Super Vision

1899 Chapter 1898 Desperate, the milk of life!

"Am I really going to die here? Not reconciled..." Xia Lei's heart was extremely painful and unwilling, the golden eternal energy instantly condensed wings on his back, and then with a wave, his body moved back. Fly away.

Shenyueruyi's fist fell through, but the energy released by the fist directly razed a forest on the ground!A mountain also collapsed from it, and then collapsed!Her punch turned out to be even more powerful than the Empire’s main ship gun!

What makes her so strong?

no one knows.

What Xia Lei knew was that in his current situation, he was no match for Shenyue Ruyi at all.But in the process of retreating rapidly, a thought, or a question, suddenly appeared in his mind, "Shenyue Ruyi said that Saint King Lan Ling also died in her hands. At that time, she did not die in battle. Saint. Wang Lanling and Saint Thunder are the same. The Saint King Blue Spirit, who holds the energy and mystery of the star stone, might even be stronger than Saint Thunder. But why Shenyue Ruyi died in the battle with Saint Thunder? This is not right. ..."

Sheng Lei took the evolutionary path of absorbing the energy of the star stone. His bones were 100% crystallized, but that was all.So far, Xia Lei’s bones have been crystallized more than 90%, and he also has three cores, not only inherited the essence of the holy king blue spirit, but also inherited the essence of the fish spirit, and he also has Healing, purifying and other abilities, so in terms of overall overall strength, he is actually not weaker than Saint Thunder, and even stronger than Saint Thunder!

But why Shenyue Ruyi died in the decisive battle with Shenglei?His death also bought a thousand years for mankind.

Xia Lei's mind also came to the scene of facing Shenyue Ruyi in the Lanyue Central Prison. He asked Shenyue Ruyi if the holy king Lan Ling also died in her hands. Not only did she not answer his question, but rather Rejection can even be said to be jealous. She shot as soon as he spoke, and she didn't even give the opportunity to think about it.

There must be a big secret in it.

If you give him some more time, he might unlock this secret and he can evolve to a higher level.However, Shenyue Ruyi obviously would not give him more time.

"Ultimate Black Prison!" Shenyue's voice was like a roaring demon, every syllable shook the sky and the earth.


Blue Moon Sky Screen responded.

But this time it was no longer a beam of energy being cast, but the entire blue moon released a boundless energy black curtain, directly shrouded, and the huge forest instantly plunged into absolute darkness.Xia Lei had no chance to escape at all, he was directly covered by this energy shady, like a prisoner in a dark death jail.

The golden light on Xia Lei's body confronted the black curtain of energy cast by Lan Yue, resisting the erosion of the dark death energy for him, and illuminating the black prison for him.But all he can illuminate is the inside of this dark prison, and only a part of it.

He could see Shenyue Ruyi not far away, her legs were like pillars supporting the sky, and what was like a real forest.If you get in alone, you will probably get lost in it.

He also saw the Allied soldiers on the ground, there were human soldiers, and there were Ahimis, their bodies withering.Even the forest is withering. The lush trees quickly lose water, the leaves turn yellow, and then fall from the treetops.

All the lives in the black jail were dying, only Xia Lei was still alive.The eternal energy in him supports his immortality, but this seems to be only temporary.He could feel the eternal energy of his body being swallowed by the black, and that speed was very fast.

"You have no way to escape." Shenyue's voice was like a muffled thunder, and there was also a slight smile of contempt and mockery on her dark face.She was condescending, and her eyes looked at Xia Lei like a small bug overlooking the ground.

Xia Lei didn't say anything. At this time, faces appeared in his mind. Daddy, Xia Xue, Ma Xiaoan, Shentu Tianyin, Liang Siyao, Jiang Ruyi, Long Bing, Tang Yuyan, Fanfan, Xilami ...And the Kontunana, Lanjier, Bailing, Lie Rushui, Tia Sama in this world... these faces flashed one by one, and the stories with these people flashed by like a movie replay, happy The sad, trivial and memorable.These people and things are intertwined, running like a river in his conscious world.

This river not only has those people and things he experienced, but also various emotions.There was the stunned heart when I first saw Shentu Tianyin, the excitement of the first time with Liang Siyao, the happiness of being a father for the first time, and the sadness and pain of being betrayed by Liang Siyao...

Many people and things, many emotions merge together, flowing in every nerve of his.Two tears were born quietly, streaming out from his eyes.

He has shed tears many times in his life, but this time is different, because these two tears are extremely dazzling, they have seven colors, like a rainbow condensed into water.

