Super Vision

1875 Chapter 1874 A Distress Message From Blue Moon

Although there was no agreed time, everyone knew that the final battle was getting closer.Blue Moon hoarded millions of military power in the frontier military base, Blue Moon soldiers, combat robots, and various types of heavy war equipment.The Allied forces have also continued to increase their troops to the border areas corresponding to the Rest Forest and the border military bases. Although the military strength is not one million, there are hundreds of thousands.There is an obvious difference between the two sides. On the Blue Moon side, there are mostly combat robots and heavy war equipment, while the Allied Forces do have a large population and fewer combat robots and war equipment.As far as paper data is concerned, allied forces headed by humans are at an absolute disadvantage.

But even so, anyone who can pick up a weapon voluntarily applies to the front line.This is the first battle to determine the fate of the entire world, no one can escape.

a week later.

Allied field command.

Xia Lei listened to reports from various quarters.

"Commander-in-chief." An Aximis officer asked Xia Lei for a military salute, and then said: "According to our investigation, Blue Moon has stopped conscripting troops on the ground, and at the same time the Blue Moon fighters in the deserted military base Also frequent activities. We judge that the Blue Moon people will launch a general attack soon."

Liang Tao said: "According to the intelligence of our scouts, there are a large number of self-propelled energy antiaircraft artillery in the frontier military bases are moving towards the resting forest. My judgment is the same. Blue Moon will launch a general attack soon. Now, our decisive battle with the Blue Moon people is coming, just like it was a thousand years ago."

"Commander-in-chief." Tia Sama said in blunt Chinese: "No matter what the situation, only our tribal alliance fighters are willing to fight for you. As long as you give an order, the tribal alliance fighters will appear in you. Wherever they are needed."

Xia Lei smiled and nodded. She was indeed her best wife, no matter when and where, she could always give her unreserved support.

"Husband, give the order!" Kangtunana said: "We can't be passively beaten every time. This time we should take the initiative and beat them by surprise!"

She did not have the scruples of Tia Sama, even on such occasions, she called Xia Lei her husband, not the commander-in-chief of the Allied forces.

Xia Lei stood up from his chair and said in a deep voice: "In the decisive battle a thousand years ago, mankind failed and our civilization was destroyed. The entire mankind, including the Ahimis and the Japanese people, was destroyed. The Blue Moon people have been enslaved for a thousand years. This time if we are defeated again, what is waiting for us will not be enslavement, but destruction. Whether the fate will repeat the same mistakes depends on this battle. Humans, Ahimis return Although the people of the day have formed an alliance, our military strength is far inferior to that of the Blue Moon people, so we must be careful, careful, cautious and cautious at every step. Take the initiative? We can indeed take the initiative, but our soldiers will Expose to the enemy’s indiscriminate bombing. When they enter the forest, all we can use is the advantage of the forest and the army of beasts resting in the forest."

When Xia Lei said that, the people who advocated the initiative led by Kontunana stopped speaking.This is not only because of Xia Lei's prestige, but also because of what Xia Lei said makes sense.There are only so few cards in the hands of the Allied forces, and one less card is played. If the only cards are played but the war is not won, the consequence will be the destruction of this world.

Xia Lei continued: "After the meeting, all parties will pay close attention to the movement of Blue Moon, and report to me immediately no matter what the situation is. In addition, let our soldiers be dispersed and try to avoid stationing in one place to guard against Blue Moon’s fleet and energy. The bombardment of the antiaircraft artillery, and also pay attention to protecting our energy missiles. Our energy missiles are limited in number, and each one is very precious."

"Yes!" There was a commanding voice in the temporary battlefield command center.

Xia Lei said: "Finally, don't worry about anything. As long as we are united, we will surely overcome difficulties and win the war, because we are the righteous camp, and justice will defeat evil. That's it, let the meeting adjourn!"

The officers from all quarters left the temporary battlefield command center one after another. Tia Sama wanted to stay and talk to Xia Lei, but she could see Ranjier and Kontunana guarding Xia Lei from right to left. Abandoned, followed a group of tribal armed leaders of the Japanese tribe and left the temporary battlefield command center.

Only Xia Lei and his two hawkish wives remained in the temporary battlefield command center.

"Husband, do you really do nothing?" Lan Jier broke the brief silence.

"Yeah, every time we are passively beaten, we should take the initiative once." Kangtunana said: "Although what you just said is reasonable, but occasionally abnormal, a sudden attack, we can also reap strategic benefits. "

Xia Lei stretched out his hands to embrace the waists of the two hawkish wives, and said with a smile: "I understand your feelings. You are eager to weaken Lanyue's military strength and eager to win the war. But you have to know the haste. If not, especially in this life-and-death war, we who are in a weak position can only be cautious, because we can’t afford heavy losses, and we can’t afford to lose. Listen to me, the only thing we can do is to use static braking s Choice."

Ranjier and Kontunana couldn't help but glance at each other, and the eyes of both hawkish wives were a little disappointed.They stayed to blow "pillow wind" to Xia Lei, but the effect was obviously zero.

