Super Vision

1900 Chapter 1899 The Jedi Strikes Back!

There was silence in the black prison constructed by the dark death energy. Everything in this space was dead, only Xia Lei.He was covered in seven-colored glow, without a trace.He was still so weak in the dark prison where he couldn't see the edge, like a candle in the storm, which could be extinguished at any time.But the strange thing is that he is immortal.His body exudes the breath of infinite life, like a clear spring in the desert, a bonfire in the dark, and it is blessed and indelible.

He is not the god who created life, but he is the seed of the god who created life.Now, this seed is taking root in the dark world, becoming more and more powerful.

"It..." Kagura Ruyi broke the deathly silence in the dark prison, "What is it?"

Of course, she had seen the changes in Xia Lei's body, and she had also sensed the existence of the Milk Energy.This novel energy made her feel unfamiliar, and it made her feel uneasy.She came from the world of death, but the new energy evolved by Xia Lei represented life and was opposite to her.

Light and darkness cannot coexist, and life and death naturally cannot coexist.

A smile appeared at the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, and he broke his own silence, his voice was flat, "Why should I tell you? Is your grandma big?"

Just as he was speaking, amidst the colorful glow, his chest that was sunken by Kagura Ruyi's beating quickly bulged and returned to its original shape.This is only visible from the outside. Inside his body, the cracked bones, shattered and internal organs are all healing quickly.Moreover, this is not as simple as curing. Those cracked bones and shattered internal organs not only leave no scars after healing, they are even healthier and stronger than before, just like new life!

"It's impossible..." Shenyue's voice, her eyes filled with confusion, she was still thinking about what happened to Xia Lei.

"The vast universe is endless, what's impossible? Don't you also become black charcoal, grandma is bigger than the house? You can become like this, why can't I make my own changes?" Xia Lei said.

Just now Shenyue played him like a play, treating him as a weak bug, and stepped into the dirt.Now, he wants to return them one by one.

"You have evolved a new energy. It seems to be a high-level energy." Shenyue Ruyi was not irritated, and Xia Lei's insulting words were nothing to be angry with. Her voice returned to calm, "Seeing the changes in your body, I was suddenly thankful that I am here today. If you give you some more time and opportunities, you may really surpass me and even complete that mission. What a shame , I won't give you any more time and opportunities, now...Go to death!"

When the voice fell, Shenyue Ruyi suddenly raised her big foot and stepped on Xia Lei.Her feet were pressed down by a mountain against Xia Lei.He didn't dare to take it hard and flew back quickly.He doesn't have wings of eternal fire now, but his speed and his thoughts are fast, and he moves when he reads it, and it is a thousand meters in a flash!

"It's useless!" Shenyue said like one.

The boundless black prison suddenly collapsed inside, and the dark death energy quickly gathered around the gods and the moon.There seems to be a black hole in her body, sucking everything and swallowing everything!

Xia Lei, who flew backwards, suddenly encountered the resistance of infinite dark death energy. He could resist that resistance and be equal to it, but he could no longer open Shenyue Ruyi's big feet that fell from the sky!

With the blessing of Blue Moon, Xia Lei and Shenyue Ruyi still suffered a decisive battle.


Shenyue Ruyi stepped Xia Lei down.

Black Lao collapsed to the limit at this moment, like a black capsule confining Xia Lei, the concentration was like amber, and Xia Lei was a reptile enclosed in that piece of amber!

"Go to hell!" Black prison collapsed and Shenyue Ruyi's body was shrinking. She stepped on Xia Lei and dived into the sky like a meteorite.That scene is like a meteorite rubbing in the atmosphere, reducing its size.


Xia Lei, trapped by the collapsed black prison, was stepped on the ground one by one by Shenyue. The energy exploded at that moment, shaking the sky and the earth, and the energy shock waves released by the explosion generally pushed out in all directions. The place is flat!

A big pit was born at that moment, Xia Lei was lying flat at the place of the pit, and Shenyue Ruyi's foot was on his chest.The normal gods and the moon are like one, the normal feet are blue, and each toe is like carved out of blue jade, crystal clear.

For Xia Lei, he was tantamount to withstanding the double attack of Blue Moon and Shenyue.His chest was completely sunken, and Shenyue Ruyi's right foot fell into his chest terribly.Even Saint Thunder, even Saint King Lan Ling might have died under such attack and results.

What about Xia Lei?

Xia Lei's body still exudes a colorful glow, and his breath is not diminished.He closed his eyes, not as if he was dead, but as a man who had been fooling around with a woman all night and fell asleep contentedly.

"This..." Shenyue Ruyi's eyes widened, she couldn't believe everything she saw.

But at this moment, Xia Lei suddenly opened his eyes, then raised a hand, and then curved upward along Shenyue Ruyi's leg.

Shenyue Ruyi did not hide, her brain seemed to be in a blank.Perhaps it was because Xia Lei's movements were slow and not aggressive, she wanted to see what he wanted to do.

Xia Lei's hand reached a height that could no longer rise, and then stopped in one place, tearing off a crooked object.

This is what he did.

Is this his counterattack?

If it were, his counterattack was undoubtedly naive and ridiculous, and it did not cause any harm to his opponent at all.But what he did is more uncomfortable for Shenyue Ruyi than being stabbed by her a few times!