Do one energy!

This kind of energy that only exists in the five-in-one-one god milk has always played the role of a "material", providing evolutionary energy for his three cores and his body, and has never appeared alone.And this time it appeared, in a separate form.

This may seem accidental, but it is inevitable.

Facing an invincible opponent, Xia Lei exhausted his potential, and even burned all the vitality he could burn, which was tantamount to putting himself to death to fight for that life.He did what he did, but it was still a dead place.As an evolutionary entity that does not abandon body and emotion, emotions explode at this moment, exhausting their potential, and the vitality is also tending to extinguish, and Daoyi energy comes out.

As a material, Daoyi energy provides energy for the evolution of the three cores, but after the three cores refining it, what else does it produce besides its own evolutionary improvement?He had never thought about this, because he hadn't noticed anything.Not being aware of it does not mean that it does not exist. Even if you eat a vegetable, you will get the nutrients produced by the vegetable.

This is of course only a crude metaphor, because the most basic organs of the human body, the stomach and intestines, are used to digest vegetables.This can’t be compared with his current situation at all, because what eats the energy of the Daoyi is the cosmic brand, the rune yin and yang fish, and the body brand. These three cores are extremely mysterious and mysterious. They play With the role of the stomach and intestines, what will be produced after eating the energy?

It doesn't matter whether it is called Yi Energy or other names, it is not important, what is important is that it is a high-level energy produced by Xia Lei himself!

The three cores must be advanced!

In fact, his evolution along the way can be understood as infrastructure construction, just like building a machine.This way, he kept collecting materials to build the frame of the machine, and then added one core, two cores, and three cores to it.Now, this machine has produced a product, which is the energy of the Tao, which is as gorgeous as a rainbow!

Two concentrated rainbow-like tears fell down Xia Lei's cheeks, and the brilliance of the rainbow quietly spread out.The flame wings of eternal energy disappeared, and the golden light on his body also disappeared.There is no more menacing flames on his body, nor dazzling golden light, but there is an extra layer of colorful glow, naked and fruity, it is like a rainbow on his body.

This colorful glow is not aggressive, it looks extremely fragile, and it seems that only a little breeze can blow it away.But it was so fragile, the dark death energy released by the dark prison of the gods and the moon could not penetrate into his body for half!Can't even consume it!

The black prison is extremely powerful, but Xia Lei, who is covered with colorful glow, floats quietly in the black prison, like a rock in a mountain stream, one with the mountain and the earth, no matter how the torrent hits, it is self-conscious Do not move!

"You..." Shenyue Ruyi's voice was no longer calm, full of horror.

Xia Lei didn't respond at all. A miraculous thing happened to him, but his heart was calm.In just a little time, he wanted to understand many things, many, many things.This rainbow-like new energy does not exist in his body, it is hidden in his emotions!

The evolution along this path, all he can observe and feel is the evolution of his body.But as an evolutionary entity that does not abandon flesh and emotions, how could his emotions not evolve?

In the human world, the power of emotion cannot be underestimated.Love is a power, sadness is also a power, and every emotion has its power.People are happy because of love, and people suffer because of sorrow, but at the same time they also gain the power to transform from sadness.People are human because they have seven emotions and six desires, which are inseparable.If one cannot love or hate, what is the difference with salted fish?

The power of emotion has been going on subtly. At this moment, in the decisive battle with Shenyue as one, produced by the three cores, new energy hidden by emotion has also appeared.It is not surprising that it has the characteristics of a god of milk, because his wives are not only feeding him with milk, but also feeding him with love.From this perspective, it is not surprising that it is immediately hidden in emotion, because love is the most important human emotion.

It is produced by the combination of five milks and one god milk. Should it be called Tao one energy?

Or is it called milk energy based on its characteristics?'

A smile appeared at the corner of Xia Lei’s mouth, and there was a voice in his heart that talked to himself, “I was born of milk, and strong because of milk. It’s very appropriate to call it milk, but it’s too tacky. After taking this name, they would say that I am a pervert. Well, Daoyi energy is also not appropriate, because it is only the primary energy contained in the five kinds of milk. It is a material, not a final product. Then, then... Call it the raw milk energy."

If his wives are here and hear his voice, they will undoubtedly give a unified comment-abnormal!

It doesn't really matter what the title is, what is important is that he regains his life in this mortal desperate situation!

The raw milk energy, the most advanced energy evolved by mankind on the road of evolution, is exclusive to mankind!

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