At this moment, Hao Fang appeared at the door of the temporary battlefield command center. Before his body came in, his voice came in first, "Oh, my most beautiful boss, and my beautiful boss, you pay it back."

There was a smile on the faces of the two hawkish wives, and the generous "flower-like boss lady" was obviously a flattery that made them happy.No woman dislikes such praise, and they are no exception.

Xia Lei said, "Hao Fang, what are you doing here?"

Hao Fang said: "I was poisoned in the next film, and I want to ask the boss to kill me. I can't do this job myself."

Xia Lei, "..."

"Indecent!" Kangtunana sipped.

"Nana, let's go." Lan Jier said.

After the two hawkish wives left, Xia Lei said aloud: "Just say anything, you can turn to your boss, and I don't believe what you just said."

A high-level artificial intelligence that eats spirit stones every day will be poisoned in the next film?In this case, only Ranjier and Kontunana, who are not in the film, believe it.

Sure enough, Hao Fang lowered his voice, "Boss, I received another message, the same as last time."

Xia Lei's heart moved, "Someone asked me to meet again?"

Hao Fang said, "No, it's a message from the same channel. I'll show it to you right away." When the voice fell, a text message was projected into its eyes.

Xia Lei moved his eyes and was stunned.

The content of the message is in Chinese characters: I want to see you, but I can't come.I was dismissed and became a sinner.I have three days left. After three days, I will be sent to the trial bench. If nothing else, I will be sentenced to death and executed immediately.I have thought a lot these days, I want to understand.If you can come to Blue Moon to save me, I will follow you and obey the choice of my soul.

A name appeared at the end of this message: Ma Ma.

She did not sign the money last time, but this time she signed it.

After reading this message, Xia Lei couldn't calm down.The ending of Mamma was not unexpected at all, but she wanted him to ask for help but it was beyond his imagination.He didn't even expect that his mother would ask him for help when the decisive battle was about to break out, and his heart was full of suspicions and concerns.

"Boss, please forgive me for telling you about this with Mrs. Lan and Mrs. Kangtu." Hao Fang ended the release. "Not only because Mrs. Lan and Mrs. Kangtu are both jealous and overbearing, there is another reason. ..."

Xia Lei put away his thoughts, "What is the other reason?"

Hao Fang stretched his foot to reach Xia Lei's ear, "Boss, did you put someone to sleep?"

Xia Lei, "..."

Hao Fang retracted again, "Otherwise, why would people ask you for help at the moment of life and death? If there is no 1 and 0 transaction between you, who will believe it?"

"1 and 0 are you big!" Xia Lei slapped Hao Fang's head with a slap.

With a bang, Hao Fang clutched his head and said aggrieved: "Boss, this is a conversation between men. Why are you hitting me?"

Xia Lei said: "Who else knows this news?"

"No one." Hao Fang said, "I came here as soon as I received this news. I didn't even hide Mrs. Lan and Mrs. Kangtu. Who else can I tell? I'm not stupid."

Xia Lei was lost in thought.Mama sent him a message for help, how should he respond?

"Boss, why don't we kill the blue moon!" Hao Fang said: "I will rescue my wife, and you will rescue the sixth wife. Heroes save the United States, our masters and servants will become a story that has been circulated for thousands of years."

Xia Lei said: "Immediately contact Yuenu 2 to let it find a way to confirm the authenticity of the content of this message. If it is false, we don't care about it. If it is true..."

"What if it's true?"

"If it is true, I will consider how to do it again." Xia Lei said.

"Okay, I'll contact my baby wife right away." Hao Fang said, and then stood motionless.

Xia Lei walked up and down in the temporary battlefield command center, thinking in his heart, "Mama was convicted and will be sentenced and executed in three days. Such a thing must have caused a sensation on the blue moon, Yue Slave. There must be a way to confirm the authenticity of this message on the 2nd. If it is confirmed, am I going to save her? If I go, how should I go?"

A few minutes later, Hao Fang suddenly said: "I have contacted my wife, and I talked to it, and it said it was true. This incident has caused a sensation in Lanyue. At present, his mother is being held in Lanyue. The Central Prison is guarded by members of the Moon Nuclear Corps. The way it confirms is through Blue Moon’s news feed system and its audio-visual system."

"Audiovisual system?"

"Yes, its audio-visual system. After Lan Sidi's death, it was requisitioned and became a sanitation robot in the Central Prison, specializing in cleaning. It has seen her mother sent to the Central Prison, escorted by the Moon Nuclear Soldiers and Guard, but it can’t get close to the mother. In addition, it has been waiting for the right opportunity to poison the prison guard robot. It said that the prison guard robot has been mobilized frequently during this period. It dare not rush to poison because there is only one chance, so the boss The task you gave it is still waiting to be executed." Hao Fang said quickly.

Xia Lei fell into contemplation again.

"Boss, what should I do?" Haofang asked.

"Let me think about..." Xia Lei said.

This matter must be thought, and clearly.

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