under the duress of Guduo.

Xia Lei shook his head and threw a punch.The golden eternal energy wrapped his fist, his fist was burning, with the will and power to smash all darkness!

Mother Ma's fist collided with Xia Lei's fist.


Amid the earth-shattering explosion, the kite with her body broken was generally thrown out.

Xia Lei was stunned for a moment, and did not take advantage of the situation to hunt down.Mother Ma is not so weak, there is only one possibility for her to be so unhelpful, that is, she deliberately releases water!


Guduo's energy body turned into an energy arrow, flying towards Xia Lei almost at the speed of light.It attacked immediately after the shot, no matter how fast the flesh and blood body could not be faster than the pure energy body.

However, this time Xia Lei had been prepared for a long time. At the moment when Gu Duo turned into an energy arrow, golden eternal energy came out and burned blazingly, and he had already added an eternal fire power shield on his body.


Guduo plunged his head on the eternal fire energy cover supported by Xia Lei.This time he failed to pass through Xia Lei's body instantly like the last time, but was caught outside the shield of golden energy flame.When the two mortal enemy energies came into contact, a violent explosion was produced. The wild power shock wave shot in all directions centered on the contact point of the two energies, and the ground cracked and the rock broke!

"Get out!" Xia Lei fisted over.

Guduo suddenly disappeared, and Xia Lei's fist fell.

Guduo appeared again, already dozens of meters away.

A huge black death energy fell from the sky, but it was not the energy support of the blue moon, but the energy support provided by the ancient battleship without the designation and emblem.

A huge death energy cage was formed instantly. The top of the cage was the ancient battleship, and the fulcrum was the nuclear warrior every month.In the blink of an eye, there was no way for Xia Lei to escape from the sky or the earth.

Is this really the case?

Xia Lei's feet slammed heavily on the ground, and his entire body rushed into a cannonball.The golden eternal energy fire on his body suddenly broke out, and his body was completely submerged by the golden energy flame, unable to be seen, his whole person was like a phoenix of Nirvana soaring to the sky!


There was no darkness where the golden eternal energy flame passed, and the cage formed by the dark death energy was suddenly torn open.

The fire phoenix ascends to the sky, and the sky is vast, unstoppable!

There is an underground bus on the Holy Underground Plaza.

Xia Lei hovered in the void, and his voice was crushed, "Guduo, this time I let you go because of the love of the mother. But my kindness is only this time, and again next time. Let me see you and I will kill you!"

"You--" Momma suddenly realized something, and she roared: "You are nonsense! Any of your decisions has nothing to do with me!"

"Mother, come with me!" Xia Lei said, "Blue Moon has no place for you."

"Go away!" Momma was shaking with anger.

Goodo's gaze shifted to the mother's body, his eyes full of anger and hatred, and his voice was obscure, "Mother, what else do you have to argue with?"

Mother Ma said coldly: "I have a clear heart, I have nothing to quibble about, I have not betrayed the Moon King, nor have I betrayed Blue Moon."

Xia Lei's voice came from the golden energy flame again, "Mother, didn't you say you want to wander the world with me? Go to see the most beautiful sunrise, the most beautiful sunset. I'm waiting for you, come with me. !"

"You give me-get out!" Momma roared exhaustingly.

The golden energy light disappeared, and Xia Lei also disappeared, and was no longer visible.

"Take her!" Goodo suddenly ordered.

For hundreds of months, the nuclear warriors walked towards the mother at the same time, and dark death energy radiated from each of them.

"You are not qualified to arrest me!" Mother Ma said angrily, "I am Commander-in-Chief of Blue Moon!"

Guduo sneered: "If you betray the Moon King and Blue Moon, I have the right to arrest you. Do you want to catch you with all your hands or resist and die here? You choose."

"I didn't betray the Moon King! I didn't betray the Blue Moon!" Mother Ma's emotions were already out of control.

All this is because of the mother and son, because of the demon.In order to meet with Jo Xia Lei, she even tried to find the communication channel of the ancient robot of the Ahimis from the ancient information, and sent a secret message to Xia Lei's robot butler, Haofang.Now she is extremely regretful for sending that message, and is here to meet Xia Lei.The mother and child she wanted to save eventually died. Not only did the heart demon not untie, but she also fell into a dangerous situation.But there is no regret medicine in this world to buy and eat, Xia Lei has gone away, but she has to swallow the bitter fruit alone!