"Ah—" Shenyueru has been struggling to keep her high and scornful peace, just when Xia Lei pulled a crooked object from her and held it high for her to see, her emotions suddenly Out of control, she roared, pulled the embedded foot from Xia Lei's chest, and stepped on Xia Lei's head!

Xia Lei blew up with a punch.

The colorful rays of sunlight envelop his fist, and his fist carries raw milk energy, giving people a weird feeling that a woman will be pregnant in the spring wherever she hits!

Although it is the only high-level energy that humans have evolved so far, in addition to having a mildly abnormal name, it seems to have the true attributes of mildly abnormal.


The fists wrapped in colorful rays of sunlight collided with the god-like sapphire feet wrapped in dark death energy. At that moment, countless cracks appeared on the ground under Xia Lei, spreading thousands of meters, like a spider web!Shenyue Ruyi's body was thrown away. Although it was only a few tens of meters in height, there was a colorful glow on her body, and the colorful glow was like a deadly virus to her!

Shenyue Ruyi slapped her body in a panic on the glowing place, and the dark death energy continued to gather in the "infected" place, swallowing and offsetting the colorful glow.

Xia Lei got up from the pit, his chest bulged quickly.He lifted the crooked thing high above his head, his voice was full of confidence and a joking taste: "Hey! You dropped something, do you want it?"

If it was before, Shenyue Ruyi stepped on it with a big foot, but this time she did not respond.She still didn't know what the high-level energy was in Xia Lei's body, so she didn't dare to rush it.

"It's my turn now." Xia Lei said, and he leaped gently into the huge pit and was left behind by him.

In such a short time, the divine colorful glow disappeared like a sacred moon.She looked at Xia Lei coldly, and she still didn't respond at all to such teasing.She was still speculating and analyzing the new energy in Xia Lei, but she obviously couldn't find the clue.

Xia Lei threw the crooked object on the ground casually. After the object touched the ground, a small amount of colorful sunlight burst out suddenly, and then it flowed in all directions against the ground.

The miracle was born right after that, and countless buds emerged from the scorched ground where the colorful rays of light passed. Some grew into grass, some grew into small flowers, and some grew into small trees.At his fingertips, a piece of destroyed lifeless land glowed with the breath of infinite life.

This is the ability from Bailing, but even Bailing can only look up to Xia Lei here.

Let the earth full of death breath come to life and create a space full of life breath. This is not Xia Lei's act of showing off his abilities, but creating a battlefield that benefits him!

This is the method of learning now.

Shenyue Ruyi wanted to kill him just now, but first trapped him with a black prison, creating a battlefield that was beneficial to her, and then pained the killer.He must do the same now, and he must do the same, because he doesn't know how much raw milk can be and how long it can last, so he must end the battle in the shortest time in the battlefield that is most beneficial to him!

The favorable battlefield was born in an instant. Xia Lei's feet kicked on the ground, and his body was like a cannonball wrapped in colorful glow and rushed towards the gods.

Shenyue Ruyi's figure suddenly disappeared, and when it appeared again, it was already a kilometer away from Xia Lei.

Xia Lei pursued again, but the result was the same, Shenyue's figure disappeared again, and when he returned to his field of vision, it was a kilometer away from him.

"Damn, don't you want to kill me? Come on!" Xia Lei yelled at Shenyue Ruyi: "You blue moon bitch, come! Come and kill me! Don't hide from me like a coward!"

After cursing, Xia Lei pounced on Shenle Ruyi for the third time.

Shenyue disappeared like one, and appeared for the third time, still a kilometer away from Xia Lei.

"Batch! Where's your courage?" Xia Lei cursed.

No matter how Xia Lei scolded, Shenyue Ruyi never responded. She just looked at Xia Lei coldly and observed him, as if waiting for some time.

Xia Lei didn't pounce on it anymore, and over and over again, he had already seen the motive of Shenyue Ruyi.

The two fateful opponents fell into a stalemate in mid-air, and no one dared to attack each other rashly.

However, this stalemate did not last long, and for a little while, a blue energy light suddenly flew from the depths of the resting forest.

The Queen of Peace is here.

Xia Lei also received a signal from Queen of Rest, "You leave here quickly, I will hold her."

When Xia Lei received this signal, the blue energy light disappeared, and there was a special existence between him and Shenyue Ruyi, a human woman composed of energy.Her body exudes pure blue energy light, extremely holy.

"Go!" said the Queen of Peace.

Xia Lei hesitated, then nodded to Queen of Peace, turned and flew away.

The Queen of Rest did not attack Shenyue Ruyi, nor did Shenyue Ruyi pursue Xia Lei.

During the high-speed flight, Xia Lei glanced back, but he couldn't see anything, his heart was confused, "When I felt that I was going to be killed by Shenyue Ruyi, it didn't appear, but when I was in desperate situation After that, it appeared, and he said to cover me. What kind of calculation is it in his heart?"

Turning back and taking a look, it might be a good choice, but he finally gave up.Turning back may have a chance to see something clues, but it will also clearly give the Queen of Peace a signal that he is suspicious of it.And more importantly, he doesn't have time to delay any more, he has to rescue his mother before the Lunar Nuclear Corps!

After this life and death battle, he came to life from desperate situation. He wanted to understand a lot of things, one of which was related to the mother.

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