For hundreds of months, the nuclear warriors approached the mother in uniform steps. Their footsteps sounded like drums, with a shocking rhythm.

There is a huge energy axe in Guduo's hand, he sneered, waiting for the time to shoot.

Rebel or catch it?

This is a decision the mother needs to make.

For hundreds of months, the encirclement of nuclear fighters has become smaller and smaller.

The great axe of dark death energy in Guduo's hand made a buzzing sound, and it was about to choose someone to eat!

But just as the fight was about to start, the mother raised her hands, "I will go with you." After a pause, she said again: "Gudor, but it's not that I am afraid of you, but that I have a clear conscience. I am Go back with you and I will explain it to the Moon King myself."

Guduo snorted coldly. The choice of the mother was obviously not what he wanted, and it exceeded his expectations.

Mother Ma said: "If you choose to kill me here, then the person who needs to explain to the Moon King is you, not me."

Guduo said sharply, "Take her away!"

Nuclear fighters swarmed in a few months.

"Get away!" Mother Ma said angrily: "My body is not something you can slam! I will go back by myself!"

The lunar nuclear warrior who was about to step forward to capture the mother was stunned on the spot, and looked at Guduo for help.Although they absolutely obeyed Gudo's orders, as the commander-in-chief of Blue Moon, the prestige of the mother still exists.Before Gudo, who would dare to ignore the majesty of the mother in Blue Moon?

Guduo sneered: "Do you still put on your commander-in-chief at this point?"

"Without the removal of the Moon King, I am the commander-in-chief of Blue Moon." Mother Ma said coldly, "Also, before you were resurrected, I led Lan Yue to control the world for thousands of years. Without me, there was no Moon King. resurrection!"

Guduo's mouth twitched slightly, he hesitated, and finally made a decision, "Let her go back by herself."

He didn't worry about his mother's escape, because once she escaped, she would be charged with betraying the Moon King and Blue Moon.She escaped and she was convicted, for him he was the one who benefited most!

Mama walked to her small troop carrier, and the lunar nuclear fighters blocking her way stepped away...

The small troop carrier took off, and under the escort of nuclear warriors for hundreds of months, flew into the ancient battleship without a designation or emblem.Then the battleship started and flew deep into the sky.

In the ruins of the holy city, Xia Lei stood on a tall building that might collapse at any time, looking up at the ancient battleship that was leaving quickly.

His mood at this time is also very complicated.

Mamma never told him that she would wander the world with him, watch the most beautiful sunrise, watch the most beautiful sunset.Those are all his lies.From the perspective of conscience, he is one hundred thousand unwilling to say such things, but standing in the camp of the entire human race, as well as the Ahimis and the Sun people, he has to tell such a lie, because Lan Yue The internal fighting of the three important figures is the most beneficial to the Allied forces.

If there were no meetings tonight, Mamma would still be his enemy and the enemy of the Allies.On the battlefield, she would attack him and humans without hesitation.He told such a lie, it was tantamount to giving Guduo a piece of evidence that he continued to cheat on her.No matter what the result of Mother Ma's return to Blue Moon, he and the allies have already benefited from it!

"Hey... Mother." Xia Lei sighed. "The devil also has a kind side. It seems that this statement is true. The mother and son touched the kind side in your heart and made you feel painful, so you Only then asked me to meet here, wanting to save another mother and son to relieve the happy demon, but you are too naive. You have opened the skylight of love, and the sunshine of love will shine into your heart. Love is already there. Your soul is flowing in your blood, how can you get rid of it when you want to get rid of it?"

Unfortunately, the mother could not hear Xia Lei talking to herself at this moment.

"I hope we won't meet again on the battlefield, you have already made me unable to do it." A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth.

Just now, he gave up fighting incompletely because he fell into the encirclement of the Moon Nuclear Legion, and also because of his mother.

Mama deliberately released water when she attacked him, preferring to be injured by him.If he continues to fight, regardless of whether he can beat Gudo and the hundreds of months of nuclear warriors led by Gudo, the first thing he has to face is whether he can attack his mother.Because once he stays and continues to fight, the mother will eventually be intimidated by Gudo and will fight him together with Gudo.

"Although your death is the best thing for me and the allies, but...I still hope you can survive and live hard, so that there will be a blue moon person in this world who is not hated." This is Xia Lei said to himself in the last sentence.


Xia Lei soared into the sky, and in a string of sonic booms, his body turned into a stream of light and flew in the direction of the resting forest.

Leave the future to the future but decide.

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